Soon, the third exam was over, and the following nine people were selected for the competition.

Sha Yin: I love Luo and Kan Jiulang.

Muye: rixiangningci, yuzhibo Sasuke, yamanakano, whirlpool Naruto, Nara Deer pill, gouzuka tooth.

Nine people were selected, but considering that Qiu daoning's strength is slightly weak, the last selected is the above eight~

"Ladies and gentlemen, in a month's time, celebrities from various countries, wind shadows and others will come to watch the war. I hope you can improve your strength more and show your strength to senior leaders of various countries without regret.

Now, start to draw your formal opponents! ~ "

The moonlight and the wind came up with the box, which contained the signing of the battle.

"There are eight matches in the box. One against eight, two against seven, and so on. The winner is your opponent in the decisive battle. You can use one month to investigate each other's strength and preferences, or one month to enhance yourself.

As long as you can fully show your strength in the decisive battle, whether you win or lose, you may become Zhongren in the end. "

"Now, start drawing lots! ~"

Eight people came forward one after another to draw their opponents.

But neither the tyrannical Ai Luo nor the riningci of Muye's largest family are willing to compete with the two of class 7.

Although I didn't see Naruto's strength, how could it be too weak to be recognized by Sasuke?

So, in the eyes of others, those two people are not forbearance at all. It is clear that they are the strong shadow level people who dress up to take the exam~

"Now, sign your names! ~"

Rixiangningci: "one."

Sasuke: "seven."

The final result is that Ningci is against shangkan Jiulang, lumaru is against gouzuka tooth, Sasuke is against me, Naruto is against shanzhongjingye.

"Well, the rehearsal of the third game is over. You can go back and have a rest. See you in a month. I wish wuyunchanglong! ~"


After drawing lots, before Hao Yun went home to celebrate his three disciples, the three generations sent ninjas to take him to the office.

"Three generations of old men, what can I do for you?"

Hao Yun casually found a chair and sat down. There was no one in the office except three generations. Well, not even the two most annoying elders~

The three generations' faces are full of kind smiles, which is particularly awkward in Hao Yun's eyes~

"I asked you to discuss something. Didn't you say you wanted to take some ninjas as disciples last time? I don't know. Are you free now?"

After seeing the strength of Sasuke and Sakura, the third generation couldn't help but want to tie Nara lumaru and others up and deliver them to the door... Hao Yun once said that most of the 12 Xiaoqiang are from the third generation.

At the thought that even Xiaoying, a civilian ninja, could be promoted to film level strength, the three generations couldn't help dreaming of twelve film level strong men in the village.

"Well... I'm quite free these two days. Let them come."

Hao Yun felt his chin. Luwan, Inoue and others were really weak. It was time to strengthen their strength.

Especially Yamanaka Inoue, he was unhappy at the thought of Inoue marrying sasai~ In his aesthetics, the most beautiful girl in the fire shadow is Inoue in the mountains. How can she marry a girl~

No, he has to upgrade Inoue's strength. Even if he marries younu zhinai in wartime, he is better than sasai~

No big deal, no big deal, he taught you nvzhi that it was Miao Gu Shu, which made him give up carrying insects~

"OK! ~ I'll let them go to the seventh training ground early tomorrow morning! ~"

The three generations quickly agreed, and even the training venues were allocated.

He didn't think about Hao Yun's attempt. He really looked at Sasuke and Sakura's shadow level strength. It's so fragrant~

With the opportunity to become strong, lumaru and others will certainly not give up. Three generations just said to teach Sakura and Sasuke's master, 12 Xiaoqiang immediately agreed, for fear that he would fall too far behind.

When Hao Yun returned to the house of yuzhibo family, all 12 Xiaoqiang had promised and fell into Hao Yun's hands~


On the night of the rehearsal, Hao Yun celebrated Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura, and slept until noon the next day.

After getting up, Hao Yun didn't care about the three's self-training. He staggered and walked slowly towards the seventh training ground.

In the training ground at the moment, many new students are taking the lead of Luwan to slander the coming master.

Lumaru was lying on the training ground with grass in his mouth. "Our master, isn't he like Kakashi? I heard that he often stumbled on the road of life by a black cat."

Make complaints about Yamanaka Inoochiishii, "listen to Sakura, and I'm lady killer."

"Er... My master said master Kakashi was very good."

This is maitekai's disciple Xiao Li, trying to help Kakashi speak.

"Xiao Li, you are so sincere! ~"

I quit every day, just Matt Kay's goods. Every day I quarreled with her to wear green tights and shave melon skin head... She's a girl too~

"Elder Kai is not reliable. Can you believe his words? Brother Ningci, are you right?"


Ning CI looked up at the sky. On the one hand, he was a girl who secretly loved himself and had feelings. On the other hand, he was the leader of the team, Shang Ren maitekai. Who did he help? He's too hard~

"He is Naruto's master, very good..."

This little voice, gentle and gentle person, of course, is the fledgling field.

Yamanaka Inoue said again: "Hata, you are too gentle. You are always so easy to blush. You will be bullied by Naruto after marriage! ~"

"Bully... After marriage... Cry..."

Well, in Inoue's words, Hata's brain was immediately filled to the stage of marriage, giving birth to children and inviting teachers for children. She was completely dizzy

"Tut tut Tut, my disciples, you look energetic and like gossip. It's good. You're worthy of being Hao Yun's disciple! ~"

In the distance, a melodious male voice came from afar.

Yamanakano, who wanted to slander more, stopped his body and turned his head rigidly... Sobbing, saying bad words, he was caught by the party~

Hao Yun... That's the master who taught the movie level strong~

"Master... I..."

"Good, it's all right. I'm also unhappy with Kakashi and maitekai."

Hao Yun went over and rubbed the long blond hair of shanzhongjingye: "but before you speak ill of him, you must think about whether the other party is a ninja you can beat! ~ otherwise, it will be like this..."

Hao Yun made a bad pause until he saw more and more panic and fear in Inoue's eyes, and then announced the punishment for these little guys.

"Now, everyone go and run around Muye for me for 10 laps! ~ well, if I can't finish it, I'll let Kakashi and matkai fight you personally! ~ well, it's a fight with all their strength, definitely not a fight! ~"

"Ah! ~" * 9~

Nine little guys wailed and ran away