Full capacity


At this time, the ghost general has raised his long sword and cut at the cloud sleeve!

Cong Xiaofei suddenly felt cold in his heart. Although he moved fast enough, he was not as fast as the ghost general in Yuanying period! Now it's too late to go back and save her!

"Cloud sleeves!" Cong Xiaofei drinks suddenly and turns his head to see the long sword of the ghost general!

Seeing that the sword was about to penetrate into Yunxiu's body, suddenly two bright red petals appeared beside her, just wrapping Yunxiu.

The sword stabbed at the petals, but it was rebounded abruptly.

Cong Xiaofei has come to the side of cloud sleeve at this time, and holds her up.

The ghost will look angry and turn his head, "elder martial sister Nanqing, what do you mean? Do you want to be involved? "

At this time the ghost will have been full of murderous, originally he is not a calm person, even if the flower demon pavilion to join, he is not afraid!

The bright red petals just now are just the way for the flower demon to show her heart

She had hurt Yunxiu before, and even she didn't know why she wanted to save this woman.

"Yuxing, you've played a big game this time! We both belong to the dark owl. You are fighting against each other! If the Lord knows, he won't forgive you. I'm helping you now! " Flower demon dew such as heart big shout way.

"Help me? If elder martial sister wants to help me, leave as soon as possible! " The ghost will not give in at all.

Cong Xiaofei's face is expressionless. He slowly comes to dew flower dance and puts down the cloud sleeve wrapped by petals. "Flower dance, please take care of her for me."

Then he turned his head and said, "elder Huayao, thank you for your help just now. Cong Xiaofei wrote it down and asked you to step aside. The ghost general is right. It's about my inkstone Pavilion and the ghost general Pavilion. In this case, it's up to me and him."

Cong Xiaofei's voice is very small, but it is full of murderous, that kind of murderous terror!

Even if Lu Ruxin has the cultivation of Yuan Dynasty, he can't help but be inspired and can't help retreating.

One step, Cong Xiaofei's body has been surrounded by the golden light,

In two steps, countless black ink insects crawled out of him. In three steps, a rattan had surrounded his right arm

Open the apocalypse, an invisible sunspot appeared behind him.

And the pain of flooding, also floating in the air, exudes a strong aura of the five elements.

Beside him was a huge black wolf!

This is Cong Xiaofei. This is Cong Xiaofei. Now all his abilities are open. This time, it's time to finish with the ghost general Pavilion

The ghost will be staring at Cong Xiaofei all the time. The golden light around him is the defense just now. I'm afraid it's ten times stronger than just now!

That unknown black bug, constantly crawling out from each other, its reproductive capacity is amazing.

Although it looks like an ordinary green vine on his right arm, its energy is consistent with the power of the earth's recovery.

The giant wolf next to him should be the spirit of his magic weapon, and his accomplishments are equivalent to the foundation period of human beings! The most important thing is that the sunspot behind him can't be explored with my ability!

It seems that Cong Xiaofei is not as simple as his cultivation! Besides jiedan's five level cultivation, he must have other sources of strength!

At this time, the ghost will have made fear in his heart, but at this point, he must do his best!

Even if you have other power, it's not something I can fear!

"Longmu, open it for me!" Cong Xiaofei meditates on the Dharma in his heart and has seen through the body of the ghost general.

The ghost will hold the sword tightly. With three heads and six arms, he can see from any angle. Of course, his defense and attack are more comprehensive.

At this time, the rattan has been growing rapidly under his feet, and countless black ink insects have climbed to his feet. The ghost will give a cold hum and wave three long swords and slash at the green rattan.

But all his attacks were absorbed and went straight to the sunspot.

Ghosts have so much combat experience, but they have never met such a strange method. They don't know how to start for a while.

It's no use. Cong Xiaofei waved his right hand, and the huge black wolf spewed out!

"Kill me! Cross cut

Ghost will be surprised in the heart, the other side's method door is too many, now can barely support, if hit by that terrible power again, really may die in his hand!

But at this time, the sky suddenly did not have any light, a thick voice came.

The sky turns black instantly, dew like heart, eyebrows wrinkle, this kind of opening can't be more familiar, think of here, eyebrows immediately spread, black paper God Zun to really is time, say I don't know how to do!

"Elder Mo Yan, elder ghost general, what are you doing?" Before the black paper God appeared, he sprinkled a piece of shadow, which constantly covered the rattan and black ink insect.

Cong Xiaofei was surprised in his heart. What a powerful necrotic power! Because no matter it's Hua Yi Teng or black ink insect, once it's covered by those shadows, it will lose its vitality immediately!

His grandmother's! What kind of cultivation is this black paper God Zun? If he is covered by his shadow, he will lose his fighting power completely! Cong Xiaofei is angry, but the black paper God represents the dark owl's Dharma protector. Although it's not his fault in this fight, I'm afraid he will be in trouble if he keeps on pestering!

Cong Xiaofei urged Famen to take back the power of the living beings. Strange to say, those living beings who were free from the shadow immediately recovered.

If the ghost will be at a loss, if all the disciples see his ugly behavior in full view of the public, I'm afraid he won't have to be a dark owl in the future!

After all, I am the elder of the ghost general Pavilion. After all, my cultivation has reached Yuanying!

The black paper god suddenly came, and finally ended the battle without result. People with clear eyes have seen that although the ghost general's cultivation is advanced, the inkstone elder is really powerful, and even his ability has surpassed that of the ghost general elder!

Finally, when the light reappeared, the black paper God had slowly fallen. Cong Xiaofei was very dissatisfied with the arrival of the black paper God. However, when he saw a touch of red beside the black paper God, his face immediately melted!

That woman, not a baby, but who?

"Baby Cong Xiaofei couldn't help shouting. It is said that Cong Xiaofei has never been seen again since he took part in the quarter exchange, returned to Zongli and was granted the title of inkstone elder, and then went out to travel with Yunxiu

If I can see my baby, I want her to practice in seclusion. After all, her accomplishments are too low.

Pure smile in the face of Cong Xiaofei, for the man in front of her, the woman is yearning, all her efforts to cultivate, is for the man in front of her.

"Cong Xiaofei... Daoyou." Baby just whispered a sentence, face has been slightly red.