V2.Chapter 1503

Do not want to happen in such a similar thing, not by will, but by strength!

Therefore, Chu Rui is extremely urgent to become stronger and stronger than anyone else. Only with absolute power, can we protect everything we want to protect. He understood this truth very early. However, it was only after the war with the demons that he really understood the deep-seated meaning contained in it.

Demons, when I return to the land of fortune, it is the time to ask for advice from you and wash away the shame of that day! I hope you can truly fulfill your final promise and stop looking for them. Otherwise, I will make you regret!

Chu Rui's expression is secluded. In his eyes, there is a chilling killing intention!

At the beginning, he made a deal with the devil with the wheel of six realms, in exchange for the fortune of heaven and took the women to leave the world of God's burial. In exchange, he left his life, otherwise he would become a devil in his heart. Because the stronger he is, the more he understands the terrible and fetters of fate. He is the one who should be robbed. He is likely to threaten his own plan and must be removed. In addition to this, there are six rotating discs. After releasing the women, his life and the wheel of the six realms are his demons.

In the fall, the devil promised him, no longer pursue! That is to say, as long as he churui is dead, the demon will not look for other people's misfortune. Otherwise, with his character of being a god demon, none of his acquaintances can escape. Even the place where he was born, the land of fortune, may also be destroyed.

Can you believe what the devil said?

Since the arrival of the cloud LAN mainland, Chu Rui has been asking himself. The reason why he was so eager to return to the land of fortune was not that he wanted to get rid of the big devil for the so-called six realms of human beings, nor was he seeking revenge for the demons. Of course, these two reasons were also his purposes, but the most important thing was that he just wanted to live to see his woman.

Only this is his purpose. As for revenge, it's secondary. He could only laugh at the so-called salvation of the six worlds. Six Worlds? What's to do with him? Why die for these irrelevant people? Even if all the creatures in the six realms are destroyed, as long as there are people he cares about, that is enough. Maybe only so limited people are lonely, but he will never be lonely, because there will always be people around him who he wants to be with. That's enough!

She turned her head toward her side and absorbed a lot of energy. She was sitting on the ground and absorbed a lot of energy. She did not have her own abnormal constitution. She could swallow and absorb it in an instant, and then make full use of it. She could only gradually and circularly. This time he was dragged down and inhaled too much. It seems that he has to meditate for a long time to digest.

So good, just take advantage of this period of time, a good feeling of this sudden strength! However, when Chu Rui moved his body to stretch his muscles and bones, he found that there was something wrong with his forehead. When I put my hand on it, I suddenly touched something.


Gently took down the thing on his forehead and found it was a small and exquisite seal!

This is the exclusive treasure of the nether world, which was printed on her forehead just now, and poured energy into her body crazily through contact? After a long time of sticking together and connecting with his body, it seems that he has become a part of his body. After the end of energy transmission, he has been stuck to his forehead, and he has no reaction.

The appearance of gilded gold, but the quality of jade is like that of Dark Jade. The collision of two different extreme colors not only does not give it the slightest sense of violation, but makes people feel very perfect and harmonious. In appearance, it is almost the same as the ordinary imperial seal. However, on the top of this seal are nine dragons, nine lifelike dragons. No, they're not lifelike, but they're alive. Chu Rui was shocked to find that the bodies of Jiulong on the seal were moving slightly, especially the eyes and whiskers. It could be seen that they were living creatures.


Chu Rui's moment of horror!

How much magic power is it to imprison nine real dragon to become the decoration of seal? How abnormal is the seal? He held up the seal, put it in his eyes, turned it slightly, and looked over the Nine Dragons attached to it. The more you look at it, the more frightened you are. There are light dragons emitting soft light energy all over the body, black dragons emitting dark breath like ink, thunder dragons releasing thunderbolt force all over the body

Light, dark, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder!

There are nine elements between heaven and earth. Each dragon represents an element, all of which are accumulated on this seal! However, this is not the most attractive part of the seal. What is most attractive is the direction that the dragon head of the Nine Dragons guards, that is, the top of the seal, which is as black as ink but bright as a Pearl! It, like a king, dominates this seal. The existence of Kowloon is just its foil, that's all!

Is this the treasure of the spirit of chaos?

Churui was shocked!

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, feeling this baby with special connection with himself, Chu Rui opened its attribute bar!

The seal of the nether world: chaotic spirit tool, exclusive: the nether world, the exclusive spirit tool of the nether world of nine spirits. The artifact held by the great emperor in charge of the underworld. It is a treasure derived from chaos. It has absorbed the most pure source gas of the underworld over the years and has supreme power. At the same time, it is also one of the three most supreme seals in the six circles, with supreme dignity! The seal of the highest power in the underworld! Through the spirit of the ghost and the power of the source, the power is incomparable! The owner of this seal becomes the ruler of the underworld unconditionally. He has the supreme right and all the ruling power over the underworld!Effect: increase four basic attributes 10000000, luck + 100, charm + 80. Put it into the backpack, and after the baptism of the nether source gas, it can recover life of 1000000 and magic power of 1000000 every second. Increases attack damage of dark, death and undead creatures by 5000%, critical hit effect by 100%, and critical strike chance by 60%. Underworld creatures are not allowed to take the initiative to attack. For any creature, it is mandatory to reduce all attributes by 80%, which has a great chance to play a deterrent effect!

Additional skills:

[active skill] netherworld Guardian: release the netherworld source gas, create a piece of illusion, increase the user's dodge rate by 1000%, and at the same time, 100% chance that the nether source gas will attack the attacker, lasting for 10 minutes. Cooling time 15 minutes!

[active skill] nether reflection: recite a mantra and use the seal of the nether world to reflect ten times the damage of the enemy. It can reflect the range and disperse the reflection. Cooling time 10 minutes!

[active skill] nether source Qi: release the nether source Qi, instantly restore 100% life and 100% magic of the user. Cooling time 3 minutes!

[active skill] nether suppression: illusions the size of the nether seal, and attacks the enemies in a certain range like Mount Tai, which has a destructive effect. Need: Youming source Qi, range = level * 100, power level = current attack power * class * level / 10. Cooling time 10 hours!

[active skill] Youming Jiulong roaring divine bullet: forbidden technique, activate the source Qi of the nether world, stimulate the souls of nine heavenly dragons in the nine dragon seal, and combine the energy of nine elements to form a powerful attack. Need: powerful nether source Qi, size of howling bullet = level * 10 (m), power level = current attack power * class * 100. Cooling time 10 hours!

[active skill] samsara: forbidden skill, Sansheng stone and Sansheng mirror can explore the past life, present life and future of any living creature in the world. This skill can only be used with the power of understanding the way of heaven and reincarnation. After using it, the victim can be trapped in the pain and evil fate of the previous life, this life or any future life. Unless you can see through it, you can't get rid of it 。 Duration: 10 minutes. Cooling time: 12 hours.

[active skill] netherworld reincarnation: nothingness, all things in the world, will inevitably suffer from samsara. All things reincarnation, return to the beginning, is the cycle of heaven and earth, the supreme principle of heaven. This method must have the power of reincarnation before it can be used. The middle one is put into the reincarnation channel and suffers from the corrosion of reincarnation. Then he is trapped in any one of the six ways of heaven, humanity, Asura, animal, hungry ghost and hell, and suffers from samsara. The duration is 10 minutes. The cooling time is 24 hours.

[active skill] ghost light: the ultimate skill, the secret meaning, the exclusive skill, and the power of the dark world, which is derived from the power of chaos, breaks out in an all-round way, extracts the power of endless reincarnation, mobilizes the infinite momentum of the great emperor of the underworld, evolves the world, releases the ghost light, and carries out annihilation attack on the enemy. After being illuminated by divine light, your all attributes are increased by 999%. Enemies exposed to it will suffer 9999% annihilation damage, and those with negative effect resistance less than 1000% will be directly shocked into powder. The soul of the enemy who is illuminated by the light of the nether world is hurt. They are trapped in reincarnation forever and indulge in the evil fate planted in all previous reincarnations. The cooling time is 180 days or the power of the nether world is sufficient.

PS: introduction is a little too much, more than 700 words! This is the seal of the nether world among the ace soldiers. If you need it, please borrow it!

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