Jiangdong's voice fell to the ground. Before Ling Xiaoxiao could respond, the security guard on the side couldn't help laughing.

"You settle? What do you settle?" the security captain looked at Jiang Dong with contempt. "Also, you have a big heart? You can't protect yourself. You still want to flirt with your sister?"

"If you say one more word, I'll make you speechless all your life." Jiang Dong smiled and looked at the security captain, but his smile was full of chilling gloom.

The security captain is also a person who has seen the world, but he was stunned by Jiangdong's eyes and smile.

How to describe it?

Being stared at by Jiangdong, the security captain has a feeling of being stared at by the God of death, as if he would die in the next moment, which is both scary and strange.

The security captain shivered and really stopped talking

Ling Xiaoxiao looked at Jiangdong in a complicated and strange way. Although she saw Jiangdong's extraordinary place, she didn't choose to ask Jiangdong. After all, everyone has a secret. Why didn't she?

Ling Xiaoxiao pressed down his curiosity about Jiangdong and thought a little. Then he opened his mouth and replied, "I don't want to study here. I think it's better to go back to Tianjing University."

"Well, although I don't want to interfere with your choice, your choice is indeed the most correct choice at present." Jiang Dong nodded and agreed.

Ling Xiaoxiao had such a thing at Longguo Aviation University. If she continued to study here, it would only increase her troubles. It would be better to go back to her hometown and return to the place she is familiar with.

Two people are chatting. Unconsciously, they have come to the door of the headmaster's room.

The security captain respectfully knocked on the door of the principal's room until there was an impatient word "come in", and then the security captain quietly opened the door. Then... Good guy, he bent down almost 90 degrees and walked into the principal's room with small broken steps!

Lick. Dog!

And still lick to the extreme!

"Headmaster! There was a terrible incident of beating foreign students just now, and I have brought the initiator!" the security captain flattered a fat middle-aged man with a big belly.

With that, the security captain also stared at the security guards at the door. It was completely different from facing the headmaster. It seemed that this was not only a licking dog, but also a double labeled dog!

"Bring it in!" the headmaster sat at his desk, writing hard, and didn't even bother to lift his head.

The security captain flattered and asked his men to bring Jiangdong and lingxiaoxiao in, but he didn't let his men leave, but lined up against the wall, as if he was afraid that Jiangdong would suddenly turn into an assassin, which would be bad for the headmaster

It is said that his ability to be a security captain is absolutely due to his strength. Licking skill is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

The headmaster looked up at Jiang Dong and Ling Xiaoxiao. With only one look, the headmaster found that they were not on the list that the school could not offend. Immediately, their attitude became cold.

"If you are a student of our school, you will be expelled directly." the headmaster lowered his head again and didn't know whether he was working or doing anything. The indifferent voice sounded again. "If you are not a student of our school, we will take the means of alarm to protect the rights and interests of foreign students."