Chapter 156 - The Only Thing Missing

Zhang Xu Lan stared at the pink-haired female who seemed to be taking all of his father's free time. She seemed to pull a smile from his father and even make him laugh so easily! His father doesn't give in so easily! What did she had that he didn't. His father would bring her along to their father-son time and he hated it.

He did not like her.

"Lan-er," his father spoke up and he glanced at him, alone surprisingly, "Why are you glaring?"

"I'm not," he pouted and his father flicked his nose.

"Nuying had been here for some time now. Why do you continue to avoid her?"

"Why do you trust her so?"

He retorted back crossing his arms. Letting out a sigh, his father cupped the back of his neck and his black eyes stared into golden ones.

"She is your mother."




The hand around his nape tightened and he stared wide eyed.

"She lost her memories. She does not remember you or I, but I believe she will love you as she did before."

"You… I don't care."

Xu Ling's brows shot up with surprise and Zhang Xu Lan held onto his father's arms.

"We did fine without her. Me and you. We have Uncle Mo and Uncle Yue. We don't need her. We just need us."


He shook his pink locks and felt his father's shoulder pressed against his face. He hadn't had a hug from his father in a long time. It was usually he who would hug his father and the redhead would either stand there or pat him awkwardly. On rare moments would the hug be like this: warm, comforting, and safe.

["Lan-er, what is wrong?"


"Xu Lan."

He kicked the rock and it smacked against the tree trunk. He crossed his arms and frowned deeply, still kicking the ground below him.

"Why… why don't I have a mother? They have mothers but I don't. Did mine not want me, us? Where is she?"

His father's stern face softened and he felt a hand on his head, grounding him.

"Do you need a mother?"

"If I say yes, are you going to find someone?"

He saw the slight grimace as his father nodded.

"No. I don't need any mothers. I just need you and my uncles. No one else!"

He heard his father's laugh and the hand on his head pulled away to tap his nose, a loving gesture his father does. It always made Zhang Xu Lan grin.

"Come, it will just be us then."

His father picked him up in his arms and he relaxed into the hold.

All he needed was his father.]

"You said it would just be us," he murmured holding his father tighter.

Golden eyes lowered and he rubbed his son's back soothingly. He looked over to Nuying who was watching them, before looking away. Xu Ling sighed and closed his eyes.

'With a gift comes a curse.'


Ying Yue watched Li Chu spar against one of his nephew's team. His golden eyes sparked with interest and he nodded when he spotted good points during the battle. The bell sounded as Han Mo rang it, signifying the end of the duel. Both bowed to one another as the next group took their stand. This went on and he noted Li Hien was more reserved than her sister in battle and Fu Shen… Fu Shen was a force to be reckoned with.

He did not know what or when Han Mo and Fu Shen reconciled, but the white-haired young man was the top of the entire student body. Ying Yue covered his grin with the fan Wang Li had painted with Snow, as he saw the apprentice glance to his master. Nuying had brought over water for everyone and they were grateful. Yet, Ying Yue saw the slight narrowed of eyes his nephew was sending to the female. It lowered even more when his nephew saw the pink-haired female placed a hand on the redhead's bicep.

Ying Yue would have to speak with his nephew.

Once the battle was finished, they sent the students to complete their chores. Ying Yue called over his nephew and they took to the roof.

"Lan-er, give her a chance."

"What? Who?"

"Nuying. It is not difficult to see you dislike her."

His nephew looked away and watched the students' chit chatting and doing their chores studiously. Ying Yue placed a hand on his nephew and black eyes looked at him. He smiled and gestured him to sit down.

"Had your father ever tell you the story of how he met your mother?"

"He does not speak much of my mother. I mean… until now when he told me she is my mother."

Ying Yue could hear the bitter anger in his nephew's voice, and he offered a smile.

"Your mother was beautiful and captured your father's heart, a heart that was guarded only for the Heavens. When I first met you, Lan-er, you were so cute, babbling and calling for your father. You only calmed the most when you were with him. Your mother loved you both and she had returned. Your father loves her and you, Lan-er. Would you not try for him?"

Black eyes looked over to the redhead who was tucking pink locks behind the female's ear. Golden eyes glanced up to catch his black ones, and Zhang Xu Lan saw his father stepped away. The female reached out, probably confused, and his father shook his head. He felt his stomach coil as his heart dropped.

His uncle was right. His father loves her.

"Okay, Uncle Yue. I… I will try."

Ying Yue sighed happily and could not help feeling like things are going well. The only thing missing was Wang Li. When his husband returned, his world would be complete.


Ye Wu observed the body with the veil over bare chest. He glared at the souls starting to gather over the fabric, but they were not connecting. He walked around the body over and over as he paced. Should he bring the child here? Would that wake Wang Li up? He frowned and shook his head. Heaven's Chosen cannot be brought to the Netherworld. Doing so would hurt the blonde and he promised Pang Xi, the green haired master of Ying Yue, that he won't hurt them.

Then what other choice does he have?

"Ah Li, what am I missing?"

["Why must you plan this whole thing? Would it not be easier to tell your lover clearly?"

Wang Li wiped his face as he held the demon mask. Ye Wu could see the strain on the unfinished body. Scars needing stitching again and unhealed littered along the Ghost King's body.

"I do not want him to see me this way. He would worry."

"Always him, Ah Li. You and that child live in one another's world. You both forget others."

Wang Li's silver eyes stared at him for a moment, before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I cannot say that is not true. I only wish to be with him always, but I will never forget how much you have done for me, Ah Wu. You are my brother."

Ye Wu placed his hand over the one on his shoulder and stared into those moonlit eyes.

"Then are you ready?"

Wang Li nodded and the head demon watched the Ghost King screamed, echoing into the entire Netherworld. The cages rattled and the floor shook, as skin stitched itself together and blood leaked as an offer. When the moment was paused and Wang Li's body spasmed, Ye Wu was there holding the boy in tears.]

His red eyes stared at the face of the Ghost King, before glancing over at the soul refusing to do anything more than hover over the veil. Pulling out a red handkerchief with the etched uneven golden blossom, he placed it over the soul orb and stepped back.

Nothing happened. Letting out a groan, Ye Wu rubbed his face thinking he'd need to return to the blonde for more items. Just as he was preparing himself for another visit, the pieces of Wang Li's soul glowed golden. It rose from the bottom where the wedding veil laid, moving in one direction. His dark energy, soaked within the gifted handkerchief, seeped into the soul and moved the opposite direction of the golden light. His red eyes watched it swirl and his face brightened.

Did he finally do it?!

The cloth slowly fell against the laced veil, as the soul entered the body below.

One breath. Two. Another.

Ye Wu stepped closer and placed a hand over the cloth, staring at the beautiful face of his king. There, a beat and another, and another. The demon found his smile stretching into a grin as he waited with bated breath for Wang Li to wake. He didn't need to wait long as silver eyes revealed.

"Welcome back, my king."

Ye Wu whispered with glee before he fell over from lack of food and sleep. After all, bringing Wang Li back was more important. He could hear footsteps neared him in his sleep addled brain and paused before him. He felt warmth near his cold body and fingers cupped his cheek.

"Thank you, Ye Wu, my brother."

'I did it! This was Wang Li! Hah! I am definitely the best demon there ever is!'

He welcomed the comfort of sleep, as arms wrapped around him.