Chapter 448

Crimea peninsula on the coast of the black sea will become the focus of the break-up between Ukraine and Russia. Although it traditionally belonged to the Russian Republic, it was included in the Republic of Ukraine as a symbol of friendship in the era of Khrushchev.

After dealing with the affairs in Moscow, he took a plane with his father and the lebedes to start their new year's holiday. Soon after, Gregory in Leningrad also came here.

With the arrival of Yuri and others, this year's new year is gradually lively. Xie liaosha specially hired a sea fishing boat to go fishing and experience the feeling of riding the wind and waves. And everyone's dinner is naturally a seafood dinner cooked by my father himself.

Although Crimea is much warmer than Moscow, it is still not suitable for swimming in the sea. But the entertainment here is not monotonous at all. Not far from the sea, there are not only primitive coniferous forests for hunting, but also ski resorts for skiing. In just two days, Xie liaosha almost forgot all his troubles. He has deeply loved it.

The city where shariosha is located is called Yalta, where the famous Yalta conference was held during the Second World War. It is not only a famous convalescent resort, but also an ancient city with a long history. Although Ukraine became an independent country after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has been more than 300 years since the tsarist Russia era.

Orthodox Christmas is different from Christianity. It is on January 7th after the new year. Although they are all adults, there is still a ceremony for people to sit around and give gifts to each other. For this reason, Xie liaosha specially spent a day in the high-end shops in Yalta, and bought some gifts according to everyone's preference.

The gifts for Yuri and lebede are a set of high-end cigarette and wine sets respectively, while the gifts for Yakov are a pair of natural crystal goggles. Mikhail got an antique pen, which is said to have been used by Tolstoy, while Boris received a set of skiing equipment, Gregory received an apple computer made in the United States, and shariosha gave Dad a set of valuable kitchen knives, For her lovers, what she can offer is jewelry and other things that women like.

Accompanied by the warm fire in the fireplace, we all sit under the holly tree and share gifts like a family. This scene makes people feel very happy and warm. For a time, Xie liaosha remembered the scene when everyone was hanging out on Gorky's black market. At that time, although he didn't make much money and took great risks, those days were what Xie liaosha missed most.


After Christmas, everyone left here one after another and went all over the world to get busy again. Seryosa returned to Moscow with Dad, lovers and Gregory. Gregory is still on holiday now, so he doesn't have to rush back. Among the three lovers of shariosha, EVA and Donia are the only ones who need to deal with some work matters. Kalim is the most relaxed and comfortable.

On the first working day after returning to Moscow, he gathered together all the staff of the Youth League Committee, the trade union and the National Housing Bank who had contributed to the new town project. In recent years, these people's efforts have turned Moscow's once dilapidated buildings into modern new urban areas, and they deserve to be rewarded. Xie liaosha thanks everyone for their efforts, and gives them a lot of money.

Xie liaosha has enriched the large sum of money obtained from the resale of the new town to the accounts of the Communist Youth League system and the Mediterranean trading company. Among them, the funds of the Communist Youth League system are used to improve the lives of the cadres of the Communist Youth League, and the rest are used for the projects of the youth science, technology and culture center. Xie liaosha plans to promote the youth science, technology and culture center to the whole country after he takes over as the first Secretary of the Communist Youth League. Xie hopes to use this organization to find more young cadres who can adapt to the market competition mechanism for the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation. Most of the money of the Mediterranean trading company will be put into the foreign trade bank as capital, but everything will wait for the final result of personnel appointment.

Not long after the new year, some restless Yeltsin arrived in Moscow ahead of time to report to the Supreme Soviet. Because the National Congress of the Soviet Union, which will be held soon in March, will be the last National Congress since the election of the Brezhnev government at the 26th National Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During the term of office of this party organization, two general secretaries have passed away, and next year is the day of the 27th National Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Therefore, this session is actually a key meeting to decide the internal party and government team of the next Soviet Communist Party.

Yeltsin brought some old subordinates from Sverdlovsk state to take over the work in advance. Due to the huge investment in the project of workers' new town, the financial accounts alone are full of several houses. Although it has been confirmed once in the handover process with the central bank, Yeltsin, as a senior politician, knows that if there is any problem in the project in the future, it will be his responsibility, so he let his subordinates review it again.

Anyway, now that the accounts have been handled completely, Xie liaosha is not afraid that Yeltsin will find out any problems. As long as the handover work is completed, all the evidence left by Nicholas's money laundering activities in China can be destroyed, which is the biggest gain for shariosha besides money.

Ever since Boris burned the account book, shagliaosha has adopted the double account system. As long as there is a transaction, it will inevitably leave two books, one bright and one dark. Public accounts are used to deal with the regulatory authorities. Now with the professional operation of Glencore's financial experts, public accounts are basically perfect. Only hidden accounts are a hidden danger. These accounts, though dangerous, must be kept for reconciliation with the relevant parties. After the handover of the workers' new town project, all these accounts can be destroyed. In the future, neither the KGB nor the Ministry of the interior can trace the capital flow of the former National Housing Bank.

The people below are very busy, while seliosha has to spend time to continue his relationship with Yeltsin. At the beginning, Xie liaosha promised to continue to provide financial support for Yeltsin, but then he handed over the National Housing Bank, which made Yeltsin a little uneasy. So he wanted seryosa to leave sobchuck, the old president of the National Housing Bank, to him. Of course, Xie liaosha didn't want to.