Chapter 171 - 171. Susan Jung.

Jason was enraged, completely and utterly angered and it was as though this unnatural heat he felt was toxic and suffocating. It was as though everyone that came close enough to him felt it and immediately ran the opposite direction. 

Matt refrained from saying anything to his boss, he had never seen Jason in this kind of state. Jason was always cool headed and logical. He always handled things with his head and he was mostly cold and distant, emotions had nothing on him. 

But now right now he wasn't yelling or breaking things. On the contrary he wasn't even looking angry but his eyes, the look in his brown eyes could kill. Literally, as he walked the way cleared. Currently they walked through the dark and deep hallways of Paradise and everyone stepped out of the way even ran away as he walked, through.

Soon the doors of the meeting room opened up as he approached and he walked in. Everyone was already waiting in the room, his voice mail was pretty serious.

Jason shed of his coat and handed it to Matt. He turned to the big screen and motioned for it to be turned on. He walked back and leaned on the table, as they all quietly watched the news. After it was done the screen went off, he turned around to face the people sitting around the table.

"Care to explain to me, why the hell the news is saying that? I mean isn't this supposed the most powerful organisation in this country? Infact his continent. Why the hell is the news saying that?" He pointed to the screen. "I mean how did police get to my manor?" He glared at the chief of police, then at the Chief Judge. 

"With warrants for search and arrest." Finally the attorney general "they say the prosecution reopened the case. I really I'm curious, how they hell did that happen?"

"And you, Mr. Jones that was your news station. That was your employees dragging my name through the mud. I'll ask again, is this Paradise? Couple of useless old people that can no longer do their jobs?!" 

"Mr. Kang please do not cross the line." The president's wife cautioned him.

"What line?" Jason asked her. "I don't see any line, do you?" He asked the staff beside him.

The guy just stepped backwards, he couldn't be in the middle of this. "If there was a line, then my stocks wouldn't be dropping exponentially. I wouldn't be in the news and Jessie wouldn't be in danger right now!" He finally yelled slamming his hands on the tables that stood between all of them.

"So this childish outburst is because of the actress." The attorney general rebuked him.

Jason looked up at the attorney general with such a scary glare that the man had to look away. "Childish outburst? You think I'm being childish?" Jason asked.

Matt already braced himself waiting for the yelling to begin but it never did, and he wasn't the only person not surprised by this.

"If this is being childish then don't you all think you ought to become children? If being childish is expecting outcome from people that claim to have so much influence and potential then yes I am childish. It better that being useless peices of flesh... old flesh." He spat.

All the people on the tables either gasped or coughed awkwardly. Matt began to wonder why the hell this powerful and respectable people sat down and let Jason talk to them anyhow. What did he have on them? What exactly was Paradise?

"What would you have us do?" Reginald asked.

Jason laughed. "Why are you asking me that? You are all adults, you're all experienced and knowledgeable. Find a solution, and do it before the evening." 

"You seem to think we are magicians. Even with Ultimate power you cannot do everything." Another member spoke.

Jason looked at her and smiled. "I'm not asking you to do everything I'm asking for the bare minimum. You can do the bare minimum can't you?" He asked her but not waiting to hear a response he walked out. Pulling out his phone he called Paul. 


"What the hell do you mean by she is not in the house?" Patricia asked. "Did you search everywhere? That manor is incredibly large, you must have missed it." 

"What the hell do you mean by she's not there?!!" She shrieked as she tossed her phone away from her. Immediately regretting her decision she walked to it and picked it up. "Whatever you do you better find her or else you're dead. Just try me." She threatened as she tossed the phone away again.

How did she disappear? Did she perhaps know ahead? How is she not there?!


"Are you certain Miss Park?" The cop asked again notebook in hand.

"My daughter is telling the truth. I saw her too, Jessie Marin." Carol said 

"But at that time she was still announced dead, so you're telling me you saw the dead actress and let her into your house?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I promise you it's true. She said she wasn't Jessie Marin, she swore and even showed us another ID." Catherine said.

"Another ID?"

"Yes, that's right!" Carol clapped her hand. "Susan Jung, she said her name was Susan Jung and even had a driver's licence to prove her identity."

"An alias?" The cop got up and called his superior. 

"Susan Jung?" 

"Yes sir, it seems she had that to convince others about her identity. Perhaps we should run a search for all the places that have a Susan Jung recorded." He suggested. 

After a while his superior replied him. "You were right, Jack. She checked into a hotel, well a Susan Jung did two days ago."

"Well sir that's must be her!" 

Preview 172: Death wish.

"Look here Lenora don't dare overstep you boundaries. I'll let this go since I'm so fond of you, but don't dare think we're on the same level, because we're not." 

Lenora rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Yeah, yeah you're family is all powerful but I'm not a weak woman either. That detective, that man is-"

"Let me guess you're brother? Is that what you're going to say?" She rolled her eyes as well.

"Even worse, he's the man I love. So whatever it is you want to pin on him find some other detective." She said in a commanding tone.

"Is that an order?" 

"It's not, it's a request a desperate request." Lenora replied.