Chapter 177 - I Wish All Of You

(Pang Xi's home)

Ye Wu as a man did not look much different from when he pretended to be a female. The only change Pang Xi could see was the flat chest instead of the mounds and a penis instead of a vagina.

The demon still had long dark lashes, high cheekbones, kissable lips, and smooth white skin. He placed his warm palm against the cold cheek to hear a moan from the demon. Ye Wu leaned toward the warmth and Pang Xi quickly pulled away.

He went to the kitchen to heat water for tea and prepared soup. He ignored the way his heart jumped with the thought of Ye Wu in his home again. He ignored the anxiety leaking into the air, covering the space between him and the demon. He ignored how much he missed this, missed Ye Wu.

'But he is a demon,' he reminded himself, 'When you die, he will eat your soul and you will not be reborn.'

'Is that so bad? Ye Wu loves me, this much is certain and I… I care for him deeply.'

Wiping his face, he sighed and scooped the soup into a bowl and placed it onto a tray with the prepared tea. Bringing it to the room, he placed it on the side table and stared at the sleeping figure on his bed. Ye Wu looked peaceful and Pang Xi's heart swelled with the notion the demon felt relaxed with him, but another part feared that it was due to his weakness. Ye Wu could easily overpower him if the demon wished it.

He touched the demon's face. He slid his fingers along the high cheekbones and pushed away wet raven locks. He pulled up the blanket and tucked Ye Wu in before he looked back at the face of the demon.

Red eyes were observing him.

"Ah Xi," Ye Wu's rough voice said softly, "Am I dreaming?"

Pang Xi gritted his teeth and swallowed the way his heart wanted to jump out of his throat.

"You dream of me?"

"Every day," the demon sighed and pushed himself up groaning, "Ugh, my head hurts."

"It should. You didn't eat or sleep for awhile out in the rain."

"I was waiting for you to invite me in," Ye Wu pouted and rubbed his face before sliding his hair back, "Are you still upset with me?"



Ye Wu looked away and sighed. He listened to Wang Li and had been waiting for Pang Xi's forgiveness for many moons. To be honest, he didn't think the green haired man would hold the grudge so long. He thought he would only be begging and waiting for 3 nights but it was over 30 moons. The only reason he had lasted was the prayers he felt from Nuying's child.

Though it made him giddy and sometimes grinned when he heard the prayers, he had to remember that the child was part of Wang Li's family, which meant part of his own as well.

The rain had been harsh for quite some time and the cold air never bothered him much, but the lack of food, water, even blood weakened him. If any demon attacked him, he might not be able to fend for himself. No, that's a lie. Ye Wu could always fend for himself.

"Here," Pang Xi placed the spoon against his lips and Ye Wu gushed with the thought the green haired farmer wanted to feed him.

Opening his mouth, he moaned content as his stomach cheered. This continued until there was nothing left and Ye Wu was handed a teacup. Drinking it, the demon licked his lips with a pleased hum.

"Thank you, Pang Xi. Are you going to kick me out now?"

Pale golden eyes watched him for a moment in the lantern lit room. They searched his face for an unknown question and Ye Wu wondered what the question was, what was the man trying to find.

"Why me?"


"Ye Wu, why me?" Pang Xi gritted out.

"Why not you?"

"I am just a man. Am I part of your game? Have you cursed me?"

Ye Wu laughed and his red eyes crinkled. Reaching for the man's hands, Pang Xi did not flinch or pulled away and that made him preen.

"You are just a man, one I have longed for, for many centuries. There are no longer games that I play in such a way as this, Ah Xi. If I had known you returned, I would have come much earlier to see you."

"You have been waiting for me? Were we… lovers before?"

"No," Ye Wu laughed quietly, "You were too clean for me to taint, Ah Xi, but… we kissed nonetheless."

'So, we had a past. This is why Ye Wu had not harmed me,' Pang Xi thought and watched the way those red eyes just stared at their hands.

"Did you curse me?"

"No. Another had done so, but they are gone now. I made sure of it."

The grip on his hands were almost bruising, and he leaned forward to knock his head against the demon's. Red eyes looked up to his golden ones.

"What do you want, Ah Wu?"

"Your forgiveness."

"Why did you come to me in a female form when you take the form of a man?"

"I do not know if you were interested in men, Ah Xi."

"I see."

"Are you… interested in men?"


"I see."

"I forgive you," Pang Xi sighed, "Is that all you wish of me?"

"I wish all of you, Ah Xi," Ye Wu laughed with a grin, "Let me take care of you for a little longer."

"Before I die."

Ye Wu's eyes widened and Pang Xi let out an amused huff. Hands moved to cup his face and he blinked big red eyes at the green haired man.

"I have known for quite some time, Ah Wu. I thought you were the one to finally take my soul into the afterlife," Pang Xi sighed, "Are you going to eat my soul if I accept your wish?"

The demon laughed and kissed him. It felt like life was brought back into his dampening soul, lighting it up with a glow. He was pulled down onto the bed and he smiled as Ye Wu pulled back straddling him.

"I will do what you wish for your soul, my dearest Ah Xi. Besides, I do not need to eat your soul to know how delicious you taste," Ye Wu licked his lips and rolled his hips forward.

Pang Xi gasped and gripped the slender waist.

"Go on then, take care of me, Ah Wu," he panted out softly and the demon leaned down to capture his lips once more.

"As you wish, master."

Groaning, he kissed back hard and thrusted up to earn a moan from the red eyed demon. Ye Wu knew what to say to make him crazy, but he knew what to do to make the demon beg.


(Cultivation School)

Fu Shen did not understand his master. Master Mo was currently holding his hands in the comfort of his room, holding them as if he would run away. titling his head, he frowned lightly as he thought about what reason his master would look so sad. Did the brunette miss his king like he did?

"Ah Shen," Han Mo sighed, "Is it possible that there is room in your heart for another?"

"I don't understand."

"Ah," the master rubbed his face as he collected his thoughts. His dear Fu Shen was oblivious as he was aware. Rubbing the hands in his, he leaned forward and rested his head on his crush's shoulder. This was the closest he had ever gotten with Fu Shen and he worried if he confessed, would it pushes the white haired boy away? He had thought of this for sometime as he laid awake.

Each time that darn Ghost King came, he could tell Fu Shen was more alert, more willing to bend to Wang Li's every will. Sighing, he wondered if he would even truly had Fu Shen's heart.

"Are you giving up?" He could hear Wang Li's voice asked with that stupid knowing smirk. 

Taking a deep breath, he pulled back and looked into furrowed brows and pale purple eyes.

"Are you sick?" Fu Shen questioned and he let out a laugh.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Let me make you soup and bring you tea," his white haired apprentice was quick to get up, but he held him to sit back down on his bed.

"Ah Shen," Han Mo touched the boy's burnt marks, "Who do you love?"

Purple eyes widened and a light flush covered the boy's cheeks. Han Mo smiled defeated because he already knew who the boy loved and it was not him. Taking the defeat like a champ, he puffed his chest and grinned, patting the boy's shoulder.

"That is good, Ah Shen. I hope whoever it is knows your love, for surely you deserve everything in this world."

Purple eyes searched his face for a moment before Fu Shen turned away.

'If I cannot have your heart, then I will take as much time as he would give me,' Han Mo told himself, comforting himself with those words.

"Master Mo," Fu Shen spoke softly, "I do not think it is right for me to have these feelings."

"Eh? Why not?" Han Mo frowned and cupped the boy's arm, "Ah Shen, it is alright to love whoever you wish. Why should there be a problem?"

"It is wrong," the white haired boy whispered, "He is... older than I, but he cares for me even when he does not need to."

Ah, his heart felt like it was stabbed.

"You should tell him then, it would be good for you and I am certain whoever it is feels the same."

Fu Shen stared at him and that blush seemed to settle on pale cheeks.

"Do you, Master Mo, love anyone?"

"Yes," Han Mo said with no hesitation, "I too am afraid of the outcome of our relationship."

"I know who you love, Master Mo," Fu Shen looked down thinking, "I believe he feels the same as well. You two stare at each other as if lovers."

Han Mo blinked and blinked with furrowed brows. Fu Shen... was not talking about himself... was he? Shaking his head, he titled his head to stare into purple eyes.

"Who do you think I love?"

"The Ghost King."



"What?! You- You- What?!"

Han Mo stood up with eyes wide and mouth dropped. What the heck?! Why would Fu Shen think he was in love with Wang Li?! Wang Li was Ying Yue's! Not his!

"You two, you two stare at each other for so long some times. There is fire in them," Fu Shen also stood trying to explain himself, "I have seen you two speaking alone away from everyone. I apologize if I... If I assumed it. Please forgive me Master Mo."

Fu Shen bowed and Han Mo smacked his forehead laughing. This was ridiculously hilarious to him. Wait until he told his brothers, they would die with laughter. He caught his breath and smiled adoringly at his crush.

"Ah Shen, I do not love the Ghost King. I don't really like him, but I know what he means to my brother and to you. I understand confessing to him would be scary, but my brother cares for you too. Do not be afraid," Han Mo smiled at the white haired boy to see widened purple eyes, "Yes. I know."



"Master Mo... You are wrong."

"I do love my king," Fu Shen quickly said with a frown and narrowed eyes, "But... but... Why would you think it was him? I will not be so bold as to confess to my king when he belongs to the grandmaster."

"I told you, Fu Shen, my brother wo-"

"Stop. You..." Fu Shen walked toward him with anger simmering in those purple orbs, and Han Mo could do nothing but stare, "You. It is you."


"I know you are my master and I am your favorite apprentice. Please do not let my feelings come between our partnership. If you wish for me to-"

Han Mo did the one thing he had wanted to do for so long. He grabbed Fu Shen's face in his hands and kissed the boy. He heard the gasp, but quickly felt lips pressed against his. Pulling back, Han Mo laughed and laughed. Holding Fu Shen tightly, he fell on the bed with the boy in his arms.

"Ah Shen," he mumbled staring with all the love dripping off his touches, "It is you as well."


"I love you."


"Are you not going to say it back?" Han Mo's heart wavered, but burst into bright colors when his longtime crush smiled that rare gentle smile at him to answer.

"I love you too."