Chapter 327 - Surrender

Adeline and Raphael were unfazed even when they were surrounded by so many guards, that also the ones who were highly skilled fighters.

The cavalry who were circling them were inching closer and closer and were looking for the right moment and an opening to attack from.

Adeline and Raphael were sticking their backs against each other so that there wouldn't be an opening at their back.

Two of the cavalry who were standing opposite to each other exchanged a knowing glance and in the next moment, they attacked Adeline and Raphael from their sides.

The brother and sister instantly turned to their side and faced each of the cavalries.

Soon, the battlefield was echoing with the clanging sound of the swords striking against each other.

At first, the rest of the soldiers were playing by the book and were letting them fight one on one. However, when they noticed that both the Princess and Prince were overpowering the cavalry, the squad leader gestured the others to join the fight as well.

The horseback rider who was fighting Adeline was already fatigued. He barely had some strength left to even lift his sword. Adeline easily disarmed him and then pushed him off of the horse.

Adeline was not going to resort to the last option but when she saw that around six other foot soldiers were running towards her at once, she decided to go on the offensive.

She ran right towards those soldiers who were charging at her. With one swift move of her sword, she threw the sword of one of the soldiers. She pushed the other one with her shoulder and made him tumble.

Another soldier's sword came swishing at her neck. She dodged the attack and before he could attempt another strike, she kicked him hard in the gut and sent him flying to the ground.

Another one to her right came running at her while aiming to pierce her heart. Adeline used a little force and hit his sword in an outward motion. His sword was broken in half and was sent flying away. Before he could challenge her with his bare hands, she hit him with the hilt of her sword right on his head. And he fainted on the spot.

She gave a piercing gaze to another one who was near her. He instantly stepped back out of fear.

"Why are you stepping back? Attack her!" the squad leader shouted at the soldiers when he sensed hesitance in their demeanor.

The soldiers began to surround Adeline again, with the intention to attack her from all sides at once.

While the squad leader was busy keeping an eye on Adeline, he had completely ignored Raphael. Raphael had already beaten up a few soldiers and right now was mounting a horse.

He appeared in front of that squad leader and pointed his sword at him, "Looks like you really want to fight. Why don't I indulge you in one?"

Before that leader could even grip the rein of his horse properly, Raphael attacked the leader.

The leader was caught off guard at first so he was barely dodging the attacks or countering them. But soon, he managed to adjust himself. He then went toe to toe with the Prince. It was apparent that he was the leader for a reason.

As the leader was fighting against the Prince, he happened to notice the witches who were walking towards the carriage.

And without thinking for a second, he shouted out his order, "Attack those witches. Don't let them anywhere near the carriage."

Around five soldiers who were close to the witches immediately began to run in the direction of the witches.

Tabitha and the others' attention was attracted by the battle cries of those few soldiers. Tabitha gave an unbothered glance at them and casually waved her palm.

All five of the soldiers were sent flying back to the rest of the other soldiers.

While the squad leader was distracted, Raphael got the opportunity to break the stalemate that they were having for a while. He disarmed the leader and then pointed his sword at the neck of that leader.

"I guess the fight is over," Raphael declared with a mocking smirk.

The leader darted his eyes around to see why no one was coming to his assistance. But he saw that all of his men were already down. Some were disarmed, some were lying down on the ground, while some were too afraid to pick up their weapons and go for the second round of the fight with the Princess.

The leader raised his hands in the air and surrendered. He hoped that the Princess would successfully capture the Queen. He didn't want to get punished by that evil witch for not being able to kill one girl when there were twenty of them.

Theodore was quietly watching over Adeline and Raphael until now. This was the first time he was seeing Adeline fight that many soldiers at once. And seeing her take down those men like that, he was really proud of her.

"I think I should fight her once, just to admire her fighting skills," Theodore thought with a smile while lovingly glancing at Adeline.

Adeline was drenched in sweat and covered in dust. But Theodore found her extremely attractive right now.

Tabitha and the others reached in front of the carriage. They were about to perform the spell when Theodore appeared beside them.

As all the soldiers were already out of the fight, there was no need for him to keep on watching over Adeline.

Theodore glanced at the High Priestess and suggested, "All of you can channel me as your energy source. It will be faster that way rather than relying on nature."

Tabitha gladly accepted that suggestion from the Devil Prince. It would indeed make their task easier. "Thank you, Your Highness," Tabitha bowed to Theodore.

All of the witches gathered around Theodore while holding each other's hands. They all closed their eyes and began to chant the same spell. Slowly a glowing orange circle appeared on the floor of the carriage. And as the witches kept on chanting the spell, several runes started to appear inside the circle.

Inside the barrier, Sybil was not even blinking while she stood beside Lillian, holding a piece of rock in her hand. She was going to whack the sorceress if made even as slight movement as batting her eyelashes.

What she failed to notice was that all the grasses beneath Lillian had already died. Her wound at the back of her head was healing slowly.

After a while, Lillian regained her consciousness and flung her eyes open. The first thing she saw was Sybil's angry face glaring down at her.

And before Lillian could even blink, Sybil raised her hand and smashed the rock on Lillian's head again.