Chapter 478

The CIA was puzzled by the presence of Stinger missiles in South America, which were supposed to be responsible for fighting the Soviet Union in South Asia. On the other hand, the mercenaries of Dutch Aruba, who had cooperated with Ivankov, had begun their new mission.

This time, Ivankov and Yuri not only provided material support for the escoval operation, but also provided personnel assistance. Ben Ali's original clients, the Dutch gangs, rarely provide them with jobs now, so when Ivankov recommended Medellin group, a famous Latin American town, to them, these mercenaries took over the task without hesitation.

Escobar is planning a large-scale prison break this time, aiming at the most notorious lamodero prison in Colombia.

Talking about ramodro prison, even the most ferocious criminals will feel shivering. Because this prison is absolutely forbidden in the eyes of all prisoners. It's not only heavily guarded, but also the worst thing is the bad environment. Ramodro prison, originally designed to accommodate 2000 people, is now crammed with 13000 people.

Despite the large number of prisoners, this is not the most lethal. The most important thing is that the backgrounds of these 13000 prisoners vary from guerrillas of left-wing radical organizations to senior members of right-wing military organizations, from government supporters to government opponents, from notorious Medellin to the rising Cali group. This small prison contains almost all the violent organizations in Colombia. They fight with each other endlessly, but the prison management does not care about it. A prisoner who once lived here claims that there are more than 100 body fragments in the sewer of ramodro prison.

The reason why the body fragments of these 100 people came from lies in the fight between the left-wing radical organizations and the right-wing radical organizations that have established their foothold in ramodro prison. They occupied two buildings, one in the South and the other in the north of ramodro prison, as their military strongholds. The time of every day was the beginning of the war, and the prison management was happy to see them kill each other. But when a thousand Medellin drug traffickers entered the prison, the situation here changed. Prisoners on the left and right have a natural contempt for drug traffickers, so Escobar's men don't live very well in it. After all, extremists on the left and right are masters of ideals and beliefs, and drug traffickers, a violent organization United for their interests, can only be scattered in front of them.

Ivankov sent the former Soviet armored soldiers recruited from Brighton Beach to escovar. They learned all the knowledge they needed in Afghanistan, and this time they had to rely on their only two tanks to attack ramodro prison and rescue the prisoners trapped in Medellin group.

On the other hand, Ben Ali and others, who have served in the French Foreign Legion, will be responsible for defending the air power from the Afghan government forces and even the Americans. The only weapons in their hands are the 40 stinger and needle type individual air defense missiles from the Afghan battlefield.

When all the people gathered in Medellin and prepared for the raid, a brutal war was inevitable.

So on a bright morning, when the field where ramodro prison is located is still quiet, a truck begins to move slowly towards ramodro along the simple dirt road leading to the prison.

It hasn't rained around ramodro prison for a long time, and the car soon picked up a cloud of dust on the dirt road. The dusty scene was soon detected by prison police patrolling the high wall.

"Hey, man, look over there! What's the origin of this? " The guard who found the problem called his companion and asked.

"Is it a convoy of supplies, but why are so many people here today?" Another guard said, squinting into the distance.

The guard with the telescope worked hard to adjust the focus, because the distance was too far. Apart from the dusty scene, he vaguely saw a black shadow. After he finally focused on the focus, he finally saw a thick stick pointing at the sky behind the slope. As the opponent's speed increased, the guard suddenly said in surprise: "tank! I see a tank coming in the distance

"Are you dazed? I haven't heard that the army is coming here! " Another guard said suspiciously. Then he checked the telescope and looked at it carefully.

"Is it a military exercise?" Looking at the distance with a telescope, the guard who was still suspicious said excitedly: "ha! What a tank! For the first time in my life, I saw a tank with my own eyes? Is the government going to send armored forces to encircle and suppress the drug dealers in the mountains? Now these damned drug dealers are going to have bad luck. "

The two quickly asked their companions to come to see this rare scene. They took turns to look at the vast motorcade in the distance with binoculars. After all, there were too few people who had seen tanks with their own eyes, and everyone thought it rare. At this moment, someone suddenly asked: "Hello! Guys, why do you think the cars behind the tanks are civilian colors

After some people raised doubts, we found that, except for tanks and several armored vehicles, the rest of the vehicles were ordinary people's cars. They were white, black and blue. They didn't look like regular troops at all, but one thing made people feel different from their usual impression, That is, the speed of the tank is not as slow as it is on TV. On the contrary, it is very fast on such a rough road.

"I think it's a little strange, guys! Shall we contact the garrison in the vicinity and ask if the troops are going to take any action in the vicinity? "

"Hey! You see, the people on the truck behind the tank, they don't wear army clothes! "

"I don't feel right!"

"Hello! Military command? This is ramodro prison. Are you conducting any military operations near our gate? No, are you sure? Are there armored cars and tanks near our door? Are you confirming... "

At that moment, the original tank was slowly full of speed, and then moved to a slightly higher soil mound, and the muzzle slowly pointed to the location of the lookout.
