Chapter 166 - Always For You

Each Sector did not mind and welcomed their help easily. Ying Yue remembered when speaking with the Sect Leaders were not easy nor did they all care for his work. Now, every sector worked with one another. Such efficiency brought a smile to his face.

'It took centuries for this to happen, but I am glad people are happy and safe.'

As they said their goodbye to their last sector, the sun was inching closer to sleep. Ying Yue was worried as to why his lover had not arrived.

'Did something happened? Was Ye Wu doing something that Wang Li had to fix? Was Wang Li… did he just not want to come?'

Shaking the thoughts away, he listened to the students chattering away. Smiling, he turned to them and thanked them.

"I know this is not the best part of what we do, but it is important to build community between all sectors."

"We understand, Grandmaster Yue," Fu Shen nodded and shut his mouth quickly. Ying Yue furrowed his brows, but the twins gasped had him turning. Golden eyes widened to see his lover before them on the road. Wang Li's hair was braid, pulled behind his neck as 3 cloud white butterflies hung to his strands. In his husband's hand were food boxes and on his lips was a soft smile.

"You all must be hungry," Wang Li said, "Come. Follow me."

They followed to see a large mat over green grass under a large tree. Snow laid staring at them with his tail wagging, happily waiting.

"Snow!" The twins rushed over and joined the big cat while Fu Shen looked over at the raven haired man.

"Master Li, thank you for the meal."

"Set it for me, Ah Shen," the white haired boy was handed the boxes and nodded. Before he was able to pull away, Wang Li smiled at him softly.

"You look beautiful, Shen-er."

Fu Shen's cheeks warmed and he bowed, letting out a meek thank you before heading to the mat.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue grabbed his lover's arm.

"You look the most beautiful," His husband kissed his lips and he flushed.

"Not in front of the children," the blonde reprimand softly, but only earned a peck on his cheek.

Wang Li held his hand and Ying Yue relaxed into the touch, joining the others at the mat.

"Tell me, how is your sister?" Wang Li questioned as they ate.

"Hm? Ah Yun? She works hard to care for us. Our parents died when Ah Hien and I were babies and so big sister had to take care of us. We met Ah Shen when he was… uh… five?" Li Chu questioned staring at her brother.


"Seven. Big sister said he was hungry and… he never left."

"Why must you retell it as such."

"It is true."

"I owe Li Yun my life. I am indebted to her."

Wang Li hummed and Snow nuzzled each student who let out a smile.

"I have a gift for you."

"A gift?!" Li Chu cried happily.

Wang Li smirked and the butterflies in his hair flapped. Each butterfly flew around, leaving glittery shimmers before landing on a student. Ying Yue saw their eyes widened before a grin spread across their faces, even Fu Shen.

"Thank you, Master Li!" They bowed and Wang Li only waved it off, tightening his hold on Ying Yue's hand.


The lantern glowed, blanketing them in warmth as they laid on the white sheets. They laid on their sides and their hands did not touch, and legs did not lock. Only a sliver of space was between them, parting them like a stream among lands. Silver eyes observed golden ones, and golden eyes watched silver ones.

Ying Yue just stared at Wang Li and his husband did the same.

"Are you upset with me?"

The blonde blinked.

"Do you wish to just sleep?"

Ying Yue looked away and his toe inched closer.

"Ah Yue…"

"I just… I want to see if I can stop myself. I miss you and I love you, but I do not want us to just make love. I do not want that to be all we are."

"Why stop something you enjoy? I love you and I love bringing you pleasure."

Ying Yue bit his lips as he looked at Wang Li from under his lashes.

"Do you… does it feel like this is all we are?"

Wang Li laughed and touched that sliver of space between them.

"If all I want is to have sex, Ah Yue, I would find it elsewhere."

"I… I am not your first choice…"

"Do you not understand how high you are for anyone to reach, my love? You are always my first choice, but I wouldn't dare taint you," Wang Li's voice was soft against his face and he fluttered his lashes, "But I reached for you, beloved, and you reached back. Now," lips moved closer to his, "Now I want more than your body, Ah Yue. I want everything. Your heart, your soul, your beauty, and your world."

"Is it not wrong to want you so much?" Ying Yue whispered.

"If it is wrong, then I shall live in wrongness for you."

Ying Yue laughed and finally, finally kissed his lover. They touched like their fingers were memorizing each pore along their skin. They kissed as if tasting wine for the first time. They were slow in their lovemaking, slow in the drag of nails. Each thrust was an agonizing drag of his walls, wrapping around his lover's penis snuggly. Breaths mingled and tongue licked one another until breath quickened. Hips bucked and hands tightened, they came quietly.

The quietest they ever had done. It was strange, but there was an incredible intimacy of it all.

"Ah Li," Ying Yue breathed softly as Wang Li hummed pressing their foreheads together.

"With me."


"You will live in wrongness with me, not for me."

"No, my love," Wang Li nuzzled their nose, "For you. Always for you."