Chapter 124 - Sneaky Child

That was all Wang Li had commented as they continued walking and looking at stalls. His eyes caught the shimmering of silver and gold. He tugged at his husband's hand and headed over to the stall filled with jewels.

"Look, Ah Li," Ying Yue had pointed at the necklace adorned with silver and gold, "Looks like our eyes."

"They do."

"Would you like to purchase this, Sir Painter?"

The young woman asked as she leaned closer with her cleavage exposed. Ying Yue blinked at it and moved closer to Wang Li.

'How shameless…'

"Yes, miss. How much would you offer?"

"Oh, how about lunch and a painting from you? That would be all the payment I would need."

"I accept. Where would you like to meet?"

"My home, Sir Painter. It is not far, come."

"Let me dress my child first, then I will return to follow."

Wang Li bowed and Ying Yue felt the pat on his head from the female as they left. The blonde frowned and looked at his lover. He wondered if Wang Li accepted many offers to survive all these times.

"Is this what you've been doing, Ah Li?"



Ying Yue wasn't sure what else he wanted to say, but they arrived at the man who had his clothes ready.

"Ah, Sir Painter! It is ready. Child, you may change in here."

The blonde nodded and changed feeling the fabric slid nicely over his body. Sheng Shui, once the master of seam, was pleased with the fabric and sewing. Ying Yue walked out with his adult robe folded in his hands. He saw Wang Li smile softly at him and reached for him. He went willingly.

"Thank you, sir," Ying Yue bowed.

"Not a problem, princess. Take good care of our painter, okay?"

"Okay!" He laughed and earned a candy pop from the man. His golden eyes glitter from behind the mask and took the offered sweet, bowing as he did.

"Thank you!"

"Ah, what a sweet child. You take care of her too, Sir Painter."

"I shall. Thank you, sir."

"No worries! Come back anytime."

Wang Li bowed reaching for the blonde's hand and Ying Yue wrapped them together. He tucked the candy away and pet Snow as they went back to the female earlier. She had closed her shop and was holding the boxes in her hands. She waved at them and Wang Li offered to carry some of her jewelries.

"Oh, what a gentleman," The female pressed her voluptuous chest against the raven-haired male and moved a finger down his chest, "Thank you, Sir Painter."

"It is my pleasure, miss."

"Please, call me Jia Le. No need to be so formal."

"Lead the way, Miss Le."

Ying Yue frowned and tightened his hands around Wang Li's as they followed. The female was chattering and he moved closer to his husband. Once they reached the home, it smelled of perfume and sweets. The table already had the brushes, ink, and parchment papers. Beside the items, a plate of pastries coated in sugar laid.

'Are they… close? Had Wang Li been here before?'

Ying Yue wondered and felt a pinch on his cheek. He turned to see breasts before him and he squeaked, flushing as he stumbled back. The female laughed covering her lips before winking at him.

"Such a cutie," she cooed, and Ying Yue moved to hide behind his lover, "Awe, so shy."

"Shall I paint first, Miss Le."

"Ah, let me heat up tea and have the rice cooking. I will be right back."

The female singsong as she headed into the kitchen. Wang Li was settling himself at the table with painting items and sweets.

"Ah Li, are you sure that is okay to eat?"

"It smells delicious."

"Just because it smells good, it doesn't mean it is good for you," Ying Yue whispered as he sat beside him, while Snow stayed outside.

"Hm? Would you like to taste it first then?"

Wang Li tore a small piece and pressed the sugar covered bread against his lips.

Ying Yue figured if he were to be poisoned, he would heal much quicker than his lover. Opening his mouth, the pastry slipped into his mouth, along with a long finger. He looked at Wang Li innocently as he sucked the finger lightly, and received the slight redness against his king's ears.

Finger slipped out of his lips and he giggled, chewing the pastry.

"You are right, Ah Li. Delicious."

"You sneaky child," Wang Li smirked and pinched his side, making him squeal with a laugh.

Wang Li ate the sweet slowly and stared at him with a slow smirk. Ying Yue flushed and turned away, but his chin was held and a white cloth wiped his lips of sugar. He licked his lips and stared at the white cloth with golden lining.

"Ah Li… is that…"

"Sheng Shui's handkerchief."


"You never made me one, my love," Wang Li whispered and Ying Yue frowned at himself.

"I can't believe I forgot…"

"I distracted you."


Wang Li laughed softly and finished his pastry, Licking each finger slowly. Ying Yue bit his lip and had to stuff another pastry in his mouth to not kiss his lover. The female returned to the room and he choked on his sweet seeing the outfit on her body.

The shiny pink robe was too small, looked like a child's, and barely wrapped around the female's body. He choked on the pastry in his mouth and felt the patting against his back. He could hear the female giggling and when he glanced up, he felt his face flushed deeply.

"Shameless!" He cried and tucked his face against his lover's side with his ears red.

"Oh child… should she be outside while you work, dear painter?"

Ying Yue held on tighter to Wang Li's blue robe and he felt a hand to his head.

"He will be fine, Miss Le. Let us begin. Please be still."

He kept his head tucked and felt the movements of his lover's arms as he worked. He leaned in closer, relaxing his tense muscles and sighed with closed eyes. He smiled and leaned out of his husband's arms and reached for a pastry, but he forgot about the female. When his golden eyes glanced at Jia Le, he flushed deeply at such a display.

He quickly turned to look at Wang Li who had a smirk on his lips.

"Miss Jia Le is a beauty, is she not, Ah Yue."

He made a noise between indignant and upset.

"Ah, you have taken the last sweet. Will you share, Ah Yue?"

He pouted and picked at the pastry as he looked down.

"I will paint faster, sweet child," Wang Li smiled at him before continuing to make strokes.

Ying Yue bit his lips and crawled into Wang Li's lap, earning a surprised noise from his lover. Flushing, the blonde ripped a piece of the pastry and fed his husband. He earned a soft laugh and a hum. He waited until thin lips part before placing more sweet bread. When he was finished with the pastry, he wrapped his arms around the raven-haired male and leaned against cold chest.

His eyes looked over at the straw hat he had taken off beside his lover and found himself smiling as a memory flooded his mind.

["Ah Li, where did my hat go?"

Wang Li tilted his head holding back a grin and shrugged. Green eyes, before they turned gold, narrowed with a frown. Letting out a huff, he looked around the room for his hat.

"Why is it important, Ah Yue. We could always get you a new one, a better one."

"I don't want a new one."

He sighed and sat on the floor with a frown. Wang Li joined him and he looked at the floor in between their knees.

"It was my master's."

There was a quietness around them before the straw hat was placed on his head. Blinking, he touched his head and let out a relieved sigh. He looked over to receive an apologetic smile.

"My apologies, Ah Yue."

"It also reminds me of you…"


"The first time we met was because of this hat."

He smiled and received the softest of smile from his best friend.]

Ying Yue sighed happily as the memory reinforced how much he loved his lover. The strokes stopped and he felt the light vibration against his husband's chest. The baritone voice made him melt and he nuzzled against the man he was holding.

"I am finished, Miss Le."

"Oh, let it dry, Sir Painter. Let us go eat then! I shall prepare us a fantastic me-"

"Jia Le! Why did you clos-"

A man stormed in and paused, glancing at the indecent female and them. Blue eyes widened and a flush deepened against his face, before a scowl and a growl escaped those lips. The man turned and stomped out of the room.

"Wait! Oh dang it," Jia Le stood up covering what she could and rushed to the man.

"Let us go, my love," Wang Li whispered and grabbed the hat. Placing the straw hat on his raven hair, he lifted Ying Yue still wrapped around his front. Walking out of the room with the child, Wang Li saw the female and the man arguing with one another. Letting out a deep sigh through his nose, he cleared his throat.

"I apologize, Miss Le. I must decline lunch. My child is not feeling well, but I hope he enjoys your gift to him."

"Gift?" The man looked at the female for an explanation.

"Uh, yes. Yes, a gift," she looked over at Wang Li. "Thank you for your time, Sir Painter! Goodbye child. Do not forget to grab the necklace as payment."

Wang Li nodded and went over to the table and grabbed the jewelry. Leaving the home, his husband placed the necklace over his head. It shined and dangled down his neck. Grinning, he held onto his lover tighter.

Ying Yue let out a deep sigh and leaned back smiling at his lover. His golden eyes roamed the scars, the dips, the beauty of his husband. Wang Li smiled back and placed a kiss on the mask covering his forehead. He watched as Snow joined them with a yawn and he looked at the sky to see it darkening.

"Were we there for that long?"

"It is getting dark sooner than it should."

Ying Yue heard the serious tone and searched his king's face. He opened his mouth to say something, but Wang Li had smiled at someone behind him.

"Sect Leader Zhi."