Chapter 158 - Uncle Li

"This… this is no dream?" He had to ask. He had imagined this moment for years, for centuries, for so many moons he lost count. He watched his lover walk to him, wrapped his arms around him, and whispered loving words in his ears.

"I apologize it took me so long, Ah Yue. But I am here now. I shall make up every day I was gone to you, however you wish of me."

He laughed and cried and laughed some more as he held his husband tighter to him. This was Wang Li. This was his Wang Li! Wang Li was warm. Wang Li was holding him. Wang Li was kissing him. Wang Li was here. He was here.

Ying Yue let out a quiet whimper when those delicious lips pulled away. He heard the soft laugh from his husband, who was wiping his face of tears. He will thank Ye Wu and he would-

'Master. I have to find him,' he thought and was determined to bring the demon and the green haired man together again.

"My king?!"

The voice of Han Mo sounded and silver eyes glanced over. The brunette was staring in confusion, the redhead was frowning deeply, and his nephew was staring in awe. Ying Yue bit his bottom lip as he held his lover's hand.

"Where is the water demon?" Li Chu questioned looking around.

The blonde turned back to see no water dragon, but a big wet cat. His eyes widened and he glanced at his husband to see a soft smile on those thin lips.

"Sn… Snow?"

The snow leopard shook itself of water and bounced over to him, nuzzling his body. He laughed and nuzzled back, causing the students to asked if they could pet it too. He nodded and pulled Wang Li with him to speak with his brothers. His nephew was still staring wide eyes at Wang Li, who also stared back with a concentrated look.

"I… You… Uh…"

"Lan-er, this is Wang Li, my… my husband."

Those black eyes widened even further and the pinkette bowed, covering flushing cheeks.

"I… I am Zhang Xu Lan, my father is Xu Ling, and I am… It is nice to meet you, Uncle Li."

"Xu Lan," the raven haired man whispered and lifted the pinkette's chin, "Ah, I remember now. You have grown well."

"Th… thank you," Xu Lan squeaked out and Xu Ling pulled his son away from the Ghost King.

"Lan-er, go pet the cat."


Golden eyes stared at his son's black ones and the boy slowly went to where his father told him to go. The redhead glared at the man in red, who stared back with a blank look. He glanced at the blonde to see big golden eyes staring at him.

"You died."


"How did you return?"

"By my wife's love."

Xu Ling's frown deepened and Ying Yue squeezed his lover's hand tighter. His eldest brother searched his face and he saw the veins pulse at the redhead's temple.

"Who else."

"Ah Ling…"

"The demon. He brought you back, not the Jade Emperor."

Ying Yue stepped forward with a frown and furrowed brows.

"How did you know the Heavens didn't bring him back?"

"He came to tell me the choice you made, little brother. I am thankful and I owe you for the sacrifice you made, but this… to bring the Ghost King back through the means of that demon will only spell trouble. What was pass may occur again."

Xu Ling stated with a sigh, "Would you both be able to survive it again?"

"Yes," Wang Li said confidently as he glanced over at Snow behaving, "The prophecy was completed. There should be no curse, but I must return to give Ye Wu company as well."

"Which are?" The blonde questioned.

Wang Li rubbed his cheek, "That depends what time of day you wish of me, my beloved."

"Every time I wake to when I sleep," Ying Yue mumbled before sighing, "When the sun is highest to when the sky is darkest, I would like you here with me."

"As you wish, my love," Wang Li whispered and leaned down. His eyelashes fluttered and he waited for the kiss, only to fell a long lick across his face. Surprise color him before he laughed petting the snow leopard.

"Pardon my interruption," the white-haired young man bowed, "Do you know where the water dragon had gone, sir."

Wang Li stared at the boy he remembered and found a smile covering his lips. He touched the boy's head and moved his palm up the scarred cheek. He saw purple eyes staring at him with slight fear and interest.

"I am glad you returned, Ah Shen."

"Thank you," Shen looked down shyly.

"Have you lived well?"

"I… yes. Sir, please answer my question."

Wang Li removed his touched and laughed lightly as the students joined in to listen.

"If I say that it was I who was the water dragon. What would you do?"

Purple eyes widened and glanced over at his master while the students all murmured and stared at their grandmaster. Ying Yue glanced at Wang Li to see silver eyes staring at the white-haired boy.

Fu Shen took out the yellow talisman, marked to ward the demon, and forced his shaky hands to steady. Wang Li smiled softly and grabbed the small wrist to press the demon charm against his chest.

"Go on."

The hand trembled in his grip and Wang Li spoke softer.

"Try it, Ah Shen. It is alright."

Shen stared at him and his eyes, so clear, wavered. Wang Li offered a smile as the talisman burned away. The sounds of the children commenting that he was not a demon due to the burning of the charm.

Wang Li pulled Fu Shen to his chest and held the boy he missed. The boy melted into his hug like he always had centuries ago and his silver eyes looked over to see the twins he grew up with.

'How lucky of me to return now when life had reset.'

His silver eyes slid to his wife, and he squeezed the hand in his.


"Are you upset that he returned, Ah Mo?" Ying Yue questioned quietly as everyone gravitated toward his husband.

The two of them were currently watching Snow and Wang Li dancing to the sound of the children's drumming against their knees. Even Nuying could not help but watch the spectacle, to Xu Ling's chagrin.

"I am happy you are happy, Ah Yue, but I hope my relationship with Ah Shen will not change as before."

Ying Yue nodded in understanding and he was sure the redhead felt the same.

"Ah Yue," Wang Li's voice called out, "Come, my love."

He felt his ears burn as he joined at his husband's side and flushed even more when lips pressed against his cheek. He heard his lover chuckle against his ear at his shyness.

"You must be hungry, Ah Li," Ying Yue cleared his throat, "Shall we eat?"

His husband smiled amused with a nod. The children followed Wang Li like a flock of ducklings to its mother. That made Ying Yue laugh as his thoughts tickled his heart.

"What do you find amusing, my wife?" Wang Li whispered as they entered the cafeteria.

"Nothing… ouch-"

Ying Yue felt the pinch at his side, and he punched his lover lightly and heard the laughter. They sat at the table for the masters and Ying Yue felt an arm wrapped around his waist, with fingers dragging up and down his hip bone.

He was thirsty.

"My king," Han Mo spoke up, "I know we have not had the best of relationship, but you should know I will not stop wanting Fu Shen."



"I know you care for him deeply, Zhang Han Mo. You confuse him, interest him, worry him," Wang Li stared at the brunette, "But understand that Fu Shen belongs to me. He will stay at my side for every life he lives."

"Then I will continue to fight to be by his side."



Wang Li's lips curled and there was a twinkle in those silver eyes.

"Challenge accepted."

"Wait… what?"

Wang Li drank his ginger tea, hiding the grin across his face. Fu Shen brought their meal to the masters while the students all went to grab their own bowls. The white haired boy placed the last bowl down and was about to return to grab himself a bowl, but stopped when he felt fingers around his wrist.

"Ah Shen, grab yourself a bowl and sit beside me."

Purple eyes blinked at the raven haired man before glancing at his master, his sisters, then back into silver eyes.

"Would you like me to grab you a bowl?"

"N… no. I shall grab it myself."

Han Mo frowned glaring at the Ghost King as the boy listened and sat beside his king. Xu Ling, Xu Lan, and Nuying joined the table.

"Uncle Li," the pinkette started nervously, "You… why did you make Uncle Yue wait so long? He cried a lot and drank and didn't want to talk to anyone an-"

A bread was stuffed into his mouth from the embarrassed blonde. Silver eyes turned to him, searching his face but Ying Yue looked away to eat quietly.

"For how long?" Wang Li whispered.