"It is said that in the period of the three emperors and five emperors, Fuxi" tasted a hundred herbs and made nine needles ", invented acupuncture! Acupuncture and moxibustion has a long history and is a unique method of treating diseases in China. It is a kind of medical technique of "internal disease and external treatment". It is used to treat systemic diseases through the conduction of meridians and acupoints, as well as the application of certain operation methods.
Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy has a wide range of indications, rapid and significant curative effect, simple and easy operation, economic medical costs, and few side effects. Therefore, as far back as the Tang Dynasty, Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion had spread to RB, Korea, India, Arab countries and regions, and blossomed and fruited in other countries, and some acupuncture and moxibustion medicine with foreign characteristics had been bred. So far, acupuncture has spread to more than 140 countries and regions in the world, and has played a great role in protecting the life and health of all mankind
Rong Yuanzhou described the history and influence of acupuncture and then said, "Huiren hall will apply acupuncture and moxibustion to the virtual helmet, using a technique called scalp acupuncture. Scalp acupuncture can not only relieve fatigue, stimulate brain development, but also treat brain diseases, such as paralysis, numbness, aphasia, vertigo, tinnitus, chorea and so on. In addition, scalp acupuncture can also treat lumbocrural pain, nocturia, trigeminal neuralgia, scapulohumeral periarthritis, various neuralgia and other common diseases. As for more functions, Huiren hall will cooperate with gene umbrella to continuously explore and develop in practice! "
"The key of acupuncture and moxibustion lies in acupoints. The virtual helmet can scan a person's head to accurately locate acupoints in the brain. Huiren hall will make 108 special silver needles all over the helmet, and the silver needles can also move locally, adjust the position of the silver needles, so as to aim at the acupoints!!! In this way, the accuracy of "scalp acupuncture" is extremely high, which is much more powerful than ordinary Chinese medicine. When the silver needle is inserted into the head, it doesn't hurt at all. On the contrary, it feels very comfortable and full of spirit. It's like using the silver needle to massage the brain. We all know the taste of massage... "Rong Yuanzhou continued with a smile." of course, some people may worry about what to do when the silver needle is inserted into the brain and suddenly breaks? I can tell you here that the silver needle will not break. The special silver needle of Huiren hall is made with a small amount of graphene, so it is very tough. Moreover, the length of the silver needle is very short, only 0.8cm. Even if it is inserted into the brain, it can not cause damage to the brain. In addition, the helmet is equipped with a sensor. When anything is 1cm away from the helmet, the silver needle will automatically retract. "
"There is a very small round container at the end of the silver needle, which contains the liquid medicine developed by Huiren hall. The liquid medicine will flow into the head through the silver needle and nourish the brain!" Rong Yuanzhou said so, but in fact, the container was filled with gene medicine from gene umbrella company, but he was afraid to say it, shocking the world.
After Rong Yuanzhou finished, Henry took over his words and said, "you must have known something about the role of Huiren hall in the research of virtual helmet project. OK, next is the focus of this conference! Now that we have a virtual helmet, we naturally need to have a matching virtual game, which I call "earth civilization"!! "
When Henry said this, he stopped for a moment. Originally, he wanted to completely simulate the earth in earth civilization, divide the earth into multiple regions based on the country, and make a game background for each country's history! But looking back, the Williams Empire has no history. What's the matter? So, Henry thought about it again and again, and decided to change the national and regional division of "earth civilization" to eschatology instead of changing the time and background! Insane scientists use substance t to make t virus, which eventually leads to the outbreak of T virus. Zombies sweep the world!!!
Henry immediately put forward his idea, and then added: "there is no game backpack that can hold more than n things in earth civilization, and you can't call up the game interface to view your personal properties and equipment. This is a highly realistic imitation game! Each area in the game has a large number of survivors gathering places, and each player chooses according to his nationality. The gathering place has a large number of NPCs, all of which belong to artificial intelligence programs with high intelligence. You can't tell whether the opponent is a NPC or a player by appearance. Among these NPCs, we will introduce the goddess voted by everyone on the "peerless beauty" software ranking list! They may be the coldest supreme leader in the settlement, or the little sister next door... In short, the surprise is around. The players with strong ability may even marry them as their own wives!
Earth civilization is divided into three stages.
The first stage is terminal survival. Players can gain honor points by killing zombies. Honor points can purchase materials, including weapons, food, medicine and so on, from the system store in the gathering place.
The second stage is to rebuild the homeland. Gene umbrella company developed substance t antidote, and human beings began to launch counter attacks on zombies. At the same time, players can attack cities, build their own forces, develop cities, and create new civilizations. Then NPCs come to take refuge in production, scientific research, and replenishment of forces. The number of NPCs is mainly related to food. Food is sufficient, and the number of NPCs is large, When the land is short of food, NPC will starve to death, and the number of NPC who come to take refuge is also greatly reduced!
In the third stage, the earth competes for hegemony. System stores no longer sell food, and the end of the world, resulting in a lot of land has been unable to produce, resulting in the outbreak of a food crisis. At this time, the forces had to launch a war and began to fight for land resources
"The biggest feature of earth civilization is authenticity, which can let players experience what is the real end of the world! Secondly, players all over the world are on the same map! Finally, once the player dies, he must rebuild the number and start from the beginning. Therefore, players in the "earth civilization", can not easily die
Earth civilization is as like as two peas. It is only a pure virtual game. Henry's ultimate goal is to establish an eternal virtual second world, and to formulate a rule that is exactly the same as reality in order to achieve the goal of making things real and real.
However, it's too difficult to develop such a virtual world, not to mention the technical difficulties. It takes a lot of time just to establish the same knowledge system as the earth, and this is the feat of creator to create a universe!!!
(I'm sorry, something happened. I was called out by the customer early in the morning. I didn't get home until about 10:30 p.m. and I'll make up for it tomorrow. Sorry, everyone.)