Chapter 186 - Make Me Not Leave You

(Pang Xi's House)

Pang Xi smiled amusedly as Ye Wu was trying and failing to keep himself from moving. He quirked a brow at the raven haired man, gaining a pout and large red eyes. His heart swooned and clenched at that look, but he didn't give in. He ate the strawberry slowly, the way he had seen his mischievous lover do.

Ye Wu whined and squirmed on the bed, wanting to reach out, but he was tied to the bed.

"Ah Xi," the demon licked his lips, "Mm, my handsome perfect master, please."

"Hm? You must be punished, Ah Wu, for teasing me."

"Mm, I learned my lesson, master. I will be good and… I'm so hard," Ye Wu whined and bit his bottom lip, moving his hips to emphasis his standing erection.

Pang Xi laughed amusedly and licked his lips before taking another bite. This only earned another whine from the demon and he laughed. Maybe he should release Ye Wu, since the red eyed man was doing well in not breaking the bonds. He brought a piece of strawberry with him and sat beside his lover.

Pressing it onto willing lips, Ye Wu looked at him with half lidded eyes and bit into the fruit. The juice slipped down the demon's mouth and Pang Xi licked it, before capturing his lover's lips with his own. His fingers moved down pale chest to wrap around the hard cock.

"Mm ah, mm, Ah Xi," Ye Wu breathed out in between kisses.

Then a noise caught the demon's ears through his aroused brain. His eyes hardened and looked over out of the window to see they were being surrounded. He quickly broke the bonds and pulled Pang Xi with him to the floor.

"Stay here," Ye Wu told the surprised green haired farmer, "I'll take care of the trouble. Don't leave here no matter what, Ah Xi. Do you understand?"

"Alright," Pang Xi nodded and he kissed his lover deeply for a second, before leaving the house.

When the demon saw what surrounded them, he scowled and dipped his brow. His red eyes glowed and he held his scythe, readying to slash every single one of these damn ghosts that thought they would dare attack them. They ruined the mood!

"You damn leeches! Come here so I can kill you!"

Ye Wu shouted and the ghosts stopped, tilting their heads as if they were speaking with one another.

"What? Scared now you fucking ghosts! Hah!" He laughed shortly and grinned, "Too late to run."

The tilting stopped. Then, one by one the ghosts rushed in moving like a stroke of ink. They moved like wisps of smoke, weaving side to side as if drunk with blood.

Ye Wu growled and attacked.

Each swipe released ghosts, but more and more surrounded him. They were reproducing quickly and the red eyed demon, the Head Demon, roared loudly.

"Fine. Then so be it."

Ye Wu held up his blade and the ghosts near him were all caught in the inferno of fire. Face stern and hair flowing, his ruby eyes glowed brighter with flames beneath them. His blade grew and he swiped his weapon in an arc, sending blazing fire toward the ghosts. He grinned menacingly and rushed quickly to the other end as if he flew there. Slicing and releasing the ghosts, his fire blade threw sparks and blazing flames everywhere.

"There you are," he grinned wrapping his hand around the main ghost's wispy neck, "You dare try to defeat me?"

"I did not recognize you, my lord," the ghost cried with multiple voices.

"You ruined my fun and so you shall die."

Ye Wu tightened his hand around the ghost's throat and killed it. The black smoke dispersed and he wiped his hands together, as if to remove the dirt of the enemy away from his skin. Turning, he realized what he had done.

Blazing fire burned down hard grown crops. Flames licked the grass around him and caught the few trees around the house.

The house was burning.

Rushing in, he heard the flickering of burning wood as smoke filled the space. He ignored the heat against his skin, undeterred from the fire as he ran to the bedroom. His eyes widened and his heart quickened.

"Ah Xi!"

He crouched down and picked up the weak green haired man into his arms. The demon ran out of the house with burnt skin and singed hair, but all his mind focused on was his lover. Placing him on a patch of untouched space, he wiped the smoked face.

"Ah Xi! Ah Xi!" He cried shaking the man and he felt his heart sighed when pale golden eyes blinked open slowly.

"Is it done?" Pang Xi questioned softly and the demon pulled his lover close to his chest, nodding quickly.

"Forgive me, Ah Xi, I ruined everything! I always ruin everything."

"Kiss me, demon," Pang Xi whispered and he did as the green haired man asked.

He knew. He could tell by the slow movement, low participation from Pang Xi that the time was now. So, he kissed harder, deeper, as his tears mixed in with their saliva. He didn't want to pull away, but his lover turned his head to take whatever breath he still could.

"Thank you," the green haired farmer whispered and Ye Wu gritted his teeth.

Pale golden eyes blinked slowly at the demon and he curled his lips. He lifted his shaky heavy hand up to touch the tears along burnt cheek.

"Don't be sad."

"How can I not be?! You will leave me again!"

"Then… make me not leave you."

Ye Wu held onto the hand against his face and stared into soft eyes. Was Pang Xi telling him… Was his lover really going to… just to be with him?!

'Ah Li… this must be how you feel.'

He breathed out a soft laugh and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on chapped lips.

"Are you certain, my master? Your soul will be mine."

"I am yours, Ye Wu."

He could not believe that this was happening, that Pang Xi was finally his. Still naked knelling on the floor over his beloved master, Ye Wu pressed a fingernail against the man's skin. He searched his lover's face to see eyes closed and relaxed.

"I love you," he whispered and pressed his nail in, biting underneath the left eye of the green haired master.



Ying Yue sat drinking the tea in front of the four sect leaders. Each one donning their sector colors with their chancellor. He found himself smiling as he listened to the calm words and cooperative play from each one. It took him back to the leaders he first met: Sect Leader Po of the North sector- rude and angry, Sect Leader Yang- obsessive and manipulative, Sect Leader Jing- calm and strong, and Sect Leader Zhi- welcoming and loyal.

'They would be proud of their offspring for living in such harmony,' Ying Yue nodded as he listened to the sect leader in blue, 'This was what the Jade Emperor had wished for. I understand now.'

The sect leaders chimed in, offering support, offering advice, offering their hands.

'This… we are at peace. Low numbers of demons left on this realm, people living in harmony… Will I finally receive my wish, Jade Emperor? Will I finally be with my husband again with no factors between us?'

"Heaven's Chosen," the sect leader in yellow spoke up, "What do you suggest?"

Up at his table, a level above the others, he smiled at them with softened eyes.

"I thank you all for being kind to one another," he started, "I would like to reinforce your talismans, the ones from your ancestors. If you could spare some of your warriors for the East sector, that would be kind of you. We must always prepare for any trouble, even when it seems peaceful now."

They agreed with nods and words.

"My brothers and I have charmed these. Please hand them to your villagers to hold on to wherever they go. I will go visit your sectors tomorrow to reinforce the talismans. Would that be alright?"

"Thank you, Heaven's Chosen," the one in purple bowed, "I do not wish to be nosey, but how is my child doing?"

"Gong He works well as a team and is strong with his blade. I am proud he stayed."

"Wonderful! Thank you."

"Come," Ying Yue grinned, "Let us go see them. My brothers and my nephew are currently pushing them harder to prepare them for stronger enemies."

He brought the sect leaders and their chancellors to the training grounds. They watched, close enough to see the students broke up into two groups. Three were fighting against Xu Ling, the other three were fighting against Han Mo. They watched as the pink-haired master looked as if he was helping, but suddenly grabbed a female student against him.

"Enough!" Zhang Xu Lan shouted holding the student with his blade underneath the girl's neck.

Li Chu glanced over, distracted by the change in the plan. She felt the punch to her face and she winced, turning with the movement. She scowled and rushed toward her master, only to halt when the hostage screamed.

"You were working with them," Fu Shen gritted out, making sure to keep his purple eyes on each master.

"Did you really think I would work with you weak kids? You could barely do anything alone!" Xu Lan laughed manically, "Stupid!"

"Funny," the male student, Gong He, smirked, "I believe you are speaking about yourself."

The laughter on Xu Lan stopped abruptly before the pink haired master's brows dipped. He pulled his blades closer, but realized he could not move. His eyes widened in surprise and his hostage quickly slipped away and slammed her palm against his forehead.

"May you be at peace."