Chapter 221 - Alt. Epilogue: 5 Of 10- No Mask, No Entrance

"Thank you, Ah Li," he walked up to the teen, "I… Here."

Wang Li took the box and smiled, thanking him and his parents. Fingers moved to cup his cheek and his heart stuttered. They stared at one another for a moment, trying to memorize one another longer.

"I will miss you, Ah Yue."

"I will miss you too, Ah Li."

Ying Yue whispered back and Wang Li smiled and pulled away. The warmth that covered his cheek was now cold as he watched his friend entered the car. His heart constricted and his nose itched as he watched the car pull away. Arms wrapped around him and he cried.

His parents shushed him and comforted him as best they could. He thanked them and said he wanted to go back to bed. Walking into his bedroom, the blankets were all folded and his room looked like Wang Li was never there. He closed the door with a sigh. His eyes slide along his room and he noticed there was a letter at his desk.

Walking over to pick it up, he smiled recognizing Wang Li's handwriting.

'To My Gracious Host'

He ran his fingers over the ink softly. Opening the letter, he pulled out a card and a golden pin. The card was decorated with lace and saturated colors. A mask was on the cover and he hummed to himself. Opening the card, it was an invitation three months from now to a masquerade ball. Requirements: a mask and a formal attire. He smiled and looked at the golden pin, a phoenix etched in holding a silver gem.

'Like Wang Li's eyes…'

"Ah Li," he stared at the date again, "I will see you again on my birthday."


His parents approved of him going to the ball, but they made sure to go through the safety precautions with him. He was going to Wang Li's province this time and he worried he would get lost, but he was determined to see his friend again.

He had turned eighteen today and seeing his friend again would be the best gift he would receive.

He took the train with his duffle bag where his suit, the pin, and his nice shoes were perfectly placed. Watching the leaves change color and the sky lightly colored in oranges and reds, he relaxed smiling to himself. Taking out his phone, he looked at the picture they had taken.

["What will I have to remember you?" He whispered when the day neared for their goodbyes.

"You want to remember me?" Wang Li whispered back in the darkness of their room.

"Of course. We are friends, aren't we?" Ying Yue clutched his hands to his chest, looking away from the silver eyed teen.

"Of course."

Fingers touched the side of his head and slid down to pull strands toward the raven haired male. His golden eyes watched as the teen rubbed his ear, as if to make a wish upon it. The more Wang Li rubbed, the more his eyelashes fluttered and his mouth parted slightly. His head tilted toward the touch and he bit his lips mewling.

When fingers pulled away, he was flushing.

"A picture then, Ah Yue."

Wang Li watched as the flush hid the blonde's freckles and the tongue wetting red lips.

"Are you certain you are single?" He questioned aloud.


"You are quite beautiful, Ah Yue."

"Ah," Ying Yue covered his face and sat up, "S… Stop making my blush, Ah Li. My face would look like a tomato in the picture."

Wang Li chuckled and sat up as well. Ying Yue turned on the lights and took his phone. Aiming the camera on them, Wang Li sat close to him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He leaned against the hold and turned to aim his big doe eyes at the silver eyed boy. His guest looked at him as well, nose close, and the sound of a click filtered through his ear.

Looking at his phone, he saw there was a picture taken and he heard the light laugh. Smiling, they both took another one, side by side, looking at the camera.

"Take care of them, Ah Yue. I would like to see them when we meet again."

"Okay, Ah Li. I will."]

He found himself chuckling as he stared at the side by side pic. He swiped to the left and stared at the one where their eyes were on one another. He looked caught by surprised with his eyes wide and mouth parted, but Wang Li…

'Sneaky,' Ying Yue thought with a smile.

Pocketing his phone, he made sure to find and reunite with Wang Li.


Entering the motel he was staying for the night, he looked at the time and saw he had a couple hours before the ball started. So making himself presentable, he put on his blue suit and pants over his white collared shirt and red bowtie. Pinning the golden phoenix onto his lapel, he stared at his hair.

What should he do with it?

"In a ponytail," Ying Yue held his hair up, "Half pony?"

Sighing, he frowned crossing his arms. In the end, he ended up doing nothing to it.

As his driver pulled up to the address, his eyes widened to see the big house like those fancy ones he saw in the movies. Thanking his driver, he got out of the car and walked up the walkway to the entrance of the mansion. He could hear people inside already and saw some entering dressed in their finest clothes.

He looked back at his suit and swallowed down his nerves.

His family was not rich, but they were kind enough to buy this outfit for his birthday. It wasn't brand name like he knew these other people wore, but it would do… hopefully. Shaking his nerves away, he walked up to the man and smiled.

"Uh, I was invited here."

The man assessed him from head to toe.


Ying Yue nodded and reached inside his coat for the mask, a simple foldable one that covered his eyes, but it was not there. Quickly checking his other pocket, he felt empty air. His eyes widened and he could feel sweat producing across his skin.

'No… come on. I have it somewhere!'

"No mask, no entrance."