Chapter 119 - Why Are You Still Shy?

Ying Yue closed his eyes and he bit the inside of his cheeks to stop himself from crying.

"I couldn't control myself. I failed everyone. I killed you."

Ying Yue kissed his lover's shoulder and flipped the fishes as Snow laid listening.

"I should have-"

"When you died, Ying Yue, it was as if things were clear of what I had done. There will be no forgiveness I should receive and no amount of atonement I could make to rewrite my wrongs."

"Everyone deserves forgiveness, Ah Li," he whispered and rubbed his thumb over cold skin.

There were more questions he wanted Wang Li to answer, but Ying Yue was placing the pieces of what occurred when he left his husband alone. None of it ease his guilt and regret of his decisions.

"How did I return… I was… in a different world before I returned."

"Were you happy there?"

"I... no. I am happy when I sleep because I dreamt of you. I am happier here with you, my husband."

Silver eyes turned to him and he smiled adoringly. It was true. He loves his husband no matter which life he lived, whether it was in dreams or reality. Wang Li was his world.

"I dreamt of you, Ah Li. Never could recognize you or hear your voice and yet, I fell in love with you once more. I do not believe I would ever not love you, my love."

Silver eyes looked at him with such love that his heart filled with it. Wang Li's free hand tucked his strands behind his ear and rubbed the tip lightly. Ying Yue smiled with a sigh and enjoyed the touches.

"I do not deserve you, Ah Yue."

Cold fingers made him shiver as they slid down to cup his cheek.

"I know," he teased sticking his tongue out, and laughed when he felt the pinch to his cheek.

"I am glad you returned to me one more time. The Jade Emperor fulfilled my wish."

Ying Yue kissed his lover's palm against his face.

"Then I should thank our emperor."

"Hmm. When I knew you had returned, I made a decision."


"To give it away."

Ying Yue stared at him and tightened his hold even more.

"That is impossible, Wang Li. You cannot… the Heavens… you would get into trouble!"

"My dearest wife, they chose wrong. I should never had been chosen."

"Then we would not have met, Ah Li."

He looked away with hurt written all over his face, but he felt kisses on his face before they pressed against his lips. Kisses of apologies, kisses of love, kisses of acceptance before the witness of the fire and Snow.

"Not even the Heavens can keep me away from you, my love."

"You are always so certain."

"Of how much I love you? Yes."

"You still know how to talk…"

He pursed his lips but it spread into an amused smile. More kisses that made him sigh and relaxed in contentment.

"How… how did you do it? Give away your powers? Did… did the heavens punish you?"

"There is an amulet I created. My core is within it."

"Who did you give it to? You could have… you could have given it to me, Ah Li. I would protect it."

"Ye Wu has it."


Ying Yue stared at his lover with wide eyes and parted lips.

"Rawr," Snow sounded and he quickly pulled the baked fish off the fire. Placing one down for Snow, he handed a stick to Wang Li.

"Why? He will take advantage of such power, Ah Li. You know how he is. He will send out his people to land like he wanted. Is this why demons are more prevalent now? Ah Li, innocent people had died!"

He shook his head in anger. He did not understand why his lover would choose to give up his role, his power, his very essence. His mind went back to those guards who had died and Sect Leader Bo who was killed. He felt a hand covered his and he pulled away.

Biting hard into his baked fish, he stared at the fire burning it behind his eyes.

"You are upset with me."

He did not reply.

"If I did not do so, I would not find you and be with you here. I would be stuck in my village, my palace and not get to see what you see, Ah Yue. My aunt always told me I was stubborn and selfish. I do as I wish. Regardless of others' feelings… of yours, my love. Forgive me. I only wish to be by your side a little longer."

His shoulders dropped and he sighed.

"You gave up your core and now… are you truly a ghost, Wang Li?"

He turned to look at his husband with eyes of sorrow. The raven-haired male reached for his hand again and Ying Yue let him. Fingers closed in over his, holding his hand tightly.

"I am with the dead, Ah Yue. Like you said, I am what my name is."

"Wang Li," He whispered.

"Ghost King."

"But… you were never this cold… I… it is my fault once more."

His face was cupped and he felt lips against his forehead, on the infamous mark that was a gift and a curse.

"It is not your fault, Ah Yue. I love you. Everything I have done, everything I have given… I will do it again to stand beside you. You've sacrificed much, my love, is it not my turn to give?"

"No. Never."

Breathing one another's breaths, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, Ying Yue closed his eyes. Lifting his chin and tilting to the side, he slotted his lips against his husband's. Delving into the deepness of everything that was Wang Li, he sighed softly.

"Do you have more questions, my wife?" Wang Li whispered softly.

"What did you ask of him? Ye Wu wanted your power for a long time and I know you wouldn't give him it without a clause."

His lover smiled and pecked his nose.

"You know me well, my love."

Ying Yue returned the smile and felt hands run down his arms to hold his hands, rubbing the ring.

"To not release his siblings."

"That… that's it?"

"I know your brothers and you would be able to control the others, but his siblings may be too strong for any of you alone."

"Will he follow your instructions, Ah Li? Do you trust him?"

"Yes. It had been many years since he held the amulet. He had done as I asked."

Ying Yue nodded, but he was still frowning and reached for his baked fish only to find it missing.

Looking around, his eyes caught 3 sticks near the big cat. Blue eyes stared at him innocently and he shook his head. Standing, he went to grab the wet robes to lay on the rocks to dry by the flames.

Wang Li stood up, and he placed his head against the bare chest.

"I don't want Ye Wu to hold your core, Ah Li."

"You wish to retrieve it?"


"We can speak with him tomorrow, my wife."

He pulled back and smiled. Moving his palms down hard cold chest down to the abs, he bit his lips and looked at his lover under light colored lashes.

"Come, husband. Let me show you how much I missed you."

Thin lips curled into a smirk and the handsome face tilted to the side.

"As you wish, my love."

He stepped backwards as his lover stepped forward. Snow looked at them and turned away, as he continued to enjoy the fire.

Wang Li closed the door behind him and Ying Yue removed his robe. Silver eyes ran lewdly down his chest to his pelvis and stayed there for a moment. The blonde flushed and covered his private.

"I have seen, tasted, and touched you there, wife. Why are you still shy?"

"You look as if you would eat me."

Wang Li laughed deeply and walked toward him slowly.

"Oh, I plan to, my love."

He pressed his penis, feeling it fill from just his lover's intense attention and words. He was caught into a kiss and his air felt further and further away. He made a muffled noise and held onto his lover's shoulders for fear his legs couldn't hold him. Cold hands moved up and down his sides, causing him to shiver and tightened his hold.

"Mm, Ah Li."

He breathed out as a palm rubbed in between his legs. Kisses laid down the bare curve of his neck and moved back up to blowing hot air into his ear.

Fingers moved into his pant and wrapped around his manhood. Precum slicked long fingers as they spread up and down his shaft, making him groan. His husband kissed his lips and he moved his hips against the curled hand pumping him.

Moaning into the kiss, he ran his nails gently down Wang Li's scarred tattoo-less chest. He earned a bite to his bottom lip when his fingers ran over his lover's hard nipples.

"Ah!" Ying Yue panted out as he arched his back, hips thrusting forward into the fast strokes.

He tried to keep his eyes opened to watch the arousal in silver eyes, but the pleasure soared down his body and out of his penis. His body trembled and Ying Yue grabbed his lover's face. He kissed Wang Li as he rode out his orgasm.