Chapter 161 - What Is Your Purpose For Me

Han Mo was upset. No. furious. How the hell did all these things happened without him knowing! He was pacing the floor as the females explained all the issues that occurred under their noses.

"Why had none of you came to us?"

"Because Fu Shen would feel embarrassed. He does not want any of the masters to worry," Li Chu frowned.

"He keeps to himself a lot. Ah Shen does not want attention on himself. But… we should have said something sooner. What they did…" Li Hien covered her mouth as tears welled up her eyes.

He covered his face and exhaled deeply. He agreed with the Ghost King. They should die.


"It… it was just for fun!"

"We were just joking."

"He didn't care."

"Can we just leave?"

"Enough!" Xu Ling shouted and the children sat still, "You four thought stripping a fellow student of their clothing and hitting him was fun and joking? Instead of stopping there, you all decide to go further and-"

The redhead fisted his hands so tight, the whites of his knuckles were prevalent. They could hear the grinding of teeth from how hard the older man gritted his teeth. The pink haired master was staring at them with a blank face, before lips spread into a grin.

All four students trembled from the evil grin.

"I know what we should do for punishment, father."


In the end, the four students were not killed. They were stripped of their clothing, completed all the chores naked, had to stand in the courtyard with their hands tied behind their backs for all to witness.

"They should be killed and show your students something like this will not be tolerated," Wang Li stated staring deadly at the abusers who avoided his silver eyes.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue frowned and really do not know what to do.

"Fu Shen agrees with me."

"Whatever my king wishes."

"Fu Shen," Ying Yue aimed his frown at the young man, "Master Li isn't always right. He has been wrong before."

"Hm? When?" Wang Li quirked his brow at the blonde.

"Well, when you thought the honey filled cake was still good when it was moldy."



"It wasn't my best moment."

Ying Yue laughed and felt his lover leaned down toward him. He felt a kiss on the tip of his nose, as lips trailed to his ear.

"No sweet can replace the taste of you, my love. You are what I crave," Wang Li whispered licking his ear. Ying Yue flushed and covered his lover's laughing mouth. He looked over at Fu Shen who was just staring at the four boys with a glare.

"Fu Shen, I apologize for what had happened. I think the best thing to do is to kick them out of the school," Ying Yue offered and purple eyes turned to him with a nod. He smiled and glared at his lover with burning cheeks, when his mischievous husband licked his palm. Pulling his hands away, he wiped it on his lover's robe and stuck out his tongue.

A pinch to his ass made him jump and he was about to… to… he was about to do something, but the white-haired boy blinked at him innocently. Clearing his throat, he looked over to Han Mo who was staring at Fu Shen with hesitancy.

"Ah Li, can we speak in private," He saw his husband opened his mouth, "Han Mo will stand beside Fu Shen for the moment. Is that alright, Fu Shen?"

The boy nodded and Wang Li frowned with dipped brows. Ying Yue called the brunette over and Han Mo joined them.

"Is something wrong, Ah Yue?"

"I just need to speak with Wang Li for a moment. Han Mo, is it alright for you to stay with him. Li Chu and Li Hien will be joining you soon as well. Is that alright?"

"Oh, yes. Of course," Han Mo nodded and glanced at the purple eyed young man, "Take your time."

Ying Yue pulled a glaring Wang Li away and to his room. He sighed and fell against the bed with his face to the ceiling.

"Ah Li, why didn't you tell me? I could have done something. Ah Shen… he… I will not forgive myself."

The bed dipped and Ying Yue felt his lover's forehead against his. He cried softly and Wang Li just listen quietly. When his tears slowed and the hiccup stopped, his lover wiped his face dry and held him close.

"You think to highly of others, my love."

"You think to lowly of them."


"Well… unless they have a purpose for you."

Wang Li pulled away and stared at him. He felt the large hand moved behind his ear and tugged at his hair. He winced slightly and blinked up at his husband.

"Then what is your purpose for me."


"Your body, perhaps?"

Tongue licked his lips and he opened his mouth, but Wang Li pulled away. He made an upset noise, but his king let out a deep laugh. His robe opened to reveal his bare chest and he felt nails lightly digging down his abdomen. Moaning, he spread his legs for his lover, but Wang Li pulled away and turned him over. His husband lifted his hips and pulled down his bottoms to show his bare ass.

"Maybe your purpose is for me to punish."

A smack sounded and Ying Yue gasped feeling the burn. Another and another and Ying Yue gritted his teeth. Fingers lightly touched the reddened skin, before he felt wet kisses on the marks.

"Ah Yue," he heard Wang Li sighed, "Is this what you want? To be punished?"

He felt Wang Li laid beside him and cupped his face.

"It is not your fault, Ying Yue. Fu Shen is strong. He also has me, you, his sisters, and that brother of yours. He will be fine and you, my beloved, did the best you could. Is this not what you and your brother's have been teaching those students?" Wang Li smirked as he felt fingers ran up and down his spine.

Ying Yue sat up and kissed his lover. Removing the rest of his outfit, he straddled his lover and wrapped his fingers around Wang Li. He heard the pleased moan and kisses down his neck. His husband wrapped around both lengths and Ying Yue thrusted up. They moved and kissed and tasted each other's mouth. Panting out, he could feel the coil in his stomach as his balls rose ready to shoot his load-

Knock knock

They both stopped and Ying Yue glanced at the door, but bit his lips hard when his lover continued to pump.

"Ah Li! Some… ah."

"Who is it," Wang Li called out stroking them and continuing his kisses against his lover's skin.

"It's me uncle. Uncle Mo said we should go speak with the parents of the children since it is getting late."

"Lan-er, please go with your father to speak with them. You both are logical in your speak. If I go, I would kill them."

The pumping quickened and Ying Yue bit his lover's shoulder.

"What about Uncle Yue? Is he there with you Uncle Li?"

Wang Li slowed down and Ying Yue tried to catch his breath.

"Yes. I, ah!"

Ying Yue dug his fingernails into his lover's skin as the fist moved faster.

"Are you alright, Uncle Yue? Do you need help?"

"N… No!" Ying Yue said quickly, shaking his head as his hips twerked and stuttered.

"Do not worry, Lan-er. I will take care of him," Wang Li said breathlessly and watched his lover cover his mouth from sharing his pleasurable noise. He stopped pumping and his wife stared at him beggingly. He let out a soft laugh and lifted the blonde.

"Well, Uncle Yue. What do you want us to say? Can I just come in?"

"N... no," Ying Yue held back his moan as he sunk into his lover's hard cock, "Be honest, bu… but without… without revealing it was… Fu… Fu Shen."


Ying Yue relaxed a bit as his lover kissed the moans from his lips. He bounced on the long hardness pressing against his prostate with every thrust. He pulled away from the kiss when a particular thrust had his body trembling like a candle flame in the wind.

"Mmff… Ah, Ah Li," he panted arching his back and Wang Li gripped his ass, thrusting up into him deeper, faster, harder.

"What are you doing in there?"

The heat of his body turned cold as Ying Yue's eyes widened. He thought his nephew had left, but he was right outside… listening… to them… to their voices…

"Xu Lan, why are you still here," Wang Li stated as if he was not sweating and moving into him even more.

"Father said Uncle Yue should join us."

Wang Li looked at his wife who was back to covering his mouth and clutching his shoulder. He can feel the drip of blood dripping down where nails dug in, but just watching his beautiful wife lost in pleasure was worth all the scars.

"I see. Give him a moment, Xu Lan."

"A moment for what?"

Wang Li laughed and saw Ying Yue's head lowered, body bouncing like he was vibrating. Wrapping his hand around his wife's leaking penis, the blonde threw his head back as his back curved. Wang Li groaned feeling the constricting walls around his throbbing cock. He quickly grabbed the back of his lover's neck and brought the blonde's face back to his. He kissed and sucked the moans, before he came inside his lover.

"You are needed my love," Wang Li panted leaving light kisses on his wife's face.

"Mm," Ying Yue sounded with heavy breath before pulling back. He pulled off and felt the cum slipping down his crack. He stumbled a bit as he grabbed his clothes. His body was still buzzing and his husband wiped the cum slipping down his leg. He was helped and dressed by his husband, making him feel loved.

His hair was retied and once Wang Li nodded, he opened the door to find his nephew chewing on a candy.

"Ah, uncle, what took you so long?"

"I… I was busy," he cleared his throat and Xu Lan looked inside to see Uncle Li reading a book smiling at him.

"We will be back soon Uncle Li!" The pinkette waved bye and the raven-haired man waved back, laughing behind the book.