Chapter 169 - I Am Like You

"Wha… no! No! How can I? You are of the Heavens! I have Heavens blood, not demon. You are my father! You are my father... aren't you?"

"He is."

His black eyes stared into silver ones, bruised around the eyes and lips with blood painting his skin. He did that. He did that to his uncle. He…

"I… I'm sorry…"

"There is no reason to lie."

"I am not-"

The hand on his face tightened and he saw a flash of red in those silver eyes. He stared with wide eyes at his uncle and felt something strange stirring inside him, bowing to the man in red.

"Zhang Xu Lan. You have demon blood and Heavens blood. Neglecting your demon side will make you lust for blood more."

"I hate blood."

"But you crave it."

"Stop!" Xu Lan shook his uncle away, "No. I am not. I cannot be."

"Lan-er," Ying Yue sighed and held his nephew, "We still love you. We will do everything to help you, but please. Listen to Ah Li and…" his hands squeezed the pinkette's arm, "Do not hurt him again."

He felt his nephew nod and he pulled away wiping the tears from those dark eyes.

"I still don't understand."

"I am like you, Lan-er. I told you before, I understand you. I can help you."

Can he trust the Ghost King? Can he trust that his uncle would not manipulate him, use him to hurt his family?

"Ghost King," Xu Ling stared at the raven-haired man, "Do not make the same mistake as you did your past life."

The pink haired man stared at his father and nodded. If his father trusted the Ghost King, then he would too. Maybe.


Wang Li groaned and Ying Yue rubbed slower. He watched the exhale and the sigh, as his husband's silver eyes parted to look at him. His lover's palm moved to his nape and scratched lightly.

"Ah," Ying Yue moaned and kissed his husband.

He moved his agile wet fingers up the naked skin and pressed, earning another groan from his king. Ying Yue let out a soft laugh and bit his lover's lips playfully. He pushed again and Wang Li growled gripping his hip.

"Are you teasing me, my love?"

"I am putting medicine on your skin, my husband. It is not my fault if you enjoy it."

He saw the twinkle, the mischievousness in his lover's eyes before he was flipped over and kissed like he was the sweetest nectar. His lover's hardness rubbed against his own and he shuddered with pleasure.

"I will show you how much I enjoy it."

Oh, did his lover show him.

He could still feel the imprint of Wang Li's handprint, like it seared through his healed skin. He could still feel his hole stretched wide to fit his husband's cock, sucking every drip of cum his lover gave. He could still feel tongue inside him and lips against his tingling ones.

"Grandmaster Yue?"

He blinked away the memory and cleared his throat softly.


"How do we know which weapon to choose?"

Wiping his clothing down, Ying Yue smiled and headed to where the weapons racks were. His face reddened when he saw the knowing look on Han Mo's face and the sigh on Xu Ling's.

Did he forget to activate the soundproof charm?

"Wipe the drool off your face, Ying Yue. Such shamelessness."

The blonde quickly did as the redhead asked staring at Xu Ling wide eyed. The redhead shook his head with a sigh and Han Mo laughed, while Xu Lan glanced confused.

"Master Xu and Master Mo had spoken to you about the importance of receiving one of Heavens weapon. It will call to you once you are ready," Ying Yue explained as he mentally wiped away his embarrassment, "Sometimes, your weapon may not call to you, and that is okay."

"But it is better if it did, right?" One of the students perked up and Ying Yue tilted his head in thought.

"Well, mine was gifted to me. It took me awhile before I was able to wield it properly."

"Really?" "What a relief." "No pressure."

Ying Yue laughed and looked over at his brothers.

"Master Mo and Master Xu's weapons were called to them. Master Zhang and I were gifted ours."

The children all spoke at once wanting to hear more stories and he shook his head. They get distracted so easily that they would end up not handing them their weapons again.

"Who would like to get theirs first?"

"Me!" Li Chu stood up quickly and rushed to the blonde.

"Go on, Li Chu. Call forth your power to your fingertips and see," Ying Yue instructed and the female nodded.

Once every student had a weapon, they were excited and playing with one another. Some were unable to call forth their weapon and it caused them sadness, but his nephew had a knack of pepping the children. Smiling, he looked over to his brothers who were speaking with those who were asking them questions. He felt a palm at the small of his back and he jumped slightly.

"All the touching I do, your body still reacts this way," his lover whispered and wrapped arms around his waist, "How many times until your body gets used to my touch?"

Ying Yue flushed and the tip of his ears reddened. Wang Li's chest was warm against his back and he bit his lips.

"We are outside, Ah Li…"

"Yes. If I please you here, do you think you can quiet yourself enough, my love?"

"Wang Li!" He reprimanded with his face red and he heard his lover laugh, before kissing his cheek.

"Hm, they all have weapons. Is that a good idea, Ah Yue?"

"Yes. They will be able to travel faster when trouble arises."

"Hm," Wang Li wrapped his hand around his, "What else is planned today?"

Ying Yue glanced over at the students and his family for a moment, before looking up at his husband. Silver eyes were watching him, waiting patiently for him to take charge of their day, their relationship. His cheeks warmed and covered his freckles as he thought about the change. Wang Li was usually the one who chose where to go, what to do, how to pleasure him-

Swallowing hard, he licked his lips and cleared his throat.

"We should go visit my master. I have been meaning to see him."



Wang Li just smiled and nodded. Ying Yue pulled his husband along to tell everyone and off they went riding on his sword. This was wonderful. His lover holding him, trusting him, loving him.

"Ah Li?"

He called out feeling fingers drag up and down his sides. They were hovering slowly over the sky as they headed to their destination. He let out a gasp when fingers rolled down his hips then back up, before rolling down further.

"Ah… Ah Li," he gasped and the sword rattled, causing him to stumble back against his husband.

"Concentrate, beloved," Wang Li pressed close and Ying Yue closed his eyes.

"I won't be able to concentrate, Ah Li, please," he whined feeling teeth glide up the curve of his neck.

He heard the sigh against his ear and fingers moved back to wrap around his waist. Ying Yue let out a sigh as he steadied himself and continued to toward his former master's home.

"Are you… Are you upset?"

"With you?"



Wang Li peppered kisses on his head, temples, cheeks, and ears. He laughed softly and placed his hand over his lovers, feeling their rings overlay.

"I love you," he whispered and felt nose nuzzled against his temple.

"I love you as well, Ah Yue."

Warmth blossomed all over him and he sighed content.

When they arrived, he held his lover's hand and was surprised to not see the farmer outside. Knocking on the door, they heard footsteps before the door opened to reveal the green-haired man.

"Hello Grandmaster Yue and…"

"Wang Li."

"Wang Li. A pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, Sir…"

"Pang Xi."

"It is nice to meet you Sir Xi."

The man smiled and welcomed them in. Ying Yue watched his old master warm the tea as Wang Li and him went to sit down. Getting comfortable, he saw his husband's silver eyes glanced over at a door. Ying Yue did the same before looking back at his lover.

"I believe that is Pang Xi's bedroom, Ah Li."

"I know."

"Huh?" Ying Yue blinked at him confused, as the farmer returned with the tea.

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm just checking in, Sir Xi. You were not feeling well before," Ying Yue said concerned as his head tilted, "Hm, you look much better now."

"Ah, thank you, Grandmaster Yue," the man smiled crinkling the corner of his eyes, "I do feel better."

"I am glad," Ying Yue smiled and stared at his former master for a moment, "Sir Xi, you seem much happier now too."

Pang Xi laughed quietly as he drank his tea. Ying Yue was happy his former master, now farmer, was smiling. The green-haired man deserved to be happy.

The bedroom door opened to see a woman in a robe falling off thin shoulders. Long black hair cascaded down her back and eyes were red as rubies.

"Ye Wu?" Ying Yue breathed out with his eyes wide.