Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A few days later, Zhao Yuan brought along a food container and ran toward Eternal Happiness Palace.

Before he could enter Longevity Hall, he was met with a chorus of “Eleventh Prince” and “Your Highness” as the people paid respects to him.

During that period, Zhao Yuan would bring all sorts of delicacies to share with his brother whenever it was mealtime.

Without the twice-a-year visitation limit, the Eleventh Prince almost treated the Eternal Happiness Hall as his bedchamber, constantly coming by for visits.

Even the lazy eunuchs and maids had begun to work in earnest.

After all, the Eleventh Prince was unlike the easy-going Tenth Prince.

Even if they were caught slacking off for the slightest bit, they would be reprimanded.

“Brother, I had the imperial kitchen prepare a new dish that you would probably like.”

Zhao Yuan strode past the door and placed the food container on the desk by the bed.

“Stop troubling the chefs in the imperial kitchen by having them constantly come up with exotic foods. I’m already growing tired of eating them,” Zhao Mu said with a laugh as he put down the book in his hands.

“I didn’t know in the past that your meals in this palace were so simple. You have less than three meat and vegetable dishes altogether. They didn’t even provide you with soup!”

Zhao Yuan opened up the food container and took out multiple dishes, huffing angrily, “Even the eunuchs in the inner court have better meals than yours!

“I reckon the imperial kitchen’s supervisor is just looking down on you and intentionally cutting corners!

“I’m just asking them to cook a few more dishes. How dare they have complaints!?

“If not for your kindness and unwillingness to pursue the matter, I’d have long reported them to the Twelve Directorates to have them exiled for contempt of the imperial family!”

Zhao Mu shook his head with a faint smile. He was a prince sent off to the cold palace.

No matter how many requests he made, it would only end up being ignored by those bootlicking eunuchs that respected power and looked down on the weak.

It was impossible to wish for everyone in the imperial city to be like Eunuch Gao, who clearly understood his own position and remembered who was the master and who was the servant.

Bootlicking those in power, and stepping on those that lost power.

That was a common occurrence in the harem.

“This is Zha meat. It’s made from the fresh meat of one-year-old pigs. After removing the bone, it’s cut into five-inch strips and boiled three times. It must not be overcooked to maintain its firmness. After removing it from the water and cooled, it’s then cut into cubes before seasoned with salt and Cornelian cherry. It is then placed in a jar.”

Zhao Yuan clapped his hands and instructed the servants to bring over a green porcelain grill.

“This layer of meat will be topped with a layer of short-grain rice, filling up the jar. After one month, it’ll be ready to eat.

“There are also many ways to eat it. Normally, I’d like to eat it with garlic paste along with ginger and vinegar. Today, we can try grilling it.”

Looking at his busy brother, Zhao Mu was reminded of his experience of eating grilled meat in his past life.

He did not expect to relive that memory after coming to this world.

Below the porcelain grill was properly burning smokeless charcoal.

The grill’s surface was coated with a layer of rendered chicken fat, giving it an alluring appearance of glistening gold color.

The moment the strips of meat were placed on top, they started sizzling, giving off hot steam and a wonderful aroma.

“How’s the taste?”

Zhao Yuan placed the tenderly grilled meat strip into a bowl and passed it to his brother, then stared at him.


Zhao Mu had a smile on his face.

Ever since he placed the Nine Aperture Golden Elixir in his chest, he hardly ate any food.

That dark golden elixir continually released its medicinal properties as his blood and Qi washed over it, fully compensating for all the nutrients and vitality that he burnt through every day.

Furthermore, it also had the miraculous effect of purifying and refining his body and blood.

“It’s good that you like it. I’ll ask for other dishes next time.”

Zhao Yuan was satisfied. He picked up a chopstick full of meat and placed it in his mouth.

“This is the bear gall wine given to me by the imperial kitchen supervisor. It can nourish the internal organs and replenish Yang Qi.”

As he ate, he seemed to have recalled something and took out a jar of wine. He opened its cover and poured out two cups.

It had an amber color and gave off a strong scent of wine.

“You’re at the critical stage of Body Tempering. You should keep this wine for your use,” Zhao Mu said with a wave.

During those days, he had acquired countless elixirs from signing in and imprinting his Dao mark. He no longer had any need for the bear gall wine to nurture his Qi.

“Members of the imperial family that practices martial arts will periodically receive salves and nourishing materials. This jar of wine is of no use to me.”

Zhao Yuan shook his head and said sincerely, “Meanwhile, you’re the one staying in the cold palace throughout the year. This cold Qi of this place is very heavy and would harm one’s body.

“Drinking one small cup of bear gall wine a day can help stimulate your blood and Qi circulation while boosting your vitality.”

Zhao Mu’s lips formed a smile. Seeing that he was unable to reject the gift, he could only receive it helplessly.

He took a sip of the amber-colored wine. It went down smoothly and had a strong aroma.

Some time ago, Zhao Mu had drawn up a copy of the moves of Tiger Demon Bone Refinement Fist and placed it within the booklet. He wondered if Zhao Yuan noticed it.

With that martial art that allowed one to refine iron-like bones and strengthen one’s body, his brother would have an even stronger and sturdier foundation.

“Are there any interesting things happening within the palace lately?”

Zhao Mu ate a mouthful of meat and drank some wine as he randomly started another topic.

“Do you know about the Truth Monastery near this place?”

Zhao Yuan thought about it, then picked some interesting topics to talk about.

“The monastery’s master is called Daoist Chang Yun. At first, he was invited by some noble to refine some Qi nurturing elixirs, yet he ended up blowing up the elixir furnace at night. He even gave the royal guards a scare, thinking that there may have been an assassin!

“Turns out that was not the case and it was just a misunderstanding. Daoist Chang Yun had already been sent out of the palace by the Ceremonial Directorate.”

Zhao Mu nodded, then said casually, “That’s just outrageous. How can he refine elixirs in the middle of the night and even blow up the elixir furnace? Is he not scared of disturbing the nobles in the harem?”

Zhao Yuan grunted, seemingly agreeing with his brother’s opinion, and laughed.

“Yeah. However, that was a blessing in disguise for Daoist Chang Yun as he managed to reach enlightenment from that, breaking through in his martial arts cultivation…Breaking through from refining elixirs. It’s really weird!”

“That must be his serendipitous encounter.”

Zhao Mu’s brows twitched as he feigned interest.

“It’s only a small matter of the Truth Monastery’s elixir furnace getting blown apart. How did that attract the attention of the Ceremonial Directorate?”

“That, I don’t know either.”

Zhao Yuan pouted.

“Maybe the inner court is still anxious over the strange phenomenon from before. They are on edge and any small occurrence would cause them to freak out.”

The Emperor of Zhou had always trusted his ministers.

He designated the 12 Directorates to manage the internal affairs of the imperial palace.

Among them, the Ceremonial Directorate’s authority was on par with the princes.

The eunuch leading the directorate was Chen Chaoen. He was greatly favored by the emperor.

Even the left and right chief ministers would have to show him respect when they meet him.

“I heard of rumors within the imperial palace that Eunuch Chen was the number one martial arts expert within the imperial city.”

Zhao Mu’s eyes brightened up with a flash of interest in his eyes.

“The royal guard’s instructor mentioned it a few times. I’m not sure which exact cultivation stage he was at, but I heard some claim that he was on par with Marquis Zhao Kai while some claim otherwise…”

Zhao Yuan put down his chopsticks and took a sip of bear gall wine. The burn caused him to stick out his tongue.

“You’re still young. Don’t drink so much.”

Zhao Mu took over the cup while maintaining normal expression.

However, in his heart, he was thinking if the eunuch from the Ceremonial Directorate visited the Truth Monastery and found some clues.

He had heard of the phenomenon of the vast expanse with Sun and Moon sharing the same sky.

The Emperor of Zhou had taken a special interest and ordered for a thorough investigation of the matter.

The person in charge was Chen Chaoen from the Ceremonial Directorate!

‘I wonder if Daoist Chang Yun spilled the beans?’

Zhao Mu was a little distracted as he finished the cup of bear gall wine.

With an abundance of Qi, his body felt warm. It also triggered the Nine Aperture Golden Elixir within his chest to produce strong thumping motions.

“It’s getting late. You should go back earlier and don’t stall your learning.”

Zhao Mu looked outside the window. The light was fading.

With the eating and chatting, almost two hours passed.

“Oh, regarding the matter of being sent to Tong Province, I have my plans. You don’t need to do anything rash or your good intention might cause trouble instead.”

Zhao seemed to have recalled and reminded his brother. He then said with a laugh, “Today, I’ve eaten a feast at your expense. I’ll consider this a favor I owe you! Come now, tell me if there’s anything you want.”

Zhao Yuan was caught off guard. He originally planned to ask if his brother had any ways to solve the impending danger.

However, sensing the determination in Zhao Mu’s tone and the bright glow in his eyes, he swallowed in his skepticism.

Since young, his brother had never lied to him.

“I wish for your dream to come true, to one day be the best in the world!”

Zhao Yuan proclaimed each word clearly.

He would always remember how he would stand outside the walls of the cold palace and call out his brother’s name and rant about the grievance he had whenever he suffered indignation.

His brother could not leave the palace gates. Instead, he folded paper cranes or birds and threw them over the palace walls.

On them were drawn with cute little men and interesting stories.

There was a big-headed cat with thick limbs that had a pocket where it could produce strange magical treasures.

There were also seven children with a gourd on their head, each with miraculous powers, and they fought with the scorpion and snake demon using magic.

Reading the series of pictures, Zhao Yuan could forget about his worries.

In that world, nobody would hope for his brother to soar to the skies and break free from his imprisonment than Zhao Yuan himself.


Zhao Mu was stunned for a moment before patting his brother Zhao Yuan on the head, then nodded slowly.

He thought to himself, ‘I wonder if an Innate Grandmaster would be considered best in the world? Or perhaps a Human Immortal who lives for five hundred years?’