On the rostrum, several other elders of the dwarves laughed again.

However, when several other elders of the dwarves laughed, suddenly there was a sound of the Ding furnace ringing below, and then a five legged Ding furnace burst into the sky.

Fuhe and Fuyuan, the leader of the dwarf clan, were stunned and turned their heads. Then they saw that in the five legged tripod furnace, the glory rose into the sky, and a weapon like a sword rather than a sword, like a knife rather than a knife, rose slowly from the tripod mouth.

"Unexpectedly, it's really, really refined." Fu he and others have a stiff smile on their faces, and some can't believe looking at the weapon that looks like a sword but not a sword, like a knife but not a knife.

Although it has not been identified yet, with their eyesight, they can naturally see that it is definitely a weapon above the top-grade magic weapon. The weapons above top-grade magic weapons, that is to say, the black haired young man will enter the next game

That is to say, the black haired young man was not playing with the tripod stove just now, but really refining the tools to help he et al. His face couldn't help twitching. According to what Fu he said earlier, these people have been refining utensils for so many years

Fu he and others were like this. Fu Zhang also looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

At this time, Lin Haoran flicked his right hand and bounced the weapon that looked like a sword but not a sword and looked like a knife but not a knife onto the rostrum. The dwarf patriarch who presided over the rostrum always picked it up for identification, but the more he identified, the more strange his expression became.

Seeing that the identified elder looked strange, Fu Yuan, the leader of the dwarf family, said in secret, "did you make a wrong judgment just now? This weapon doesn't go into the stream at all. "

The definition of no flow is that this weapon that looks like a sword but not a sword and looks like a knife but not a knife is not a top-grade magic weapon at all, not even a low-level yellow weapon!

Such weapons are useless at all! When Fu he and others saw the face of the identified elder, they looked at each other, and then relaxed. It seems that they have the same idea as Fu Yuan, the leader of the dwarf clan.

"I'll tell you, it's impossible to refine anything by slapping like this!" A dwarf elder laughed.

"If you can refine the top-grade magic weapons in this way, even a three-year-old child can refine the weapons." another dwarf elder smiled: "just slap at the tripod furnace. Who won't? Even a one-year-old who can just walk! "

Fu he said with a smile: "we were almost fooled by this boy just now. I went astray earlier and thought this three different weapon was a first-class magic weapon!"

Listening to the mockery of Fu he and others, the dwarf elder with Lin Haoran's refining weapon identification twitched his face and said slowly: "this weapon is not a inferior magic weapon, but a superior magic weapon!"

Top quality magic weapon!

These four words sounded like thunder.

He and others were stunned and looked dull.

"Unexpectedly, it's a top-grade magic weapon!" Even the law enforcement elder Fu Zhang was shocked.

There was silence on the rostrum.

At this time, the dwarf elder turned his head and said to Lin Haoran with a complex face: "you may enter the next game."

Under the gaze of Fu he and others, Lin Haoran slowly walked out of the competition square.

"It's a top-grade magic weapon! Did I hear you right? "

"You heard me right. The dwarf elder really said that it was a top-grade magic weapon!"

"It's unreasonable. You can refine top-grade magic weapons even by tapping the tripod furnace"

", how did that guy beat the tripod stove? Did you see that? Anyway, I can't refine the top-grade magic weapons in ten hours. I also want to try beating like that boy to see if I can beat the top-grade magic weapons! "

Some contestants could not help but marvel and talk, and some even really imitated Lin Haoran's slapping at the tripod furnace.




The "bang" sound of beating the tripod furnace immediately became dense.

On the podium, Fu Yuan, the leader of the dwarf race, and others looked at the bottom. Many contestants even imitated Lin Haoran and slapped the tripod stove. Their faces were green and red. They wondered in their hearts.

"Boss, look at those boys. How dare they learn from you to beat the tripod stove?" The sword spirit looked at the funny actions of the contestants who imitated Lin Haoran's slapping the tripod stove in the square and couldn't help laughing.

I've seen stupid, I've never seen such a stupid!

Even the disillusioned Dragon Emperor smiled when he saw it.

Lin Haoran shook his head, smiled and said, "let's go." These contestants who imitated him beating the tripod furnace were all tool refiners who consciously could not refine top-grade magic weapons in ten hours. It was also normal for them to hold the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The elder of the dwarves, Fu He, looked at Fu'an and Lin Haoran and others leaving. He frowned: "are they?" At this time, he looked at the supporting Zhang on one side.

Seeing Fu'an, Fu he guessed that the black haired young man who had just slapped the tripod stove and slapped the top-grade magic weapons should be the one in his son's mouth two days ago.

Although Lin Haoran left, the dwarf clan leader Fuyuan and the elder Fuhe did not calm down.

Obviously, they still can't understand how Lin Haoran refined or beat the weapon like a sword but not a sword, like a knife but not a knife!

"Do you see how the black haired young man refined the top magic weapon?" After a long time, Fu Yuan, the chief of the dwarf clan, said. His voice was low and even lost.

In the past, he boasted that he was at least in the top ten in terms of refining weapons, but now he can't even see what techniques a young man with black hair uses and how to refine top-grade magic weapons.

It hit him hard.

Hearing the speech, the elders of the dwarves looked at each other. They all shook their heads and looked a little depressed.

Fu he observed his face and said, "this young man with black hair may have just learned some lost weapon refining technique. This weapon refining technique has not been born for a long time, and it is normal that we don't recognize it. This doesn't mean how high his weapon refining level is. It has been more than three hours since the competition."

Another dwarf patriarch said: "yes, in more than three hours, this black haired young talent refined a top-grade magic weapon, which is much worse than the previous contestants who refined a top-grade magic weapon in more than one hour and two hours! As for helping the cold, it's much worse than us! "

The dwarf clan chief Fu Yuan nodded, and his face looked better.

"But how on earth did the black haired young man refine it? This technique and secret, if we dwarves can learn from it, will be of great use to our dwarves' weapon refining! " Fu he pondered.

"It was our dwarf disciple Fu'an who left the square with him, wasn't it? We'll come forward and ask him. I'm sure he won't refuse to answer! "