Bo Mu Yan's face was a little complicated when he heard the speech.

"Why didn't you go in and help?" He asked unhappily.

Nanny busy explanation: "is the wife did not let me in, she said she would do it."

After the explanation, the nanny looked at Bo Mu Yan's face and added another sentence.

"Maybe my wife thinks that it's warm to do it by herself."

Sure enough, after hearing this, Bo Mu Yan's face softened a lot.

He walked in a few steps.

The kitchen was filled with white smoke. He frowned and said, "why is it smoking? Come out first. "

Dian Xiaoxing didn't guard against him. He came suddenly and was startled.

The pot, which was not tightly held, fell down with a bang.

If it wasn't for bomuyan's quick eyes and quick hands, he would have smashed her feet.

Dian Xiaoxing patted his chest with lingering fear: "it's dangerous."

Bo Mu Yan's face is as black as a pot on the ground.

"What are you tossing about? What if you hurt yourself? " Bo Mu Yan's tone was a little angry.

Dian Xiaoxing spat out his tongue and said playfully, "how can I get hurt so easily?"

"I went through the menu today and saw several good dishes, so I wanted to try them."

As a result... It was clear that she failed.

Bo Mu Yan directly took her out and went outside the kitchen. Then he told the nanny, "go in and clean up."

Dian Xiaoxing was holding hands by him, but he didn't forget to turn around and said to the nanny, "there are two dishes I made on them. Please serve them for me."

The nurse nodded.

Bo Muyan is looking down to check whether Dian Xiaoxing is injured.

After careful inspection for a long time, Bo Muyan let her go.

"Don't toss about like this in the future. I'll take you out to eat what you want, or let the nanny make it for you." Bo Mu Yan exhorts a way.

Dian Xiaoxing went to the dining table and sat down, holding his cheek in his hand: "no, I want to learn one more skill."

As she said, she also played a decent role for herself: "as the saying goes, if you want to catch a man's heart, you can catch a man's stomach first..."

Bo Muyan looks at her like a life mentor who deceives people on TV. She is right here, and she just feels funny.

"Don't grab my stomach."

Bo Mu Yan sat beside her, turned his head, wiped her cheek with his thin lips, and said in a low voice, "my heart has already been with you."

Dian Xiaoxing looked at him askance: "maybe it will run away at any time."

Bo Mu Yan's eyes sank: "are you doubting my intention to you?"

Dian Xiaoxing curled his mouth and said dejectedly, "haven't you heard that there is still a seven-year itch in our relationship. I calculated the time and found that we will experience the seven-year itch in a few years."

Bo Mu Yan raised her chin and her eyes were as deep as stars.

"Not to mention seven years, I love you for the last 70 years." Bo Mu Yan's deep voice is rich in magnetism. When it rings in his ear, it is almost dizzy.

Dian Xiaoxing's serious eyes on him only felt that his breathing was unconsciously lightened.

The atmosphere is just right and the distance is just right.

Bomuyan leaned over her head, clasped the back of her head with one hand and gave her a deep kiss.

Lips and teeth intertwined, the sound of ambiguous water.

The kiss was so intense that dianxiaoxing felt as if he was about to burn.