Chapter 23

At Sheremetyevo International Airport, the plane from Haifa, a coastal city in Israel, slowly lands on the apron of the airport. Alexander Popov, carrying his suitcase, walks quickly through the crowd and out of the airport. Although he has been flying for nearly five hours, Alexander Popov does not seem to be tired at all. He quickly stopped a taxi whose driver was about to say hello to Alexander Popov in his poor Russian English. It was rudely interrupted by Alexander Popov.

"Gorky!" With these words, Alexander Popov leaned back in his chair, lowered his hat brim, looked like a stranger, holding his suitcase tightly in his hand.

As soon as the driver saw that it was such a passenger, there was no more nonsense. The car slowly left the Sheremetyevo International Airport. To Gorky, east of Moscow.


Almost at the same time, another plane from Rome also slowly landed at sheremetevo International Airport. The brothers of Francisco Genovese and Alessandro Genovese were waiting for security check in the lobby of the airport. The long security check team seemed to test the patience of passengers, From time to time, the passengers around looked at the brothers of Francisco Genovese and Alessandro Genovese. Their appearance was astonishingly identical. The only difference was that one had a beard and the other had No. The two brothers are twins. It's no surprise that they look alike.

The security team is slowly moving forward, and finally it's the turn of the brothers Francesco and Alessandro. Two handsome Italian boys can't help but brighten the eyes of the tired female security inspectors.

"Where are you from?" The female security inspector asked gently.

"Palermo!" The two brothers said with one voice and without expression.

"Where are you going?" The female security inspector asked again?

"Gorky!" The two brothers were still expressionless and said in unison.

The female security inspector asked for no fun and let them go. The brothers can finally leave the busy airport.


Sorodkov, the mortuary attendant at Gorky's funeral home, is lying in his office drowsy and drunk. A short knock on the door woke him up. A middle-aged man in a brown suit and a suitcase was standing outside the door, looking at him seriously.

"What's the matter?" sorodkov asked

"I'm a relative of Nikolay Popov. I've come to claim his body." Alexander Popov said, still expressionless.

Solodkov put on his coat, took the key, came out and said, "follow me!"

Alexander Popov followed solodkov through the dark corridor, which was surprisingly quiet, and the sound was frightening. Their footsteps echoed in the corridor. At the end of the corridor is the mortuary of the funeral home. Instead of leading Alexander Popov into the mortuary, sorodkov let him stay in a prayer room, and then went in by himself.

In the middle of the prayer room is an orthodox three cross, which is a prominent symbol of the Orthodox Church. On the first cross is a famous brand made by Ponty Pilate to laugh at Jesus. The name of "criminal" is written - "Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews", and the bottom rail is for feet. Across from the cross are rows of seats, which are obviously for friends and relatives to remember the dead.

About a quarter of an hour later, sorodkov came in, pushing a corpse covered with cloth. He slowly uncovered the white sheet on his head for the dead, then crossed a cross on his chest and stood aside with a solemn look. It has to be said that sorodkov is a conscientious undertaker.

Alexander Popov looks gratefully at the drunk sorodkov. Slowly walked into Popov's body, Popov's body has been blistered into shape, skin pale, hair algae and other things, although you can see that the body has been sorted, but still can feel the pain of the dead before death. Tears soaked Alexander Popov's eyes. He clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. His face muscles trembled involuntarily.

About ten minutes later, Alexander Popov walked slowly to sorodkov. He took a stack of dollars from his pocket and handed it to sorodkov. The amount of money was a little large, which completely shocked sorodkov. Solodkov was just about to say something when Alexander Popov interrupted“ These days, please help me take good care of him, give him a decent. I have something to do. " Alexander Popov turned and left without looking back.


Francesco and Alessandro brothers arrived in Gorky and stayed in the Soviet friendship hotel until it was completely dark before they left the hotel. Two Italians have no family here. But there is nothing in the world that money can't buy. They first made a phone call in the phone booth. After a while, a Volga stopped beside them. Francesco and Alessandro watched warily and quickly got into the car. The guy in the co pilot's seat turned and looked at both of them. His left hand was in his arms all the time, and his right hand threw a hood to Francisco and Alessandro, one for each, to signal that they should cover their eyes.

Francisco and Alessandro knew it was the rule, and they did. I don't know how long I've been driving, but I feel more and more bumpy. Francisco and Alessandro never said a word. About an hour later, the car finally stopped. Someone opened the door from the outside and brought them out. However, the headgear was never removed. They were led into a room, and then someone searched their whole body. Finally, they were taken to a chair. After that, Francisco and Alessandro regained their light again. Strong light stimulation of the people can not open their eyes, two vodka was placed in front of the two. Francesco gulped it down and coughed. It caused a burst of laughter from the people around.

After about five minutes, they gradually adapted to the light here. Then they found a man about 50 years old sitting on the opposite chair, with his legs up, smoking, staring at them and drinking from time to time. Saw two people's eyes sweep to come over. The man waved his hands to all his men to leave, and all the people around obediently left the room. Only the man, Francisco and Alessandro, were left in the room.

"Dear Mr. gusinski, our uncle janoviseto, we convey our respect and greetings to you." Francisco and Alessandro greet the man carefully. Although they are Mafia, but this is the Soviet Union, and the opposite Mr. gusinski, even Mafia can not afford to offend. Because he is the biggest arms dealer in Gorky, and a powerful arms dealer who can sell any weapon to anyone.

"What can I do for you?" Gusinski was silent, while Francisco and Alessandro could only see the flickering light of cigarette ends.

"We have a lot of goods that we can't get back from Mr. Popov now." We hope to get your help, and you will get the friendship of the Genovese family.

"I don't think you can find what you want any more." Gusinski responded coldly.