Jiangdong, Ducheng, Tian Yuhao and childe Wang all know the importance of the first curve. They all hold the steering wheel tightly and stare at the 90 degree arc curve



Bursts of harsh braking sound instantly rang through the racetrack. With a strong stream of smoke floating up, the four cars began to drift almost at the same time!

The one 77 with the best performance and the BMW M8 of the prince almost rubbed the guardrail at the outermost part of the race and drifted around the corner, which almost led to a car accident. On the contrary, Du Cheng drifted around the corner in the middle of the race. The racing strength of the three people was high!

The most exaggerated thing is Jiangdong. This guy is a monster. The BMW M8 almost ran close to the inside, and there was a beautiful drift, swing the tail and turn directly!

After crossing the curve, Jiangdong took the lead and directly began to accelerate in a straight line, followed by Du Cheng, followed by Tian Yuhao and childe Wang. As for Yi Tong, she came to play and just felt the charm of the track and racing.

"Lying grass! Dongge is so awesome! Ordinary professional drivers can't do this technology!" Tian Yuhao shouted excitedly in one77, and then stepped on the accelerator. With the super performance of one77, he not only surpassed Ducheng on the straight track, but also directly caught up with Jiangdong's BMW M8!

But immediately, the same curve is coming!


The friction sound between several tires and the runway broke again, and several cars drifted around the corner. The effect was the same as before. Jiangdong was still the first to rush into the straight line.

This time, relying on the advantage of chasing back in a straight line, Tian Yuhao pushed Du Cheng over and ranked second.

As for the prince, he has given up and began to enjoy the game, ranking fourth from bottom and fifth with Yi Tong.

"Ah! Jiangdong!" in the BMW M8, Ducheng is going crazy.

It's the same car. Why did Jiangdong get rid of it before half a lap?

This is a devastating blow to Du Cheng, who is quite confident in his driving skills!

However, no matter how hard Du Cheng tried, he couldn't catch up with Jiangdong. Every time he drifted around the corner, it was the best time for Jiangdong to open the gap with everyone!

After passing through several curves, Jiangdong was the first to cross the finish line and easily won the first place.

Then came Tian Yuhao, who won by virtue of vehicle performance. The third place was Ducheng, who passed the technical test but was completely crushed by one77, followed by Prince Wang and Yi Tong.

Several cars stopped at the end in turn. Jiang Dong, who first arrived at the end, had already leaned against the car and waited for the other four people to get off.

"Dongge! Niubi! In my opinion, we are also hired drivers. I'll get you a certificate and you can go straight to the stage!" Tian Yuhao waved his fist and ran to Jiangdong excitedly. "At your level, ordinary professional drivers are not your opponents. I can't imagine that Dongge is really hidden!"

Tian Yuhao is excited and incoherent, because Tian Yuhao's favorite sports are basketball and racing. Jiangdong won the first World War in the field of racing. Tian Yuhao is now Jiangdong's little fan.

In fact, Jiangdong's basketball field is still an existence that can make Tian Yuhao kneel down!

"Mr. Du, admit defeat and sign the contract!" Jiang Dong waved to Tian Yuhao, and then showed a joking sneer at Du Cheng.