V2.Chapter 1627

"Pangu, come and fight!"

Hongjun's blood was boiling at the moment, and his madness was just like that of the original demon, just like a madman. Pangu took out the power of creation, and the yuan God entered the body of creation. He believed that Pangu had come up with real strength, not perfunctory.

For Hongjun, what he needs is to defeat the strange man who has created six realms and fought against fate alone. He is a powerful enemy, not a guy who is in his skin but strong in the middle. Even if this is true of him, but did not kill him in his peak period, it can not eliminate his demons. This is why Pangu took out such a strong state, he would be so excited.

"As you wish!"

If always, Hongjun would not be so easily cheated. However, in the face of his only demons, he wanted to calm down is impossible. Pangu naturally had no opinion on this, which was originally in his plan. Hung Jun was dragged by him and left the demon to the little guy. It's a little test for him before he confronts his fate.

"We're finally on again, demon! It seems that it is the will of God. You and I must have this war after all. The last time I lost to you, I said, one day, I will ask you for it. Today, I want to be ashamed of myself

Holding the Xuanyuan sword tightly in his hand, Chu Rui's eyes are boiling with the flames of war. In his heart, what he wanted to defeat most was not fate, nor great Jun, but demons. Even if he knew that the devil was just a slag in the eyes of fate, and a little bit difficult to chew in the eyes of Hongjun. But this did not change his original intention.

It is the most untrustworthy to spread false information. Even if fate and fortune are better than demons, there is absolutely no mistake. However, it didn't matter, at least for him, that it didn't affect his heart. If he had not fought against him, he would not have known the actual situation. So he wouldn't admit that. Among the spirits of chaos, the only one he has ever dealt with is the demon. This son of a bitch, from the beginning, fought with him several times, each time was a terrible defeat. The best time was to drive his mind away.

No one is to blame for their poor strength. The reason why Chu Rui wanted to fight with the demon was that he had such a strong desire to kill him, not that he could not afford to lose. If you lose, you will win back. If you fall down, you will get up. Chu Rui's way is so simple. His invincibility is not as invincible as the apparent strength, but the invincibility of the heart of martial arts. The more frustrated, the more brave. Defeat is not shameful, as long as his heart has not been defeated, then he will never be defeated.

If the demons only use force to suppress, no matter how miserably defeated, Chu Rui would never have any other ideas. However, the last time in the world of God burial, this son of a bitch used such a mean means. Such shameless and indecent behavior, Chu Rui absolutely can not forgive. Not only did he care about himself, but also by his own means. Just now, it was he, Youming and Hongjun, who killed all of them.

Blood feud, only blood can wash clean. Even if it doesn't save anything, he has to. Demon, Youming, Hongjun, these three bastards don't want to escape. The nether world has gone. Now it's the devil's turn. As for Hongjun, he will be cleaned up later.

"One of the most wrong things I've ever done in my life is that I didn't kill you earlier, which led to today's situation!"

There was a strong sense of regret in the demon's tone. Perhaps it was the first time for him to show such emotion. Indeed, he really regretted it. At the beginning, when Chu Rui first contacted him, he dug a hole in an altar in the pseudo demon world with the beads of the devil's life to attract people holding the wheel of the six realms. Then he took the opportunity to snatch it. However, because of the interference of the eye of heaven, he was on the verge of success.

After that, he also sent killers to rob. But when he saw that the boy gathered the beads so awesome, he put it down for a while. When he finished collecting, he would take all of it in one stroke. How much time would he have left? Moreover, even if he got the six circles wheel, he could only do that and could not collect other life beads. After all, how much attention should be paid to his every move? His men couldn't have done it. Only Chu Rui can.

However, it is clear that things have completely deviated from the track he expected. That's right. His purpose was achieved. In Chu Rui, he got everything. The six realms rotating roulette, and five life beads including the most rare divine life beads controlled by Hongjun. After making a deal with Haotian's ambitious guy. The six circles wheel disc and six life beads all fell into his hands.

It's just that things don't change. At the beginning, the guy who was thought to have belched his fart appeared again. After tens of millions of years of disappearance, the ghost reappeared, the ghost disappeared for tens of millions of years came back to life, and Hongjun, who had been silent for a long time, appeared on the stage. Now even the consciousness of destiny has been awakened, and Pangu Yuanshen is reunited. He's got six circles, so what? Now the six circles wheel plate simply cannot lead him to the final victory. What's more, the young man who was framed by him and should have become the dust of history turned out to be the strongest living creature bred by the chaotic green lotus. Now he is standing on the opposite side of him."Regret? It's no use regretting! "

Chu Rui sneers at him. Today he is a demon. Anyway, he is also involved. Since he wants to say some last words, he still has to give this face.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant! If I didn't kill you, I would make you so humble now. Don't think you're going to win. Even if I'm hurt, I'm not meat on the chopping board you're cutting. Want my life to avenge your poor women? that 's ok! Come up with your skills

The demons are starting to use prodigy. When the absolute strength is not there, we can only rely on other methods. He is very clear that the young man in front of him at the moment is basically without any shortcomings. His only shortcoming is that his heart is too soft, and he is too soft for the women he loves. However, now the only weakness has just disappeared. Now, he is impeccable!

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