V1.Chapter 1188

Huaxia war zone: hand of God, hand of sophistication, torture, scattered flowers and rain, Liu Shuying!

H war zone: jinzhiming, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX! (international practice, dragon set is rare to think about!)

Huaxia war zone -

ID: tricky hand!

Occupation: thief!

Level: 61!


When all people in the world look at Chu Rui's basic properties, they all stare at them, and they are all completely in the silence.

"My grass, is this NIMA kidding? Fake, right? Bug? "

"If I don't remember correctly, I don't get Alzheimer's disease, I have no amnesia, I am not dreaming, no aliens tamper with my memory, and the people around me don't cheat. I am sure that the Chu Rui level yesterday seems to be only ten! But now there is a 61 grade for hair? "

"Black screen, the absolute black screen of NIMA! The day is lucky for grass NMD. I don't believe it without black curtain. One day, it went from level 10 to level 61. Who does NIMA bluff? "

"He NND, it's too fake. Does it exaggerate to rise to 51 in a day? How can you feel that it took me three months to kill and play to 59

"On my day, is it a trick to be a man who has risen to twelve levels in the square of dragon city today?"

"Grass Mud Horse, grass mud horse, 10000 grass mud horses. This NIMA is too exaggerated. I don't believe it if I kill me! Tianyun group, you NND, come out and give me an explanation! "

"Bitch, Tianyun group is all base people, and must have been bought. Is NIMA a little bit more abstruse? "

"Grass, no wonder the Chinese war zone is so strong. No wonder the tricky hands are so strong. It must be bug. Otherwise, how can level 10 lose four turn elites in a second? And a day or so, it's up to fifty-one. The experience that NIMA needs is hundreds of millions! "

"I have lived for more than 30 years now, and I have never seen such shameless. MD, Tianyun group, how much benefit did your sister receive? "

"It is strongly demanded that countries join forces. It's too unreliable. There must be a black screen. "

"A group of sb, don't get confused. You can't do it doesn't mean that others can't. Jealous eyes red? Is the heart unbalanced? Yelling one by one? "

"What can you think of with a brain like yours? What can I understand? What can we get through? Is my great tricky hand that you, as ordinary people, can speculate? Not satisfied, not to roll, less jjww here, listen to the trouble! "


After silence, the whole world suddenly boils. Countless people stare at their eyes, and they burst the beads of the ground. Churui went from ten to sixty-one in a day. This is a terrible and amazing thing. From level 10 to level 61, it also needs hundreds of billion damage in any way. Even if Chu ruiyue kills 100 full level monsters at level 90, it is impossible to soar to this level in a short day. It's no wonder they don't believe it. To be honest, even churui can't believe it. Without the 90 level purgatory copy, one person can swallow all the experience, and he can't reach this level with a hundred or two billion super high experience.

The outside world has turned over, but Chu Rui does not know, even if he knows it, he will not care. He can sit down and be stable. What is he afraid of? The only idea of him at this moment is to butcher the five sticks in front of him Killing Almost Do it! To vent the growing violent fire in my heart!


"MD, how unlucky is this NEMA? I met the strongest Chinese war zone! "

When we saw five people walking on the arena, the five clubs in H country were suddenly cold. A man with a little handsome bow man was full of depression.

"Grass, this NEMA has absolutely a black curtain, absolutely! Damn system, damn tricky hand Grass, NEMA, is that right? The trickster has sixty-one? Wipe, yesterday TMD is only ten grades? "

Shield soldiers stick teeth, rather resentful in the team channel scold. I immediately checked Chu Rui's attributes and saw the big "61" behind the level. The time difference point blew the eye beads out and scolded the system.

"What can I do next? Don't say the tricky hand, we don't think we can add up to God's hand and torture Kim Chi Ming, NIMA's lenient, think about the way! "

The priest said, frowning with a stick, with a sore egg. You know he is a priest, the most crispy existence. Chu Rui is a thief, and his favorite is to find their pastor. To seek pleasure by killing in a second moment. He was not cut by thieves, but none of them succeeded. But in the face of the trickster, he had no confidence to escape his assassination easily, even to fight back from the Jedi.

"I have a hidden effect, can get a 100% lethal hit in a certain time, but after use, it can not act, which depends on your cooperation. The proud character of the tricky hand will surely rush over the first time. You just surround him in the meeting and give me a chance to hit him. Even if you give him a chance, then he will be finished! "With the arrogance of Jin Zhiming in the past, he really disdains to say anything to these teammates. But he also knew that now he had to rely on these four people to turn over. If any of these people choose a mule and quit, he will be sad if he can't get the place. Even though people dare not give up the competition under the indignation of countless citizens, it is still possible to do nothing to release the water. They lost the game at most, and it didn't make much difference. But for him, it was a matter of small life, the rise and fall of his family.

"Forget it! Even if you still have this effect, then people will be able to conquer you. Do you forget how you lost to others? Let you cut so many swords, even others can not break defense, the final hit, just hit a mandatory - 1 damage. What kind of 100% fatal blow, if it is true, then you will not be reduced to today's situation

The last mage player holding the golden and gorgeous Scepter disdainfully choked his mouth. This guy is really a monster. He looks like a man in appearance, but his character is very feminine. It is indeed a country rich in artificial beauty and handsome men. This NIMA's is definitely made of plastic surgery.

"He's immune to the critical strike. However, such a rebellious skill, absolute CD time is very long. In this world martial arts Congress group competition, the system requires more than 10 hours of skills are completely invalid. Then the skill of the craftsmen must be sealed. This is our only chance. Otherwise, we won't be able to defeat the craftsmen, let alone the Chinese war zone

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