I quickly get out of bed and walk out, at the same time, I turn to Xiaoya and say, "you just have a rest. You don't have to come out."


Xiaoya answered the voice, and then stretched out her hand to pull the quilt over her bare body. She was very lazy and laughed at me.

I walked out of the flat naked.

With the movement of walking, crotch small two a little naughty head shaking, little guy just ate fishy, in a good mood.

I picked up my clothes on the sofa, quickly put them on, and then quickly walked to the door, opened the door, just about to denounce the knock, but saw Gao Jin standing outside the door: "big brother, how are you."

He chuckled and thumped me on the chest: "is it strange to see me?"

"No, I'm just curious about how you got here."

I quickly pulled him into the box and closed the door.

"Liu Cong called me and asked me to come to Xiangyuan directly, so he came here."

Gao Jin turned his head and looked at the box. Then he stopped his eyes on the sofa and said with a bad smile, "Xiao Yang, no wonder you've only opened the door so long. You're doing something. Are you finished?"

"Brother, you've just come at the right time. It's just finished."

I chuckled twice, quickly went to the sofa, put away Xiaoya's Qipao and its small inner, and so on, quickly walked into the suite, put her clothes on the bed, but she was already asleep. It seemed that she was really tired by us, Gaga.

"Brother, I really envy your romantic days. If only I could spend my life like you."

High into sitting on the sofa, a look of sighing.

I laughed happily: "how about I find some girls to accompany you?"

His eyes suddenly brightened, and then showed a gloomy look: "still don't, the old man knows that will pick my skin."

"It's OK. I won't say it. If you don't, he won't know."

"You're wrong. The old man's ability is so great that it's beyond your imagination. He can't hide anything from him, even if we do it in secret, he can know." Gao Jin said solemnly.

"Is he the reincarnation of Buddha?"


We looked at each other and laughed.

Next, the delicious food continued to be served, and Gao Jin was addicted to it. He praised the food as delicious as if he hadn't eaten it for many years. This picture reminds me of Feng Yao's virtue when she first brought me here.

By the end of a meal, it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

After chatting for a while, we left wangxiangyuan and went to the suite to have a look. Xiaoya was still sleeping and didn't disturb her. We left her a note and a million dollar check. The content was overbearing and "no more relationships with other men in the future".

Half an hour later, the municipal compound.

We went in three groups. Liu Cong and Gao Jin were the first group, and then Shuimu Nianhua. As for me, I was just a soy sauce maker, so I went in to see the excitement.

When Shuimu Nianhua entered, I walked into the community leisurely.

On the way here, Zhou Chi sent me news that he didn't find Yang Wenxuan's whereabouts. It's good news that he didn't find him. It's estimated that he probably went to Kyoto.

It's very quiet in the community. Unlike other communities, there are many people. It's either good or bad. If something happens, you can hear it far away. You can't manage so much right now.

Most of my attention is on Gao Jin and Liu Cong. They go to the small courtyard and turn in at the third row of hutongs. Yang Jianmin's home must be there.

I hastened to speed up the pace, Shuimu Nianhua also trot up.

Wheezing, wheezing

But when I ran to the third lane, I saw Gao Jin stop at a gate. They didn't rush in. They looked in at the gate. Then they went to the corner of the courtyard, turned around and made a gesture to Shuimu Nianhua.

Shuimu Nianhua nodded to make it clear.

Then, Liu Cong and Gao Jin's body shape suddenly jumped up, that is, in the blink of an eye, they went over the wall into the courtyard.

Shuimu Nianhua ran to the front and back of the courtyard door. Shuimu raised his foot and kicked the door. With a bang, the door was kicked open. The four rushed in immediately. At the same time, there was a roar in the courtyard: "who is that?"

I ran to the gate, turned around and looked inside. Two big men rushed out of the house, and then four big men came out. They were the four King Kong.

At the same time, Shuimu Nianhua didn't say a word. He rushed to the two men and kicked them to the ground in front of each other. There was a dull sound of Gudong and Gudong. One of the four King Kong angrily scolded the two men on the ground: "waste."

"You are from Linyang."

Another person recognized Shuimu Nianhua.

I immediately came out, stood at the door and yelled at them, "master Lin is here."

Shuimu Nianhua had no nonsense. He rushed to the four King Kong immediately. Both sides were working together in an instant. When they started fighting, two cat like figures jumped out from one side and quickly ran into the house.There was a clatter in the house, followed by a woman's scream.

Later, I saw Gao Jin and Liu Cong running out one after another. The former was holding a woman in her arms, and I recognized it at a glance. It was Guo Ling.

Seeing that Guo Ling was robbed, the four King Kong rushed to Gao Jin and wanted to get the person back.

Liu Cong immediately stopped them. Gao Jin ran to me with people in his arms. After putting them down, he turned around to fight. However, he was grabbed by a small white hand. Guo Ling's face was slightly red and said, "be careful."


What's the situation!

Gao Jin's eyes were a little strange. He nodded his head, then turned around and rushed into the regiment. He said in a loud voice, "you guys quit. Just these four big stupid guys, I'm enough alone."

Shuimu Nianhua immediately withdrew from the war circle.

Liu Cong even stopped.

"Erlengzi, why do you stop? Go ahead. "

"Didn't you hear him? He's enough alone. "

Liu Cong gave a very cold glance.

At this time, Gao Jin's laughter came: "erlengzi, even these silly big men, you can't do anything. What do you want to eat? Watch carefully there."

I suddenly a black line, this is the time to fight!

Guo Ling had little stars in her eyes and muttered: "how handsome."

"Take her away."

I turn my head and look at Shuimu Nianhua.

"I'm not going. I'll wait for him."

Guo Ling's eyes are still on Gao Jin.

"If you want him to be OK, get out of here, or you will only become a burden to him."

I said a word to her in a deep voice, and then winked at Shuimu Nianhua. As soon as Shuimu was about to pull her arm, she took the initiative to leave, and her brothers followed her closely.

"Er Leng Zi, what happened in the room just now? How do I think she likes big brother? "

I looked at Liu Cong in surprise.

"Ask him yourself later."

Erlengzi was in a bad mood.

"Brother, man, you can't be so damned. Brother is really better at martial arts than you. We can freely admit that there's no need to sulk here."

I put my hand around his shoulder.

"I just can't stand his arrogance."

"People have the ability to be arrogant, but they can't refuse."

Er Leng Zi snorted and didn't speak any more. His eyes were always watching the fight in the field.

I turned around and looked at the two ends of the alley a little worried. After a long time, I was sure to disturb the people around me. Fortunately, the neighbor of the small yard was not at home, otherwise they would have called the police.

At the moment, Gao Jin is still at ease in the face of the four King Kong's attack. His moves are open and close. On the other hand, he looks cautious.

"The strength of these four people has improved a lot."

Liu Cong's voice just fell to the ground, Gao Jinmeng roared: "kids, I won't play with you. I'm going to make a tough move. Try my Vajra boxing."

With his loud roar, his fists are much more fierce. Every time he blows his fist, his fists are "whistling".

"Vajra boxing is one of his most proficient boxing techniques, and the master is too partial to him."

Erlengzi was staring at the fighting scene in the field.

I patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "brother, your drunken fist is also sharp."

"I will, he will, I won't, so will he."

His words are full of envy and jealousy. No wonder he always looks at big brother.

"There's no way. It's useless for you to envy him. He's the adopted son of the old man. He's the father's son since ancient times. Of course, he should teach his son how to look after his family."

I'll show my hand.

Liu Cong stopped talking.

At the moment, the fighting in the field has become white hot. Although the four King Kong have not been defeated, their movements are a little flustered. They are no longer in the same state as before. Even I, a layman, can see that the chaotic degree of their joint attack formation is quite obvious.

The next moment.

Gao Jin's boxing suddenly became very soft, the four King Kong's reaction was not as good, and the formation was more chaotic.

All of a sudden, a man was beaten up and fell to the ground with a dull bang. The man grinned and covered his chest. Just as he was about to get up, another man was beaten up and hit him.

"Try Laozi's Puyin feet."

Gao Jinmeng roared, and the rest of them covered the middle position of their legs like a reflex. He laughed when he saw this scene: "I'm kidding you. I'm upright. How can I use such a sinister move?"

The voice just fell to the ground and kicked one of them in the chest. With a loud sound, the man was kicked to the wall.

Then, he raised his foot again, and the last man immediately raised his hand to block his chest.

Next second.High into the foot but fell to the crotch of the man.


A pig like cry.

The man who kicks his forehead and legs tightly and doesn't know how to turn

"Fool, I believe what the enemy says. It's a fool."

Gao Jin said with a smile. Then he turned around and walked towards me. Seeing them, I couldn't help laughing. Big brother was still so bad. When we were young, we were together.

I looked at my watch and said, "brother, we've been here for ten minutes. We have to go now."


Gao Jin nodded, and then said to Liu Cong, "erlenzi, I was fighting there just now. Did you have a lot of feelings?"

The latter snorted and turned to leave.

Gao Jin pointed to Liu Cong and said to me, "this boy has been jealous of me for many years."

"Big brother, the old man is so partial to you that everyone will envy you."

"Well, you're right. A lot of people are jealous of me, but what can they do? They can only stare. Who can make them not have such a powerful Laozi?"

We talked as we walked.

Just as we walked out of the Hutong, a voice full of dignity came into our ears: "Lin Yang."