Chapter 68 - You've Captivated My Heart

Both Wang Li and Ying Yue turned to the opened doors to see the blue haired female's eyes bulging from her head, while the brunette smiled apologetically to them.

"This was why I tried to stop you, Ah Chu," Hien sighed, "Madame Yun asked that you both join her for the last meal of the day."

"Of, of course," Ying Yue stuttered and pulled away to stand, but his legs still had little strength thanks to the kiss earlier. Wang Li held him up and wrapped an arm around his waist, pressing him against the king's side. Flushing with embarrassment, Ying Yue avoided their eyes as shame filled his mind.

Hien had to pull the frozen blue haired female away as they followed behind.

Wang Li looked as if nothing was amiss, but Ying Yue… he couldn't help the redness across his cheeks or the way his heart singed with the strength of his king. He followed where his lover's arm took him and ended up sitting beside the Ghost King.

Greeting the elder female, the blonde gulped down his anxiety. He tried to wipe away the flush, the undying love, the shameful thoughts he had for his king from his face. He didn't want the aunt of his lover to think he lost face or worse, deserve her nephew for such acts of indecency.

"Nephew," the white haired female spoke up, "Was the ointment useful?"

"Yes. Thank you, auntie."

'The medicine was from… Madame Yun?' He glanced at the elder and smiled.

"Thank you, Madame Yun. Did you concoct it on your own?" Ying Yue asked politely.


"Amazing! I… I am not good with herbs and medicine. My brother Zhang Han Mo is more skilled in that than I."

"I see. Maybe I will discuss with your brother when we get the chance."

"Really? I am sure he would be honored, Madame Yun. I thank you for considering."

He grinned happily and felt the squeeze on his shoulder. Looking up, his grin softened into a smile as silver eyes watched him amused.

"What are you good at then besides seducing our king?" Chu questioned curiously and Ying Yue covered the bottom half of his face embarrassed, "And that other brother, the redhead, what is his skill at?"

"Ah Chu…" The brunette female sighed with a shake of her head.

"What? I am just curious."

"Well… Zhang Xu Ling is a great swordsmith and though he does not admit it, he loves sweets," the blonde laughed.

"Oh, like Ah Li," the blue haired female pointed out, "One time the chef made moon cakes for the Autumn Festival for everyone at the palace, but when it was time to bring it out, Wang Li here had already eaten half of them."

"Really?" He laughed and looked at his lover who held a slight flush, "I didn't know."

"Also, Ah Li had to have ginger tea because-"

"Ah Chu!" Yun said calmly but her tone was as a sharp as a blade, "That is enough gossip."

"Yes, eldest sister," the blue haired female offered an apologetic smile, "Enough about our king. What about you Ying Yue. We don't know much about you, just that you are in love with Ah Li."

He flushed with that statement because… because it was true. He looked to Wang Li and saw him smiling softly, like there was a hidden secret only they knew. It was so pure and sweet that Ying Yue looked away before he ended up kissing his lover.

"I… yes. I love Wang Li very much," he admitted, "I also love all types of soups and… I know Wang Li likes fatty beef with wine-soaked rice," he glanced up at his lover and saw the amused quirk of his lips. "I… I don't know what I am truly good at when it comes to combat."

"You battle with quickness and elegance, Ah Yue, an entrancing beauty," Wang Li stated and he couldn't help the way his golden eyes widened or the hitched of his breath. The Ghost King really thought of him as that? Since… since when? Since they started sparring when they were young or later? Was it after his mark revealed itself?

Wang Li cupped his cheek and smiled at him, as if he read exactly what the blonde was thinking.

"Since the very beginning, Ah Yue, you've captivated my heart."

'Hopeless… so very hopeless…' Ying Yue told himself as his heart stuttered and his face flushed deeply. How was he going to ever be okay without Wang Li? The Ghost King, his king, his lover, his best friend… so perfect that he wondered if he was selfish for wanting the man in red so badly.

"I love you," he whispered and the Ghost King leaned down and kissed his lips.


"I love you too, Ah Yue."

"Alright, lovebirds, stop before we all can't eat from all that sugar," Chu stuck out her tongue, and Ying Yue laughed softly with a smile.

He felt Wang Li moved the hand that was on his waist to intertwine their fingers and he leaned closer to his lover. He glanced at the female, the head of the family, and she smiled at him. His tension eased off his body and he looked down at his bowl, filled with items that his lover placed.

'No, hopeful,' Wang Li had told him before and he agreed.

He was very hopeful that things would work out, that the world will stay in balance, and Wang Li and him would be happy.


Hien played her tune softly and smoothly like the wind playing with the long grassy hills. Her eyes closed and her brown hair flowed against her back. The wooden flute was held against her lips where her fingers laid, danced over the holes with the sound of the melody. Her mind went to the days when her sisters and her were younger. Her oldest sister with her white clouded hair smiled and laughed often. Their other sister, the one who carried their king, was not as kind or empathetic to their needs. Hien always worried for the second oldest sister, but her concerns were always slapped away.

["Please sister, I am concerned."

"Have you nothing to do but be worried about me?! Go find something else to do than nag me."]

A young Hien would tear up and cry to her twin, who sighed shaking her blue hair and patted her. Every time, Yun would apologize for their sister's words and Hien knew that the real apologies were from the eldest, not the second eldest.

The song that she was playing morphed to a sadness within her heart. Her thoughts went to her nephew, their king. The day his mother moved to the next life, Yun did not leave her room for many days. When she left her room, her eyes were tired with lack of sleep and her sister's lips were pursed.

The melody raised quickly into a light melody before it slowed into the smoothness from earlier.

["Auntie," the young Ghost King stared with big silver eyes at her eldest sister, "I thought you left me too."

Fat tears slipped down his doe eyes and she felt her own eyes watered from the words the young king spoke. Not once did the little raven-haired boy questioned where the white-haired female was. He smiled and laughed. The young king shed very little tears for his own mother, yet here he was sniffing and shaking with sadness.

"I am here, nephew. I will go nowhere unless you wish it of me."

Yun kneed down and wrapped her arms around the young boy. Hien smiled with tears streaming down her face, holding her twin beside her. Both Chu and her watched how at ease their elder sister was with the child and how perfect the white haired female would've been as his mother.

"I will never wish it, auntie. I love you."

"I love you too, my child."]

The music slowed to a quiet calmness, as her memories receded. Hien pulled the flute away from her lips and opened her eyes. She heard soft claps near her and turned to see who it was. Smiling, she fully turned to face the guest and bowed.

"That was beautiful, Ah Hien."

"Thank you, Sir Yue," Hien smiled.

"I could feel so much listening to you play. You have a gift."

Ying Yue stated in awe because his heart seemed to revel in each notes as it vibrated in his chest. He's heard some musicians during missions with his family, but this was… this was just amazing!

"Sir Yue, do you play any instruments?"

"I do not, but I've been reading the music books in the library. I think I will purchase one in the market tomorrow. You've inspired me, Ah Hien!" The blonde grinned as his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"My sisters and Ah Shen play instruments, Sir Yue. It would be an honor to hear you play as well."

"You all play!" Golden eyes widened and mouth hung opened, "I… I'd like to hear them play too. Oh… does Wang Li play as well?"