Chapter 241

"Good morning, Secretary ulyanov!"

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, Secretary ulyanov!"


"Good morning!"


Since Xie liaosha announced his housing plan, the number of people greeting him has obviously increased in recent days. Although Xie liaosha can't name most of them, Xie liaosha can recognize that many of them are not from the youth work department under his leadership.

In recent days, the following Youth League organizations have been calling the Municipal Youth League Committee to inquire about the housing plan. In just a few days, almost all the members of the Communist Youth League and young workers in Moscow know that the new Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee from Gorky city wants to build houses for everyone. Although it's rented, judging from the price announced in the plan, Most people can afford it. Compared with the expensive private houses in the city, Xie liaosha's low rent houses are more cost-effective.

Within the Communist Youth League, there are many cadres who are looking forward to the plan. After all, the league is full of young people. After a few years of work, few of them have been assigned houses. However, love and marriage force them to move out of the shabby dormitory to find their own small space. This makes Xie liaosha's housing plan particularly attractive. With the idea of "get the moon first" in mind, everyone began to work hard to get close to Xie liaosha, hoping that the secretary would first think about the young people in the Youth League Committee of the city, and the young cadres in the Ministry of youth work would naturally become the enviable positions in the Youth League Committee.

"Nasja, come and talk about the progress!" Xie liaosha waved to nasjia, who was sitting outside his office, and then walked into his own office. Nasjia followed, and some cadres of the Ministry of youth work also went in. The originally spacious office was full of people in an instant.

Xie liaosha is standing in front of his desk with his hands in his arms. The people who come in consciously stand beside Xie liaosha and form a semicircle. Xie liaosha first says, "come one by one, how are you looking at the unfinished buildings?"

A thin young man with black glasses raised his hand. Xie liaosha nodded to indicate that he would speak first.

"Secretary, during this period, our department has traveled all over the uncompleted buildings around Moscow. After investigation, it is found that the areas suitable for our redevelopment are concentrated in the south of the city. Ten years ago, there was a plan to build a large residential area, but later it stopped because of the problem of funds. We selected ten nearly completed buildings for the first phase of the project, This is a specific report. "

The young man presented a report to Xie liaosha. Xie liaosha looked at it and said with satisfaction, "well done, what's your name?"

"Report secretary, my name is Anatole Gorman!"

"All right, Gorman, keep up! Who's next? Talk about our funds! " Xie liaosha continued.

"Secretary, we have contacted several large industrial enterprises in the city recently, but they all said that there is no cash to support our plan? What's more, ordinary workers are not enthusiastic about paying the housing provident fund. They are only willing to pay for the rent! " Said a young cadre who looked rather smart.

"No money? How is that possible? " Xie liaosha said discontentedly.

"Secretary, you don't know. What these enterprises are saying is the truth. After all, according to the relevant regulations of our financial management department, wages can only be used in limited fields, such as paying wages, and other uses are not allowed?" The cadre explained patiently for Xie liaosha.

"How do these enterprises use their funds?" Xie liaosha asks curiously.

"Well, if these enterprises need to purchase raw materials or pay related accounts to other enterprises, they are all transferred directly between the enterprise accounts of the central bank, and will not enter the circulation field at all..."

This young cadre gave Xie liaosha a detailed explanation of the internal capital flow rules of state-owned enterprises. To be honest, Xie liaosha knew little about these things, but he felt that this young man did a good job,? When he finished, Xie liaosha hurriedly asked, "your name is...?"

"Secretary, my name is Vasily Pugachev. He graduated from Plekhanov National School of economics The cadre replied respectfully.

"Well, tell me, Pugachev, what can you do to solve our financial problem?" Xie liaosha looks at Pugachev with hopeful eyes.

"Ah? Well, secretary, in fact, I have an immature idea. I think maybe we can raise funds from the public and pay higher interest than banks. In fact, just like bonds or trusts in the west, we can issue such products with fixed term, such as three-year term or five-year term, and repay the principal and interest when they mature! " Pugachev said nervously.

"Not bad! Pugachev, I think you can have a better performance in the future! Come on Xie liaosha makes a fist gesture at Pugachev, which seems to cheer him up. Many people are infected by Xie liaosha's easygoing way of getting along with him. They can't help but imitate him and wave their arms. There is a burst of happy and hearty laughter in the office. The laughter spread through the open door of shaeliosha's office to all the stations nearby.

"What are they doing?" Someone outside the office stabbed his colleagues and asked curiously.

"Who knows? I envy them! Secretary ulyanov told them that whoever has done well in this housing project will give priority to solving the housing problem! " The colleague shook his head and looked enviously at the direction of Xie liaosha's office, hoping to join him.

At the moment, another group gathered in the office of the first Secretary of the Communist Youth League in Moscow, yuganov, to discuss what?

"Secretary Zyuganov, that guy from the countryside really takes himself seriously. He's only been here for a few days! I didn't discuss with you and other secretaries about the housing plan. I didn't pay attention to us at all! " A deputy secretary said excitedly.

Zyuganov patted the deputy secretary on the shoulder, motioned him to calm down, and then said, "don't worry! I will never let this country bumpkin live a better life. Sooner or later, I will let him go back where he came from. Let me tell you something. Do you know Secretary grishen's nephew? "

"You're talking about the nephew of a city official who was hit with a crooked face in a fight and was always drooling. How did he get involved?" Someone is puzzled to ask a way.

"I've heard that it's our Secretary ulyanov who made that guy look like he is now!" Said Zyuganov with a slightly evil smile.