Chapter 79 - You're Very Distracting

"There is a female in the tunnel that told the child he was cursed. She may still be there, brother."

"Let us go. Child, do not remove the talisman. If you do, they will die," he stated sternly to the young boy who nodded quickly.

Leaving the house, both brothers headed to the forest quickly.

"Why did you lie to the boy? They wouldn't die," the brunette shook his head with a short laugh, "You trying to scare him?"

"Yes, so he does not act foolishly," brother stated as if it was obvious.

"Ha! You don't like kids either!"

The redhead ignored his brother as they entered the tunnel and slowed their quick steps.

"Brother," the brunette whispered toward him, "The child said the female told him he was cursed after the boy brought up the Ghost King."

'The Ghost King?' Xu Ling frowned.

He was about to question what that meant, but a sound to his right caught his ears. Turning to it, he caught a lit lamp moving toward them. A female with long purple hair, braided and dragging on the ground appeared. Her face looked soft and kind, but he could see the rage in those green eyes. She stopped and looked at them with her eyes narrowed.

"Cultivators, you two belong to the Heavens. What brings you to my tunnel?"

"To return you back to the Netherworld, demon."

Xu Ling saw those narrowed eyes slit even deadlier and the coldness swept up in the narrowed space where they were. The only light in the tunnel swept off and they were in the pitch darkness. Quickly calling his sword, he made it glow to light around them. The brunette attempted to create a barrier, but clawed hand grabbed him and he felt the walls of the cavern smack against his back.

Han Mo felt the piercing of his skin on his temple down to his jawline, causing blood to seep out. Grabbing onto the wrist, his eyes glowed and he sent a burst of his energy out. The hold disappeared and he called to his sword.

"Sorry lady, you're pretty and all, but my heart is already taken."

"You think I am interested? Bleurgh! Disgusting!"

"Disgusting? Look at me, look at this pretty face! Well… before you scratched me… oh, I would look even more interesting to Ah Shen then!"

The female stared at him with incredulousness, but she suddenly felt the pierce against her back. Anger welled up in her and she tried to run forward to remove the blade, but the redhead followed and pressed her against the wall.

"Do you think I was the only one? Listen closely, cultivators, the Ghost King will release us and when he does, no one will live."

"Then why did you tell that child he was curse when he brought up the king?" The brunette questioned.

"You will not understand! I do not need to speak with any of you."

The elder brother twisted the sword and the female screamed. He pressed the female's face against the tunnel walls.

"Death will lead to no reincarnation for a disgraceful soul like yours."

The demon seethed and gritted her teeth. She did not reply and the brunette was as curious as kitten… maybe the word was nosey…

"Oh! I got it! You are in love with the Ghost King!"

"What?! Heaven's Chosen all smell! I would rather die in the pits of the Netherworld than fall in love with any of you!"

"Then return. You will have no other chance if we are to meet again."

The redhead smacked his palm against the female's forehead and the demon screamed out, as she faded away. He looked over at his grinning brother who shrugged, and he shook his red hair. Returning to the boy's house, the brothers entered and removed the talismans from the body of the two elders. They woke as if waking from a nap and the boy brightened up.

"Grammy, papa?"

"Oh, what had happened? Who are these two?" The gray haired female questioned glancing at them.

"We are cultivators, Madame. Your grandson was just inviting us for some tea, but we must refuse," the brunette lied with a smile.

"Cultivators?" The man lifted his brows, "I did not think there were need for you any longer."

"Do not be rude," the female chastised.

"Ah, but we would need to have some just in case, wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes, yes. You are right," The man nodded in agreement.

"Child, here," the redhead handed the boy a talisman, "It will ward off evil. It will not affect the stronger ones, so be sure to not be foolish."

"I understand. Thank you, cultivators."

The boy bowed to them and they said their goodbyes. Returning to their cabin in the hills, there was a note on the door. Both brothers looked at one another and the brunette picked the note off the door and laughed.

"It's Ying Yue. Says he's coming over tomorrow."

"He's ready to stay."

"Mm, no. It sounds more like he is just visiting."

The redhead would never admit aloud that he was missing the blonde. Walking into the cabin and listening to the excitement from his other brother, he wondered if the brunette would also leave him as well.

"Oh, I should make something for Ah Shen, so Ah Yue can bring back for him!"

"Who is Ah Shen?"

"The white-haired boy. The one that brought the tea last time we were there."



"He's a boy."

"So is the Ghost King."




"Brother… what is on your mind? You don't approve?"

His golden eyes saw the pout on his extroverted brother and how his brother crossed his arms in defense. Searching Han Mo's face, he let out a sigh. Turning away, he headed to the kitchen to prepare a meal for them. He forced his mind to focus on why there were an increase in evil, instead of both his brothers being interested in men.


"I'll tell them you said hi," Ying Yue smiled brightly at his lover.

"Be careful."

His smile softened and he leaned in to kiss his lover's parted lips. Pulling away, he pressed a kiss on his king's cheeks and turned toward the entrance of the palace. He caught a sly smirk on the blue haired female and a giggle from the brunette female. His ears flushed remembering that Chu had witnessed… he cleared his throat and waved at them, as he quickened his walk out of the palace to see his brothers.

Wang Li turned to the females once the platinum blonde was no longer in the palace. Both females turned to him and a grin spread across their faces. Chu wiggled her brows and whispered words to Hien who flushed and pushed her twin away. He felt his lips curled in a smirk and decided to practice his swordmanship.

His thoughts returned to his conversation with Ying Yue earlier in the day.

["Ah Li," his lover spoke up when they were laying beside one another, "I was thinking about Ye Wu and what you promised him. Have you thought of a way?"


"… Are you going to tell me?"

He ran his fingers down his lover's temple down to his chin and thumbed those plump lips. His silver eyes closed for a moment as those fingers slid through platinum blonde locks. He felt lips touched his cheek, forehead, and nose.

Opening his eyes, he smiled adoringly at Ying Yue.

"You'd be angry with me."

"I really don't think that is possible."

"Ah Yue," the Ghost King sighed and searched his face, "I've let some out. I am certain your brothers have met them."

Golden eyes widened and he watched the disappointment, confusion, and acceptance ran across the beautiful features of his lover.

"I see. Well… my brothers are strong and they will be able to protect the innocents without me."

"Those that I released are not the strongest. They would put no real fight against your brothers."

"That female… the one that was caught in a nightmare and you healed her. Was that your doing?"

"No. I do not know who did it, but I will find out."

"I will visit my brothers. I've been meaning to visit, but…" his lover bit his bottom lip and looked down with a smile.

"Ah Yue?" He questioned lifting the blonde's chin, so he could see those pretty golden eyes.

"You're very distracting," Ying Yue mumbled and flushed.

"Am I?" He let out a laugh and leaned forward to hover over his lover, "I think it is you, who is the distraction, my love. I am obsessed."

"Don't say things like that, Ah Li," Ying Yue flushed as golden eyes looked at his lips.

"Hm, why is that?" He whispered against those plump lips.

His lover did not reply with words, but kissed him and the rest of the night he gave his lover everything the blonde asked him for. Touches and kisses all over soft milky skin. The moans and breathless panting from Ying Yue made a pleased purr vibrate through his chest.

He loved the sound his lover made and he rubbed deeper, moved faster, and dug harder. Thrusting until the beauty below him shivered and trembled. Wang Li kissed the wet red lips of Ying Yue, and grinned when his lover kissed him back.

There was nothing that would ever stop him from having Heaven's Chosen.]