Chapter 70

Hundreds, thousands?

Li Dingyuan was so dark that he almost fell down and glared at county magistrate Tang. Li Dingyuan's voice was trembling.

"Don't think I don't know the military establishment of Tule unless I'm ready to fight. Is there a Tule thousand outside the city?"

Tang county magistrate nodded again and again: "Wang Ye's eyes are like a torch. There is really a team of thousands outside the city."

Zhao Pu came up from the drunk red building, looked flustered, took a thousand steps, and said on one knee, "the last escort is late. It's a crime to die."

Li Dingyuan waved his hand: "how many of your people are in the city and how many can get together?"

Zhao Pu's head dropped lower: "there are 120 school captains in the city, and 15 can get up."

In the end, Zhao Pu lost his voice. Dingxiang army's fighting level was average, and he was proficient in eating, drinking and playing. It's over this time. Whether he can keep his head depends on whether Su Lu can hold on.

Li Dingyuan glared at Zhao Pu: "it's good for you to go back."

On the city wall, when Su Lu deliberately opened up, Tule soldiers attacked the city again.

Su Lu pinched the number, waved his hand, waved a steel knife and knocked over a Tule soldier who climbed up from the battlements.


The spear was like a forest, suddenly stabbed out, like a dragon out of the hole. The guard battle array that passed through the array card was rolled over like a wall. The Tule soldiers on the wall were slaughtered in an instant, and the Tule soldiers were pressed down again.

At the foot of the city, hassul, commander of TUL, looked gloomy. He took a knife and cut down the defeated Centurion. His voice was cold: "Whoever dares to retreat again, that's it."

The blood dyed the leather armor red. All the other centurions took a few steps back. The first Centurion turned pale and argued:

"Hassul, attacking the city is not the director of our Tule warriors. The two hundred men teams are gone. If it goes on like this, even if the whole army is dead, it will not break the city."

Hassul looked at the city head and gnashed his teeth: "there are insiders, but God unknowingly broke the city gate. These damn nanmanzi had a banquet at the city head. It's bad for me."

"The whole army pressed on, attacked again, captured Beiyang and slaughtered the city for three days."

Several centurions, look at me, I look at you. No one is willing to fight, or the centurion who just spoke:

"Hassul, even if we attack the city, we can't hold it. The Han army is unparalleled. Ten people form an array, and we can't stop it."

Just now he also attacked the city and saw the power of the military array. If he didn't see the opportunity quickly, he would be finished.

In the distance, the gate of Nanguan camp was wide open, and a fire dragon rushed out and flew straight to Beiyang.

The guards of Nanguan camp finally set out.

Hasul bit his teeth and said, "get out"

The tulle soldiers sounded the horn of retreat. The tulle soldiers on the wall retreated like a tide, mounted their horses and disappeared under the city.

The horse racing hassoule looked back at Beiyang city and said fiercely, "when the army arrives, I'll tear up your Beiyang city."

"Tulle's soldiers retreated"

Cheers rang out at the head of the city, and the guards raised their weapons and roared.

During the bloody battle in the middle of the night, countless people in the same robe were killed and injured. With less fighting and more fighting, they even beat back the attack of Tule people.

At this moment, the guards at the head of the city were excited. They fought in blood for the rest of their lives.

On the drunken red building, Li Dingyuan breathed happily: "won!"

Li qingsuo said, "of course, Su Lu has never failed. These Tule people attack the city and are completely here to die."

Zhao Pu wiped his forehead sweaty, thanks to awesome brother Su, who resisted the tulle people. Otherwise, the fixed army would not escape from being beheaded.

County Magistrate Tang bowed and said, "it's still the king's blessing to protect the guard against the attack of the Tule people."

Li Dingyuan's face was full of joy. He ordered and said, "reward, all the city guards tonight."

Li Qing lay on the railing and looked at the small wonton stall at the door of zuihonglou. With a discouraged smile on her face, she ordered and said, "he Wu, go and buy two barrels of wonton with silver and send it to the guards."

Li Dingyuan nodded: "it's time for the sergeants to send some food in the middle of the night. Qing'er's consideration is comprehensive. He deserves to have led the soldiers."

At the foot of the city, Li Kun led the troops and finally arrived.

Su Lu stood at the head of the city and said, "let the people of Dingxiang army clean up the city, bury the dead and wounded Tule people on the spot, pack up all the horses, knives and guns, and Li Kun take your people to the wall."

Li Kun promised, turned and ordered Yang Tongshan, the leader of the Army: "my Lieutenant has an order. Can you hear Yang Duwei, bury the dead and gather the horses, knives and guns."

Yang Tongshan looked cold: "fart, everyone is a lieutenant. Why..."

The knife and gun were put on his neck at the same time. Yang Tongshan's next words were swallowed back. His face was pale and his heart was MMP. Are the people of Beiyang City patrol camp so crisp and agile? They can't force them with their hands.

Su Lu lay on the wall and said with a smile: "Yang Duwei, my brother is impatient. Don't take it to heart. If anything happens, it's bad for you and me."

Yang Tongshan thought, can I disagree? Is your brother impatient?

"Duwei has orders. Tongshan dares not to obey."

When the city gate opened, Li Kun led the troops into the city and replaced the first battalion of Su Ping who fought in the middle of the night.

Su Lu came down from the city wall and asked Zhao San and his wife, who were cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, "how's the business recently? No one dares to bully you anymore. There are no local ruffians in Beiyang City, right?"

Zhao San smiled foolishly. What he had seen on the city wall just now made him more determined that he would not join the army. He had watched Li Kun and Zhao pangzi serve as camp captains one after another, managing 200 people. He was not dignified. He was also moved, but he saw the dead on the city wall.

Forget it. I'd better sell wonton safely. I'm covered by my second brother and do my own small business safely.

"All right, second brother, it's dangerous for you to fight. I think Su Ping was stabbed in the chest. It doesn't matter."

The little mud next to him drank wonton soup and said angrily, "don't worry about it, third brother. There are still arrow wounds on my lieutenant. Today he killed several Tule soldiers. Su Ping is rough and fleshy. It's all right."

A bodyguard came over, stopped Su Lu and said, "Lord Su, please come to the drunken red chamber."

Su Lu looked up at Zui Honglou. Upstairs, Li Qing and Li Dingyuan were both there.

"I won't go. When you reply to the Lord, you say that I want to appease the soldiers and clean up the city defense, so that no more spies will secretly harm the Lord and princess, and send scouts to inquire about the fleeing trend of Tule soldiers."

"Disturb the noble people and kill my brothers. This Tule thousand team, damn it."

Hearing that there were other spies, the bodyguard immediately changed his face: "don't worry, Lord su. Just do it. I'll go up and report it to the Lord."

Li Kun hurried down from the wall and looked a little ugly: "second brother, camp B was seriously injured. We don't have enough medicine."

Su Lu pointed to the gate: "go and borrow some of the wound medicine of Dingxiang army."

When Li Kun heard the speech, he sent his hand down to borrow medicine and asked casually, "if you write an IOU, write your name?"

Su Lu was dissatisfied: "what kind of IOU do you want to pay for the medicine borrowed by strength.

I tell you, if today's awesome is not Su Ping, the brothers of camp Ying are desperate. He must move his head, and the inlaid army must be finished.

"Lend him some medicine. What's the matter? That's what he should borrow."