Chapter 37 - This Mark Was Your Fault

As he looked through the tunics and robes, a specific one caught his eyes. White like snow with golden lace for sleeves, he pulled the robe out and stared at it. He took in the look of the clothing and knew this was it. It was perfect!

'Oh, it might be cold,' he went to where the heavier coats were.

He paused at the thick black one Wang Li wore the other night and ran his fingers along it. His eyes then landed on the red one.

["Ah Li," he turned around holding the red coat, "Red is your favorite color, isn't it?"

"I do like red," the young raven-haired male let out a laugh, "Is it wrong?"

"I mean… you do look nice in red," he quickly turned back to the wardrobe and cleared his throat, "Hm, why don't you try getting a white one?"

"Why?" The boy in red asked standing beside him.

"Well, when it gets cooler you can hide in the snow and I won't be able to find you," he grinned at the king.

"Why would I hide from you?" Wang Li asked as silver eyes took in the surprised look on his face, "I like you Ah Yue."

He felt his heart racing as his face heated up, and the hand sliding down his head to cup a cheek did not help.]

"Stop it!" Ying Yue shook his head hard, "This is not about you Sheng Shui, so stop already."

He pulled that red coat out and stuffed it in his arm with a frown. Going to the accessories, he grabbed without thinking and stomped to the first wife's room. Once inside, he placed all the items on the bed and rubbed his forehead. It felt like it was burning, but he let out a breath and sighed. Sitting down before the guqin, he closed his eyes with his fingers above the strings.

He played as softly as he could, so the others didn't know. Smiling, he opened his eyes and watched his thin fingers move on their own, as if he were an expert in the instrument.


Wang Li pulled his palm away as his breath came out ragged. Sweat beaded down his forehead and he closed his eyes. He felt a soft cloth dab across his forehead and face. Silver eyes looked over into red eyes, where he saw worry with anger simmering behind it. When the demon pulled his hand back, he saw what he was holding.

"You still have it," he said quietly.

"Of course," Ye Wu stared softly at the red handkerchief, "It was your first try."

Wang Li thought back to that day.

[A nice day under the plum trees, they sat eating when he saw the demon pull out a deep green handkerchief from his sleeve. He watched as Ye Wu wiped his mouth with it, humming to himself the same tune.

"What are you looking at?" The demon questioned before grinning, "My pretty face?"

"Ah Wu," he pointed at the cloth, "Did you make that yourself?"

"Hm? This?" The red eyes demon held up his dark green handkerchief with the emblem of a dog, "No. It is from a friend. But I know how to make one, why?"

"Can you teach me?" His silver eye watched the demon tilt his head before a laughter escaped his lips.

"Why do you want to? Just get one of the others to make it for you."

"Ah Wu, please," he sighed, "I just want to make something of my own."

Red eyes took him in and a sigh escaped the demon's lips.

"Alright, alright," Ye Wu waved, "Don't be a baby."

Agreeing to help, they stayed under the shade as Wang Li did his best to thread a plum blossom on the red cloth. When he was finished, he showed the cloth to Ye Wu who laughed, choking himself in the process.

"You don't have to laugh," he frowned squeezing the red handkerchief.

"My apologies my king," the red eyed demon reached his long fingers to run his finger through the child's dark tresses, tucking it behind small ear. Wang Li felt light taps against his cheek before Ye Wu grabbed his work from his clenched fingers.

'Sad little baby,' the demon grinned.

"Well, it definitely isn't the best looking one that you will make," he watched red eyes analyze his work, "but the stitching is even enough."

"Really?" He wasn't sure if the demon was just lying to him.

"Yup," Ye Wu grinned and grabbed another squared red cloth, "here," he handed to him, "Try again."

Wang Li looked at the handed cloth to notice a thin black outline of a plum blossom. Silver eyes widened and looked up into red ones.

"Ah Wu?" He questioned only to receive a grin, as the demon continued eating, "Thank you."]

He remembered how easy everything was back then, underneath the plum trees and clear skies. He owed much to the raven-haired man, that he would never deny, but he also knew the risk of befriending the demon. Did Ye Wu knew the risk of befriending him back then as well?

"Ah Li," the demon broke him out of his past, "What is so important about this amulet? I know something is wrong with you."

His eyes glanced back at the stone before he turned away with a quiet sigh. He looked back at the red handkerchief in Ye Wu's hand.

'So long… and he still has it,' a part of him was happy and the other part was saddened.

Calloused hand touched the left side of his face and he stared into red eyes, but those eyes were busy looking at the mark. All these years and Ye Wu still cared enough for him to abide by his rules. He knew this was not ideal for Ye Wu, but soon everything will come to fruition. He winced when the demon pressed against his skin underneath his eyes, and he pulled away sharply.

"He is back," his tone was dark and cold.

Wang Li did not reply.

"Ah Li-"

"Don't," he said sharply, cutting the demon off with his cold tone. Wang Li did not want to speak about it. He will finish what he started and then… and then Ying Yue and he will be happy once more.

"No, you must listen," Ye Wu was tired of not being listened to, "You already know of the curse, of what would happen! That mark, it is spreading once again. You will not be able to control it any longer!"

"This mark was your fault!" The man in red shouted and all the cries of souls and demons quieted.

Wang Li covered his left eye where the mark laid and let out a deep breath.

"I apologize," he said quietly, "I lost my anger, Ye Wu. I do not regret this mark. I do not regret belonging to you."