V2.Chapter 626

Chu Rui's life is full, because he has not been hurt!

In the battlefield of millions of people, even if the millions of ants he is facing, he is a giant dragon, and he will not be hurt without any harm! But the truth is that he, indeed, was not hurt, not at all!

The day has been running for a year! Basically, many things players know. Those still belong to the top secret, but common sense things, but basically did not explore out!

Virtual world, naturally, is mainly virtual combat, that is, attack exposed damage number of combat!

Chu Rui's HP value has not been reduced at all. If it is normal, it is the peak state, without doubt. However, everyone knows that the virtual world is not unlimited even though it is virtual. Your life may not be reduced, but your physical and energy will be consumed with time and intense exercise. Why eat in the game, if you don't eat, when hunger reaches 0, you will be directly judged to die of hunger. That's why you need to recover your physical fitness and metabolism.

Chu Rui has full life now, but after such high-intensity killing, energy and physical strength, it must be very heavy. Even if you look at the body flying in disorder and blood splashing, your people are slaughtered like a pig and dog without resistance. The mood is heavy. However, all the behind the scenes who dominate the war can only maintain their own calm as the leader in front of them in the fierce struggle and trembling. In the heart, they pray constantly that the damned demon is exhausted and then exhausted The Allied forces rushed on and chopped into meat paste!

Maybe they did too much bad things. This kind of temporary prayer, God, his old man, could not pay attention to it. Chu Rui killed himself crazy, and killed millions of Allied troops for an hour. He really killed the world without light. After the blood flow became sea, he still remained in awe and awe.

What-the-fuck! (my grass)

what is this?

In every corner of the world, I don't know how many people's heart is slowly falling.

Looking at the terrible devil in the screen, his face was terrified to the extreme!

This damn bastard, can the energy be so endless, energy will never run out?

Whether it's shouting, breaking everything you can see, or anything else

Any vent, can not control the current situation of Chu Rui that still has no stop pace, and no stop of hands!

Kill, kill, kill!

Chu Rui dances constantly in the coalition. The exquisite dance step is so elegant and so slim. However, in everyone's eyes, it is like the footsteps of death, and it is approaching step by step!

Want to exhaust my physical and energy?

Chu Rui looked up and glanced at the group outside the field of killing gods, even though they looked at their corpses and blood sea, but they still refused to leave, waiting for opportunities of idiots, and they couldn't help but sneer hard.

If a group of fools are not dragged into the war at this time outside the battlefield and give up the war directly, they will be punished by "deserting soldiers", reducing honor value or facing the punishment of the state, but it is better than the fate that will happen to you next.

People who have not entered the field of killing will not understand what they have experienced in their existence! Waiting for the meeting, I don't have a chance to regret!

If before, come to this set, can really take effect. Even though Laozi is strong and extraordinary, but always a person, is a person, then the human force will have the best time. But at the moment, it's different. The demonization state of war madness absorbs the vitality of the living spirit and nourishes itself. Laozi such super intensity slaughter, absorbed the vitality is why it is huge. Even if you all kill a group of stupid people, I can not breathe even the atmosphere.

You, doomed to be tragedy!

Chu Rui's eyes are blooming, and once again, they are slaughtered again!

Another hour has passed!

Another hour has passed!

Another hour has passed!


Four hours have passed since the trickster threw himself into the battlefield and began the fierce slaughter. The original dense army of more than 7 million coalition forces, at this moment, blood has dyed the land red, even converged and flowed into the Gulf, and a large area of the coastal area has been dyed red. As for the body? Already really paved the ground, white bone filled mountains! It's still time to go, after refreshing a lot of bodies.

Four hours, such a high-intensity battle, even a dragon, is also very tired to lie down? However, the tricky hand of today is already vigorous and full of spirit. The hand is still so fast and cruel, and the pace is still so elegant and flexible. This is like the initial peak state, completely not affected by a single inch!

The killing of the amazing heaven, the unprecedented four hour massacre!

The death of Chu sharp has exceeded five million. Now, there are only a million people left in the whole town. Chu Rui could kill more, but because the enemy died too much, it led to the empty place. The people were not dense, so his killing progress was also affected. And, in such a terrible four hour devastation. Although not included in the field of killing gods, many people are still hard scared to pee pants, regardless of any consequences, directly abandon the war, in the case of not entering the combat state, accept punishment, and directly escape this purgatory.If we calculate according to normal, there should be more than two million talents at the moment, but now there are only a little more than one million quails with trembling legs. He ran away, and it was a million people.

That's it, your guts?

Chu Rui's mouth hook, disdain to glance at the front of this, is really a person spit a mouthful of water can give him to drowned dense crowd, ironically exposed a touch of devil's smile.

It's true that those who dare to stay under such circumstances do have some courage. But courage is not strength. Since you have the courage to stay, then slowly taste this extreme fear!

The blade of the dagger, which is full of blood, is cut off by the sword of the dragon.


However, just as Chu Rui was about to finish off and kill the last one million people. Suddenly, a huge energy burst. The next moment, a mushroom cloud rose.

Smoke and dust dispersed, a huge hole appeared in front of Chu Rui.

The last one million coalition forces left were destroyed in an instant. There was no one left!

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