Chapter 90

"Want to hear the truth?" Lebede was surprised by the sudden arrival of seliosha. They had only one-sided relationship and had no friendship at all. He did not expect that Xie liaosha, who was in trouble, would come to him instead of the more powerful grachov. But one thing lebede understood was that his airborne battalion commander didn't have any contacts and foundation here. His company commander and platoon leader were all old qualifications of 354 airborne regiment. It was impossible for these people to be obedient under his own hands. Therefore, it is very valuable for lebede to show his kindness to him.

"Please tell me frankly, I know what level I am!" What Xie liaosha said is true. Now he has a deep understanding of the saying that every other line is like a mountain. Airborne troops are also high-tech arms, which Xie liaosha can't control. You know, people like lebede first studied in the liangzan airborne Command Academy for three years, then entered the vorongze Military Academy for four years, and after graduation, they spent five years in the army to become battalion commander. Moreover, this is rocket promotion, so the difficulty is obvious.

"You are just a new recruit who has just learned how to parachute, and you are not suitable to be an officer at once. Please forgive me. If you are an officer of the regular army, you can still be competent, but airborne..." although lebede's words are not pleasant to listen to, his tone is sincere, he does not have the airs of an officer at all, and he talks about the matter. Although Xie liaosha was embarrassed, he still listened to lebede's words.

"In fact, I envy you very much. You have just been in the army for half a year, and you have already become an officer and won the Red Star Medal. This is not something everyone can do. " Lebede may be afraid that his words will directly hurt seryosha's self-esteem, so he added a few words.

Xie liaosha smiles back to lebede. Although he recognizes lebede's evaluation of himself, he doesn't intend to give up his position as platoon leader. Because to do so is to hit Grachev in the face and to discredit himself. "Do you have any suggestions for me if I plan to continue working as platoon leader?" he asked

"Under normal circumstances, you will be sent back to military academies in China for training, but it's impossible to do so now, because our division will make big moves soon. And time is pressing, I'm afraid it's too late to learn from books. I'm afraid you have to learn from actual combat. " Lebede said sincerely.

"What does it mean to learn in practice?" Xie liaosha was a little angry. He thought that lebede's words were not said. Thanks for trusting him so much.

"You misunderstood me. I mean you can improve yourself and your subordinates in actual tasks. We can learn and exercise by performing some less dangerous tasks. I can arrange it for you. In fact, the final assessment is to serve the battle, don't you think? " When liebede said this, xieliaosha understood that people really meant well. It was a good idea to train soldiers and officers through some simple military tasks.

"Do you have a suitable task at hand?" Xie liaosha can't wait.

"In fact, there are many, but other platoons are not willing to do it. I don't know if you want to go or not?" As he spoke, lebede observed the expression of seliosha. Liebede is telling the truth. Recently, the public security in Kabul has been deteriorating, and the Afghan government forces can't cope with it. Therefore, the Afghan government forces can only turn to the Soviets. The Soviets also had to pay attention to the issue of public security. Lebede had several such tasks on hand, but the bottom officers of the 103 airborne division didn't think much of these tasks, and they all tried their best to shirk them.

"What a mission!" Xie liaosha asked.

Lebed replied: "to assist the Afghan government forces in maintaining law and order in Kabul, we can rest assured that there is still security, and dangerous things can be done by Afghans."

Xie liaosha looks at it in his heart. In fact, he has decided to accept it. Why? Aren't these tasks urban anti-terrorism? This is one of the main businesses of the armed police force! How to say it's also Xie liaosha's old line, familiar with the road! If you carry out these tasks, you won't be in a hurry because you haven't touched them.

"I will go!" Xie liaosha simply agreed.

Lebede also smiles with relief. Xie liaosha is really a good person to get along with!


Hafizola Qasim Wardak accompanies Pakistani and American guests from afar in the pagman mountains northwest of Kabul. This is not the first time that the Pakistani guest has come to hafizola. As a staff member of the intelligence service of Pakistan's armed forces, he has not only brought advanced arms and funds to hafizola, but also, more importantly, volunteers from all over the world who support the independence of Afghanistan, most of whom are from wealthy Saudi Arabia, They are generally well educated. This is very important to know that most of hafizola's men are illiterate, and the use of those advanced American weapons requires certain knowledge. These volunteers are in use at this time. They can quickly learn how to use these advanced weapons, and then teach them to hafizola's people. Soon volunteers took on the task of training hafizola's guerrillas to use American style weapons. At the same time, in the training camp opened by the guerrillas, hafizola also personally explained the knowledge of guerrilla warfare to these volunteers. During this period of time, the guerrillas and volunteers have been getting along happily and have benefited a lot from each other. They are like a family, eating a pot of rice and sleeping in a cave. It really feels like a musilin family.

"Bang! Bang! Bang Clear gunfire resounded through the valley. Pakistani guests and American guests nodded as they watched the volunteers shooting at distant targets. You know, these guys probably didn't even touch their guns before they came to Afghanistan.

“Good! Sharpshooter!” The Americans stretched out their thumbs and said to hafizola repeatedly. Hafizola understood that this was the American boasting of their good shooting skills, and he was also very happy! Hafizola doesn't have to think about who this American is, and who else can come with the ISI besides the CIA. They obviously came to investigate their investments, and they couldn't help thinking about hafizola of the CIA.

"I want to ask your CIA to do me a little favor!" Hafizola took out a picture from his pocket, which was the last picture left by Abdel. He pointed to the five Soviet soldiers in the picture and said, "I want to ask the CIA to help investigate these five people."