Chapter 214 - Epilogue Part 1- Call Him Papa

Xu Lan was making his rounds around the sectors like he had always done since-

The students were travelling to help all the villages, even those far in at the end of the river and far across the desert. It had been so many moons since- and tomorrow would be the Autumn Festival. With the banners, the red lanterns, and the smell of food in the air, it should make Xu Lan happy.

It didn't.

Every year when the Autumn Festival came, he would visit the lake and go to their shrine. The one that was for the Ghost King now was changed to Uncle Li and Uncle Yue. He would pray to them, offer them mooncakes, and would stare at their statues until the sun had gone down.

Mo Chou would join him after praying to his brother- Feng Zhi. The navy haired man would hold him, and comfort him when he was in tears. He was thankful for his lover. His husband never complained, just stroke his hair and lay kisses on his lips. Sometimes, Mo Chou would bring their gifted guqins and they would try to play his uncles' song, but both Mo Chou and he were not musically talented.

Taking a deep breath, he finished his rounds and made sure to increase the charm's strengths as he did his patrol. When he returned home, it was dark out and the stars sprinkled the sky. He jumped to the roof of the school and stared at the moon. His lips would pull into a smile and he would remember his uncles smiling down at him.

Arms would wrap about his waist from behind and he would feel the warmth against his back. Feeling a deep exhale against his ear, he placed his hands on top of his lover's.

"Are you alright?"


"I know, my darling…" Mo Chou sighed and pressed closer, "Wanna know something super weird?"

"What is it?"

Xu Lan turned away from the moon to face his lover. He saw warm brown eyes crinkled and felt lips on his. He kissed back and held Mo Chou in his arms. He really loves Mo Chou. He really, really-

"Ah Lan, my dearest love," Mo Chou bit and pulled his lip, "Let us go to bed. Let me please you."

It no longer bothered him when Mo Chou spoke in such ways. It made him feel… more loved by his partner, if that even made sense. He was glad he was still attractive to his husband because he had seen people looking at his lover, looking at him with a certain look that he didn't like. Whether Mo Chou knew about it or not, the navy haired man would kiss him in public, causing him to flush deeply. However, when his lover kissed him in front of those who were lusting after his husband, he had no problem kissing back deeply.

This only led to the two of them making love in their room and him leaving hickeys where his husband could not hide them. Mo Chou didn't care. He paraded with them easily, almost proudly.

"I must speak with my father first."

Mo Chou left another kiss on his lips, before jumping down to their room. He went to his father's room, knocking first before opening it. He found his father and mother sitting at the floor table in the corner. They were drinking tea and speaking softly. His mother was aging, while his father still looked in his prime.

He had told his father to gift his mother or that he could like he did to Mo Chou, but Nuying shook her head and wiped the tears from his eyes. She had told him she wish to die peacefully with them by her side. He still didn't understand why she would wish it, but his father accepted it.

He had to as well.

Joining them, he smiled when his mother's fingers touched his cheek and his father poured him a cup of tea.

"Are you alright?" NuYing questioned knowing tomorrow was a day her son mourned the loss of his uncles.

"Mm, I think I'll go to the temple early tomorrow. Is that alright? I enhanced all the charms around the sectors."

"Yes," Xu Ling nodded, "Tomorrow, do not forget to bring the sweets and your uncle's favorite soup."

"I won't."

After speaking with his family, he returned to his room where his husband was waiting. He disrobed and slipped under the covers to wrap his arms around Mo Chou. Brown eyes watched him with softened eyes and ran slender fingers through his pink locks.

"What was super weird?" Xu Lan questioned quietly.

"Oh," Mo Chou sounded before he laughed, "Well… Ye Wu wants to visit."









"Does he need a place to stay?"

"Are you… offering a room for them?"


"You… are okay with it?"



"Well… he is my grandfather, right?"

Mo Chou stared at him blinking wide brown eyes, before his lover laughed loudly and pressed their noses together.

"Call him Papa Wu."


Morning came and Pang Xi and Ye Wu arrived.

Xu Ling frowned and the demon just grinned at him. Han Mo was with Fu Shen preparing the meals and when the brunette saw the demon and their master, he dropped a plate of prepared meats. Eyes turned to him and Han Mo just stared.

"Ah Mo?" Fu Shen questioned and glanced at the newcomers, "Are you alright?"

"Uh…" Han Mo blinked and blinked, "I'm sorry. I'll clean it in a bit. I'm going to welcome the guests."

"I will too," Fu Shen stated and he was going to shake his head, but the fingers interlocking his… how was he to say no to his beautiful Fu Shen?

"Stop looking at us like we are evil," Ye Wu huffed and turned to Pang Xi, "See. I told you they would not be welcoming."

"If you wish for us to leave, we will. It will not be a problem."

"Why do you even want to be on the surface?" Xu Ling questioned with narrowed eyes.

"I wanted to meet my king's family and experience the happiness of this festival," Pang Xi looked over to the red hanging lantern on the shingle, "I never really had an Autumn Festival celebration. The Ghost King was always happiest this day."

Xu Ling felt his face softened remembering his master. Han Mo and Fu Shen greeted the guests and they heard Ye Wu laughing.

"So you finally did it! Geez, here I thought Ah Li would never let that child go."

"I'm… sorry?" Fu Shen furrowed his white brows and looked over at Han Mo.

"He gave his blessings. Trust me, I thought I would never win his heart," he looked over at Fu Shen and attempted to kiss the boy's cheek, but Fu Shen stopped his lips with his palm.

"Save face, Master Mo."

He laughed and nodded. They could hear an argument nearing them and they turned to see Mo Chou clinging to Xu Lan, who was pouting and stomping toward them. Black eyes brightened and he turned to his husband. Brown eyes looked over, before they fixed themselves to be presentable.

"Papa Wu and Papa Xi, welcome to our home."



"Did… Did…" Ye Wu stuttered out.

"Papa?" Pang Xi questioned softly with his cheeks warmed.