What is the concept of opening an emperor account on the tiger live broadcast platform?

The most noble identity title of the whole platform needs 150000 dragon national coins to open, and the amount of renewal of the emperor every month is 30000 yuan!

This is definitely a game for the rich. Ordinary people can't afford it!

"Thank you for the emperor who renewed the fee!" the North emperor was excited and crazy. There were 100 treasure maps and an emperor. This is definitely a big man of Shenhao level!

How could Beidi miss such a chance to lick big brother?

Making a quick decision, Beidi suspended the peak game and sent a private chat to Jiangdong's account, "brother Dong, what can I do for you? I can take you to the table and help you play on your behalf. I'll call you if you want any national clothes!"

The attitude of the northern emperor is called humility. It's just kneeling and licking. It's absolutely the opposite comparison with the time when he was going to report he Lin just now!

Jiangdong ignored the North emperor because Jiangdong received a private letter from the trade union of the North Emperor

"Thank the boss for supporting Beidi. I'm the operation director of the stone trade union. What can I do to help the boss?" the operation director of the trade union is very humble. "Our trade union not only has the game God, but also many beautiful little sister anchors. I don't know what the boss means..."

Sure enough!

There are really many anchors selling meat across the screen!

This reminds Jiang Dong of that little wave fairy?

Is that your name?

"How much does it cost to train an anchor like Beidi?" Jiang Dong asked.

"The boss means... I don't quite understand..."

"He's pretending to beep too much. I'll clean him up." after Jiang Dong simply replied, he rushed 50 million directly into the account this time.

Fifty million!

Half a billion!

Just stepped on the horse and rushed directly into the account of the tiger live broadcasting platform?

How much does it cost to play like this?

No way, Jiangdong really doesn't need this money!

Not to mention the more than 7 billion yuan in the bank card, he can get a minimum of 2 billion yuan every day, and this number will continue to increase with the system upgrade!

It's only 50 million. It's water!

Later, Jiang Dong also sent the screenshot to the operator and joked: "you said, I set up a trade union myself and spent my life throwing money. Can I deal with him?"

Now, I'm stupid!

"Boss, did Beidi offend you? I apologize for him!" the operator's attitude was called humble. "If the boss is not satisfied, I'll contact Beidi now. If the boss has any requirements, I'll tell him directly. If he dares not to agree, the trade union will block him immediately! The boss is welcome. Just treat him as a dog!"

In fact, the high anchor and the self righteous trade union are all based on one foundation, that is, the other party is weaker than them. If they encounter Jiangdong's disagreement, they will act as 50 million bosses, and they don't dare to brag.

Bleep bleep?

Jiangdong has enough money to recharge the tiger live broadcasting platform and buy their trade union. What qualifications does he have to beep?

You know, this horse riding is recharge money. It can't be reflected and cash out. Frankly, it's equivalent to floating!

How much does it cost?

"You mean, let the North emperor roll over and kneel and lick?" Jiang Dong tilted his mouth and smiled disdainfully.

"Must!" the operator implicitly hinted: "if the boss has special requirements, I can also let Beidi meet the boss..."