Chapter 163 - I Accept Your Hate

"Xu Ling. When did Nuying joined your stay?"

"Why does that matter?" The redhead crossed his arms.

"There is a block in her memory. One that meant she did not reincarnate correctly."

They stared at one another as the trees swayed and the receding laughter of people faded.

"What do you mean? What is it you are not telling us?"

'He… he was hiding things again?' Ying Yue looked sadly at his lover and tugged his hand so silver eyes moved to his.

"No more games, Ah Li. No more hiding. I cannot take it if… please, my husband," he whispered and silver eyes softened.

"It is no games, Ah Yue. I stated so when I saw her, but now I see it more."

"What do you see?" Ying Yue searched his lover's face.

"Interference. When I sent Nuying to reincarnate, she was to go straight to the wheel. No memories. No past life. Fresh and clean, like your master."

"Master?" Xu Ling uncrossed his arms, "What of him?"

Wang Li looked at Ying Yue's eyes and squeezed the hand in his for a moment, before pulling away.

"Your master's death will come soon."

Ying Yue's eyes widened as his brows shot up to his forehead. He grabbed his lover and gripped his hold. Shaking his head, he cannot believe his master would die again. He can't! Ying Yue went to see him and he was fine! A simple lonely farmer who ate what he grew and planted what he wanted. Pang Xi was young still, not old enough to die.

"Are you the reason?" Xu Ling accused and Wang Li did not reply.

"Answer him."


"ANSWER HIM!" Ying Yue shouted as his nails dug into his lover's arm, refusing to look at those moonlit eyes.

"… yes."

That broke the bottle he hid so well behind his heart and mind. He punched, kicked, scratched, anything! He had tears streaming down his face, but all he cared about was the pain. Again and again and there was nothing that could change this cycle no matter how much he wished to. Wang Li love him, had passionate sex, stay beside him, made him feel loved and then rip his heart and stomped all over it.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He screamed as he felt his body being pulled away from the man in red. He squirmed and twisted trying to let out his pent-up rage, but his brother continued to hold him back.

"Why?! Why can't I make you happy? Why must you kill? Must you be my opposite, Wang Li? I hate you for this. I hate you for all of it! I cannot do this anymore!"

Ying Yue cried and cried. He was scratching the arms around him trying to break free. He just hated his husband, hated everything, hated-

A strange feeling overwhelmed him before a sense of peace. He blinked and blinked widely to see his lover standing far from him. Was Wang Li not standing beside him a moment ago? Red eyes bright like rubies was staring at him as his lover's hand twisted around a dark energy, before it disappeared into the fist.

Ying Yue's golden eyes took in the scratches, the blood, the bruises on his husband and he reached out. In doing so, he saw blood slipping down his fingers to his elbow, already dirtying his sleeves.

Mouth opened in shock, he stared at the hold around him to see nail marks and Ying Yue trembled.

'What… what did I do?'

"Ying Yue, are you better?"

His brother asked and he nodded slowly. His brother released him cautiously and Ying Yue just stared at what he had done to his lover.

"I… I am sorry. Forgive me, Ah Ling. Forgive me, Ah Li," his voice shook as he spoke.

Wang Li just stared at him as those red eyes returned to silver, but there was a sadness… one he recognized so long ago.

'No, no! This is not happening again. I am not Wang Li's curse any longer. The prophecy is completed! Please! Don't do this again. Don't…'

"Xu Ling. You should return. There may be more hidden inside of your students."

The redhead glanced at his brother and placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder. Ying Yue flinched and looked at his brother before nodding. Reluctantly, Xu Ling left the couple to their issue as he relayed the information to Han Mo and his son.

"I… I don't know what happened, Ah Li. I don't remember anything, but I… I know I hurt you and my brother… I made you bleed," He was crying. Ying Yue wanted to hold his husband, but he was afraid he'd hurt him again. He had no control of what happened moments ago. He would never hurt Wang Li! Never!

"You said you hated me and wished I was not here."

"No! No, I want you here, Ah Li," Ying Yue shook his head as he stepped forward, "You are everything to me. I love you. I love you so much I could drown in you! Please, Ah Li, do not leave me! You promised! You promised," the blonde finished in a whisper as he hung his head with fisted hands.

Wang Li closed his eyes and let out a deep exhale through his nose. His beautiful wife, his Ying Yue, the purest golden light in this world, had given in. The parasite demon had pulled something out of his sweet wife, one who loved all. Rage. Anger.

For him.

"Ah Yue," He spoke softly and the platinum blonde lifted his head to aim his watery tear-filled eyes at him, "I always make you cry."

"Then make me feel better," his wife countered wiping his face, only to smear the blood on soft hands over soft cheeks, "Please. Whatever you want, Ah Li. I hurt you. I never want to hurt you."

"I know," Wang Li whispered and stepped toward his trembling lover, "You are also angry with me."

His wife looked away and he reached out to touch his lover's face. The blonde leaned into his touch with sad eyes aimed at him, worry etched in every line of his wife's face.

"Pang Xi should have died due to malnourishment. He could not grow his crops well nor did he have any money. He had a family, but they perished many years prior. That was how Ye Wu found out about your master's rebirth. His wife was the reason for his illness and when Ye Wu found out, he showed up dressed in female clothing.

He appeared every day, just watching, speaking, and laughing at your master. But Ye Wu was not stupid. He knew the effect his being would cause, he will not do so again."

"How is it your fault then?"

Wang Li ran his thumb over his lover's parted lips and felt the tip of a tongue licked his pad. His lip curled into a smirk and he pressed the thumb into waiting mouth. He felt the light suckle and he let out a soft laugh, pinching his lover's waist.

"Focus, my love."

"I am."

He pulled his hand away, but Ying Yue caught his hand and held onto it. His wife pulled out the red handkerchief and began wiping the blood off him. Silver eyes just watched silently as Ying Yue cleaned him up as best one can without water. He caught his wife's hand and kissed where the ring was, the one that said he belonged to Ying Yue.

"Ye Wu said there had been a ghost when he showed up to visit," Wang Li stated and golden eyes caught his silver ones, "It was sucking your master's life force. Even vanquishing the ghost back to the Netherworld, it was already too late. He had lost much of his life."

Ying Yue nodded and pressed his forehead against his lover's chest.

"Then Ye Wu saved him… gave him more time. Is that what you are telling me?"


"And it is your fault because?"

Wang Li cupped his face and made sure he was looking, paying attention, and Ying Yue clutched his husband's wrists.

"It would not be alive if I had not released them. This ghost had survived through centuries by attaching itself to a person and once they are finished, they go to another. Do you understand, Ah Yue? My sins will continue to hurt those around you and the innocent people you protect. It will continue to hurt you," Ying Yue felt the exhale from his lover blew over his face and he fluttered his lashes, "I accept your hate. I deserve it."

Wang Li could feel how long the parasite sat with his lover, his dear wife. It sat with the blonde for years, perhaps, and now that he was here, it only made the demon clutch onto his wife stronger. His beautiful Ying Yue...

"I don't hate you-"

"Ye Wu told me you've cried many nights, mumbled my name, whispered your hate for me, drank to sleep or until the sun rose."

"He… I… I don't hate you Ah Li. I just… I just don't like being alone or apart from you. I just want us to be happy. I just want you to be happy."

Wang Li smiled softly and kissed his lips gently. It was slow, shy, like his husband was experimenting in the kiss. It confused him, ignited him, and brought back the very first time they kissed. When his eyes opened, silver eyes were taking him in, sliding slowly over each portion of his face. He smiled and his husband smiled back.

They just stared at one another for a moment as the warm breeze flew by, ruffling their hair and sleeves.

"You do make me happy Ah Yue."

"Sometimes I do not believe so."

"I feel the same."

"We are hopeless."

Wang Li chuckled and leaned in, "No. We are hopeful."