Chapter 736

Name:Soul Of Negary Author:Xu Ming
Of course, little Nai thinks so and won't do it.

The bill of rights in the aspect of the undead only strengthens the idea of its own independence and completely gets rid of the influence of the Lich King as the master in the past.

According to the bone rights law, every skeleton who awakens his will has sound bone rights.

No one can enslave the skeleton with personal consciousness by any means, and any call is just employment.

No matter in which world, which one of the undead awakens self-consciousness, will automatically obtain the citizenship of the undead world.

Of course, because the strength of the undead plane is limited, the government of the undead plane is unlikely to cross the world to rescue these souls.

What they can provide is just some intellectual assistance.

Along with the law of bone rights, there are also some foundations of supernatural knowledge of the dead.

These foundations can adapt to most of the world, which can be said to solve the urgent need of Nai.

He learned a lot of knowledge in the dark sky, but after all, not everyone will bring the basic knowledge to the dark sky with his thoughts. There are more gossipy ideas or knowledge leaked unintentionally.

With the supplement of basic knowledge, the growth speed of small Nai increases rapidly.

In particular, there is a book called programming, which gives Nai endless inspiration.

His ability and soul become active, which makes his soul plasticity very strong, but after forming the soul network, he found that his thinking ability did not get a qualitative leap.

Because he now controls hundreds of skeletons, it is difficult to deal with several things at the same time. The limitation of his thinking mode makes him devote his attention to one thing when he does one thing, which results in a waste of computing power.

After learning programming, Nai improved his soul's mode of thinking and programmed many things.

In an instant, Nai felt that his thinking ability had been greatly improved.

Of course, there are also loopholes in this kind of programmed soul, so what little Nai does is half way sequencing, and some souls keep active thinking.

In essence, half of Nai's soul is programmed and half of his soul is in a normal state, which gives him both inspiration and computational power.

"This state is much like the universal organization recorded in the undead plane, the accompanying patterns of hosts and systems." "But I'm different, they're just users of the system, and I'm the one who compiles my soul into the system," Nai thought

Little Nai is busy upgrading his soul program, while he is in-depth understanding of various knowledge, rapid growth.

Before the Lich King orders the skull attack, Nai's soul system has been updated to version 2.3.8.

"Mastering the core technology is the real progress." Xiao Nai thought that if the system of Vientiane organization came to him, his first thought was definitely to open the core file of the system and learn its programming concept and technology.

"If I'm strong enough, of course." Little Nai thought, "but it seems that there are several system owners in the undead disaster."

In the forest white bone eye socket, that is like the star sky general soul fire to beat several times, on the dead spirit face which has no expression, but gave a kind of excited idea. Hundreds of skeletons as like as two peas in

are not obvious in the dead army. But if anyone can strip off the camouflage colors of their souls, they will find that hundreds of skeletons have the same soul fire and there are thin lines between them.

And this skeleton group is still growing. After Xiao Nai solved the problem of multi operation of soul, he just opened an intelligent subroutine to control the skeleton.

In this case, little Nai's soul became more and more, and soon he touched another thing in his soul.

"The flame of burning soul." The little Nai observes the thing praised by the undead, and his consciousness is constantly approaching and burning. He wants to study and understand the essence of this thing.

Then he was immersed in the knowledge of burning soul flame, which was out of control.

Little Nai couldn't believe that the burning soul flame, such a profound thing, had no defense against him and allowed him to learn all the knowledge in it.

But with his understanding of the burning soul flame, he also gradually understand why it is so.

"The sum of all enterprising phenomena, the burning flame of soul, the supreme enterprising God, the voice of the root - Negri!" Little Nai suddenly raised deep admiration.

"It is only this kind of existence that will completely ignore others' learning from him. After all, for this kind of existence, he is the one who learns from him."

The little Nai also had such an impulse to turn all his soul into the flame of burning soul, so that he would become a part of Negri in an instant.

The small Nai who is a part of the world is not exclusive. Every life is not a part of the world. He is also his own, and Negri is not just a life.However, after that, Nai stopped this transformation, and there were some other childish ideas in his mind.

Negri's burning soul flame is the road there, and his thoughts are just a hidden path, or even dead road behind.

However, it is not Nai's wish to give up the path and choose burning soul flame.

So Nai decided to join Negri, but he didn't give up his own road, even if it was just starting.

In the Negri system, there are many similar existence, they are also Negri, but they did not take the Negri enterprising Road, but chose other roads.

"So from today on, I am also a member of the glorious Negri." Nai was extremely honored, and did not feel any restraint. As long as he recognized the enterprising will in the burning soul flame, it was Negri.

And enterprise coexists with most truth, which is the reason why Negri has so many different paths.

Of course, joining Negri also has the existence of welfare. First of all, you can choose to listen to the voice of the root by burning the soul.

This is the greatest welfare for the existence of constructing the road, and the sound of the root can make people close to the truth of their choice.

In addition, there is a lot of knowledge, but this knowledge is not free to obtain.

What kind of knowledge you get, you need to learn these knowledge, self understanding, self-study, self extension, and then submit a research report. The research report needs to reach a certain degree in order to obtain more knowledge.

In order to stimulate everyone's desire to learn, it is not a problem to get something for nothing, the problem is to just think about getting something without work.

When the enterprising consciousness is dim, the channel of burning soul flame and knowledge base will be closed gradually.

Swimming in the ocean of knowledge, Nai did not relax in reality. He controlled more than 100 skeletons and bodies into the front of human defense.

Then, with the destruction of skeletons, their souls were recovered through the soul network, and their soul lines were broken.

With the platform of burning soul flame, Xiao Nai gave up the dark sky decisively and successfully hid his little skeleton in countless white bones, cutting off the contact with the Lich King. , the fastest update of the webnovel!