In London, when Hao Yun arrived, sol was fighting with the dark elves in the city~

On the ground, the head of London is commanding the army to fight back~


"Boom, boom! ~"

Artillery, missiles, tank guns, rocket launchers... Countless light and heavy weapons fired at the dark elf warships... But malkis, standing at the bow of the ship, was unmoved. His hands spread out, and etheric particles gushed out of his body, forming an overwhelming barrier, which easily blocked the artillery attack~

"Small skills! ~ weak midgart people, do you think you can do harm to the great dark elves with your garbage weapons?

Without fairy palace soldiers, you are just a group of pigs to be slaughtered! ~ "

Malkis waved his right hand, and the etheric particles gushing out of his body turned into seven or eight arrows to push sol back.

At the same time, the etheric particles in the sky turned into huge stones and fell madly with the help of the earth's gravity, just like a meteor shower~

No matter the troops in Europe and the United States or the agents of the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. could not last a minute under the attack like a natural disaster. All the light and heavy weapons on the scene were destroyed. Only a few people, such as the captain, eagle eye and Natasha, managed to escape the ground washing attack with their own strong strength.

At this meeting, many European and American senior executives in the White House and the British palace finally know that in the big environment of the universe, the individual's strong strength can really change the victory of a war.

Unfortunately, they had the strongest heroes on earth, but they refused to join the war

"Nick Frey, where are the notes! ~ we need them! ~"

The British Prime Minister roared at Nick. As one of the five permanent members, Britain has the right to mobilize the Divine Shield bureau~

Nick Frey rolled his eyes at him angrily: "the light note doesn't belong to the s.h.i.e.l.d., have you forgotten?"

"Damn it! ~ I said those freaks should let them stay in prison..."

"Then, just wait for us to be destroyed and stand by?"

In the face of the accusations of the U.S. military, Nick made a hostile reply... The on-site communication was suddenly silent. The tragic defeat of two modern infantry divisions and the record of not supporting for a minute have fully proved the weakness of the earth army.

If there is no light note, other countries on earth, especially Britain, may have surrendered?

"What do they need?"

Fortunately, the wise people of the permanent members and the heads of the eastern countries asked directly.

"Transfer order! ~ they need a transfer order signed by the United Nations to request combat." Nick Frey shrugged. "They were afraid of what had happened before, and they were afraid of being suggested to drop a nuclear bomb behind them. Therefore, they asked all the top leaders of countries to sign it and publish it online at the first time."

"They are a threat! ~ the United Nations will never accept any threat! ~"

The U.S. military said angrily, well, he is a hydra and a member of the faction that suggested dropping the nuclear bomb in 2012. The transfer order requested by the light note was a slap in his face~

However, no one paid any attention to him... Many UN representatives looked at him and pressed the Agree button at the same time~

"We immediately sign the transfer order and publish it online. Nick Frey, please contact the light note as soon as possible and ask them to fight immediately! ~ the earth is in danger, and we will not let the soldiers bleed and cry! ~"

The person in charge of the East said these words very seriously. Looking at the expression of approval from other representatives, the Hydra US representative who had just opened his mouth collapsed in his chair.

He knew that if he dared to launch a nuclear bomb this time, he would face the investigation of more than 100 countries of the United Nations~

Hydra is still in the incubation period. Now it must not be exposed to the eyes of the public~


"Whew! ~"

In the frontal battlefield, after destroying the mortal army, malekis waved his hands, and the etheric particles were shot out one after another into arrows, driving the main battle force sol back.

In the rear, the captain, Natasha and eagle eye look at each other. Other soldiers are too weak. They must support~

Patton straightens up, pulls the bow, loads the explosive arrow... Launch~

"Boom! ~"

Malkis was accidentally hit by Patton's silent arrow~ If it were not for the good self-defense of Ether particles, this explosion would be enough to break the defense and let him face Sol's lightning~

"Mole ants! ~"

Malkis sneered contemptuously: "want to participate in the battle between me and the fairy palace soldiers? You are too weak! ~"

The backhand is an etheric particle... Fortunately, the captain saw the situation and quickly put up a shield to block it. Natasha and Patton, I'm afraid they will be penetrated by ether particles~

"Thunder! ~"

Sol summoned thunder and broke the particles attacking the three. At the same time, fit and jump on malkis~

"What about the Knights and Tony? Let them come here. You are not the opponent of the dark elves! ~"

"I'd like to, but we were transferred. They didn't come at all! ~"

The captain smiled bitterly and rushed to sol to resist the attack of sub particles for him... In the distance, Natasha held two guns and rolled with Patton to contain malkis.

"Transfer? Is your leader an idiot?! why transfer the strongest team?! ~ in Asgard, the strongest team will only strengthen, and will never weaken! ~"

"How do I know? I'm just a soldier! ~ maybe they're really brain crippled! ~"

Headset and make complaints about the idiotic brain of the aegis leader. Listen to the conversation between the captain and Saul in the headphones, the faces of the senior countries in the temporary combat room are all green!

Even the aliens know that they want to maintain the strongest combat power of the strongest team. They also want to weaken and incorporate... The scene is out of control. Sure enough, are they idiots?

"Nick! ~ how long will the light note come! ~"

The British representative roared, but the battle was in London, the capital of Britain~ Malkis is the head of an ethnic group. Although he had no support when fighting with sol and earth heroes, in fact, other dark elves had long been slaughtering British civilians, searching for barrier poles everywhere and preparing to unify the nine realms.

Mortal police and army, heavy casualties~

"I just contacted Tony. They are guarding other wormholes in space. It will take 15 minutes to get here at the fastest! ~"

Hill put down the phone and reported coldly to Nick Frey.

Nick hit the table with a hard punch: "Damn it! ~"

Then he grabbed the phone and dialed Tony again~

"Bring your light note to the scene immediately! ~ we'll give you five minutes at most! ~ if it's less than five minutes, you'll wait to collect the body for us! ~"

After roaring, Nick Frey is about to rush into the battlefield with a gun