Chapter 104

The enemy's firepower is more and more fierce, and seryosha and Yakov are suppressed in the ditch by the side of the road, unable to look up. Fortunately, the truck parked in front of them helps them block a lot of bullets, and the bullets crackle on the body. Xie liaosha and Yakov face enemies in different directions. Yakov is responsible for the enemy behind him and Xie liaosha is responsible for the enemy on the opposite side of the road. As long as there are two enemies, they will be eliminated mercilessly.

"Dong!" The grenade exploded in the trench in front of seryosa, where his two comrades in arms were, and the smoke turned red when it exploded. Xie liaosha felt that his mouth was as rusty as rust. no way! I can't make it. It's important to save my life.

Xie liaosha patted Yakov on the shoulder and made a sign of retreat. Then the two men bent over to retreat and yelled loudly to remind their comrades to go back to the cave as soon as possible. But the sound of gunfire and explosion was all around us. Few people heard Xie liaosha's voice. The command on the scene was getting more and more chaotic.

There are more and more enemies around, and they are getting closer and closer. They are the furthest away from the tunnel. They can see that there are Sheng fighters running to the road ahead, and the Soviet troops hiding in the tunnel rush out to reinforce Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha's situation is more dangerous. Now his front, back, left and right are enemies. He and Yakov were cut off by the enemy and fled to the tunnel. The two men were back to back, shooting at the enemy everywhere. Xie liaosha was not aware of the fear at this time, and all his spirit was focused on the Sheng fighters coming from all directions.

The enemy was less than 100 meters away from Xie liaosha. At this time, the armed helicopter also flew into the canyon. When Xie liaosha needed help most, an armed helicopter hovered over Xie liaosha's head. The strong airflow brought by the propeller made everyone blind. The heavy machine gun on the helicopter began to shoot the enemy, The hot shells fell on seryosa and Yakov.

With the participation of helicopters, the situation suddenly reversed, and the Sheng fighters began to retreat. Hafizola just saw the Soviet Army rushing out of the tunnel and knew that something was wrong, but he also wanted to destroy the enemy before leaving. This idea completely killed her. The sudden helicopter of the Soviet army completely disrupted the attack of Sheng fighters.

"General, follow me!" Without waiting for hafizola's consent, Jalal grabbed him and went up the mountain. Behind him came the roar of helicopters and the sound of machine gun fire. The defeated Sheng fighters began to flee, the tunnels and bridges were completely blocked by the Soviet army, and they had to flee to the mountains on both sides. The machine guns on the helicopter kept shooting at these deserters. Most of the fastest Sheng fighters who had just rushed died at the foot of the mountain. The blood stained the water in the ditches on both sides of the road, and the red water flowed into the Kabul River quietly.

Lebed sat on the helicopter, looking around carefully. He was looking for hafizola's figure, but there was too much confusion below. The Soviet army and Sheng fighters were mixed together and could not carry out fire coverage. All of a sudden, a group of Sheng fighters fleeing to the top of the mountain attracted lebed's attention. These Sheng fighters gathered together and fought and retreated, forming a sharp contrast with those Sheng fighters who ran around like headless flies.

"Seryosa, three o'clock on the East hillside. Hafizola may be there!" Liebede's voice came from seliosha's earphone.

"Got it!" Xie liaosha called Yakov and began to charge on the hillside. The soldiers around him also began to approach Xie liaosha. The armed helicopter in the sky consciously opened the way for Xie liaosha.

The mountain road was rugged. Xie liaosha Mao tried his best to use both hands and feet, but the speed was not fast. He's not going to let hafizola go. This person can be deceived, that he has always been thinking about himself, must not let such a guy alive.

Hafizola is now desperately climbing up the hillside. He has long regretted his death, these crafty Soviets. He now has only one faith to climb up, desperately to the top.

Lebede's Armed Helicopter began to fire at hafizola. The machine gun spewed out angry tongues. The tracer bullets separated from the bullets flew into the enemy's camp with the light of fire. Lebede could even see the blood mist rising from the bullet's body.

The number of people who protect hafizola has been reduced by half. When jararden understood what the problem was, these people gathered together and wanted to protect hafizola urgently. The goal was too obvious. He cried out:


"All spread out!"

Without the enemy's hindrance, Xie liaosha's speed is much faster. With his men, he follows hafizola closely and gets closer and closer. Soon Xie liaosha began to shoot at the enemy in front of him. Although the enemy resisted, there was no way to delay Xie liaosha's pursuit.

Another round of machine gun fire. Hafizola, who had been pulled up the mountain by Jalal, fell to the ground with a scream. Jalal quickly turned back to check the situation. Hafizola was shot in the leg by a shrapnel. With great pain, hafizola threw away Jalal and pushed him aside

"Come on, Jalal. It's up to you for the pagans! Leave me alone

"No, general, I won't leave you!" Jalal drags hafizola to death, but refuses to go.

"I'll drag you down now. We'll both die here with us." Hafizola kept pushing Jalal. The situation was urgent, and Jalal, regardless of hafizola's opposition, put him on his shoulder and ran to the top again.

Jalal, who is carrying a man, is more prominent in the rout. Xie liaosha immediately notices him. Just as he wants to shoot, grachov's voice comes from the earphone: "Xie liaosha, I see hafizola. He's shot in the leg. Don't shoot, catch him alive!"

Xie liaosha put away his gun and sped to Jalal. The distance between them is no more than 200 meters. Jalal was carrying hafizola and staring straight at the top of the mountain. Jalal finally climbed to the top of the mountain, but the sight made him despair. There was a cliff in front of him, and there was no road. Under the cliff was the rolling Kabul river.

"What shall we do! Are you really going to die here! " Looking at the pursuers behind him, Jalal turned to the cliff again.

"Jaral, what are you going to do? Do you want to jump?" Hafizola was startled.

"No, general, hold on to me!" Jalal knelt down with his back to the cliff, supported his body with his hands, and began to slowly put himself down. Two hands on the cliff.

Hafizola looks down in horror. He grabs Jalal and falls into the river. He feels dizzy.

Jalal loosened one hand to grasp the gap between the rocks, so that they could better hide. Their heads were just covered by the extended mountains. Jalal carried hafizola on his back and hung on the cliff by the strength of two hands.

Finally, Xie liaosha climbed to the top of the mountain and saw the empty top. He was puzzled. He went to the edge of the cliff and frowned at the rolling river below. Did the enemy jump? There's Grachev and lebed in the headphones.

”Well, did you catch it“

”What's up? Got it“

”No one on the top of the mountain, no one on the top of the mountain, I suspect they jumped off the cliff“ Xie liaosha replies in the earphone.

Hafizola and Jalal, who were hanging below, did not dare to speak. Hafizola, who understood Russian, nodded to Jalal. After a while, Xie liaosha came from the top of the mountain with the voice of evacuation.