Chapter 548

Yeltsin's anger is not groundless. In fact, it is two days since the first explosion in Chernobyl. Everyone, including general secretary Gorbachev, has known about it for less than 20 hours.

Why is it necessary to call all officials above the Deputy ministerial level in Moscow to hold a late night meeting now? According to the speculation of experts from the Ministry of nuclear industry, the core of the current Chernobyl 4 reactor has been melted down and there is a risk of explosion at any time. Under such circumstances, the Political Bureau should be anxious for all the officials to come up with a countermeasure.

Today's unconventional meeting is extremely efficient because time is running out. General secretary Gorbachev even omitted his opening remarks. The experts from the Ministry of nuclear industry invited to the meeting tried to explain the current situation of Chernobyl in a way that ordinary people could understand, but all of us here were still confused.

"Excuse me, can you interrupt?" Xie liaosha suddenly stood up and interrupted the other party's speech.

Gorbachev saw that seliosha stood up and was not angry. He motioned to seliosha to speak freely!

"Comrades from the Ministry of nuclear industry, it is impossible for all of us here to understand what happened in Chernobyl. We are all primary school students on the nuclear issue. I want to ask you to tell me directly, what does Chernobyl need now? "

"We need borax, boron carbide, lead powder, anti radiation clothing, a lot of liquid nitrogen, large oil drilling equipment, and a lot of cement and concrete..." the experts of the Ministry of nuclear industry listed one by one, and most of the officials on the scene carefully recorded the rescue materials listed by the experts.

"Why do you need oil drilling equipment? In addition, what specifications do you need and how many do you need? " The speaker was the Minister of petroleum industry. When he heard that the experts talked about something about him, he immediately asked.

"We need to inject liquid nitrogen into the soil below core 4 to keep its temperature below - 100 degrees Celsius. Only in this way can we ensure that the melted core will not continue to sink and pollute groundwater."

"Our Ministry of chemical industry has a batch of Borax in Odessa..."

"Our special train and transport fleet of the Ministry of transport can be ready in two hours..."


Under Xie liaosha's transfer, the meeting only lasted half an hour, and the responsibilities of each department were basically clarified. At this moment, no matter how perfunctory they are, people who are doing it also know what they should do to avoid a greater disaster at Chernobyl. Because if there is a nuclear explosion at reactor 4, it will not only be the problem of the Soviet Union, but also the whole of Eastern Europe, even the Baltic Sea coast and Turkey will be harmed by nuclear radiation. Most of Ukraine and Belarus will henceforth become a forbidden area for mankind.

"Comrades, on behalf of the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation and the foreign trade bank, I would like to provide an emergency fund of 10 billion rubles to Chernobyl. We will monitor the use of this money." Xie liaosha said at the end of the meeting.

In this emergency meeting, it was not the top leaders of the country like Gorbachev who played the leading role. Instead, it was the officials of the Ministry and episode like shario Sha. They were all officials in charge of specific business at the highest level of the Soviet Union. Most of them were familiar with their own fields. As long as the rescue of Chernobyl was broken down into their own familiar fields, You can quickly claim your mission.

Gorbachev was not dissatisfied with seliosha's act of acting as an agent. On the contrary, he appreciated seliosha's act. Because he can fully imagine what the meeting would be like without Xie liaosha's unexpected speech, and there might be no progress until the next morning. What's more, Xie liaosha is a cadre promoted by him.

After the meeting, the chairman of the Council of ministers, rezhkov, took a special plane to the city of pripyadi in Ukraine. The location of Chernobyl is very important. It is close to the pripyaji River, surrounded by important agricultural production areas, with dense river network and abundant water. The pripyaji river is the upstream water source of the Dnieper River. Once the nuclear radiation spreads to the pripyaji River, Dnieper petrovsk may also encounter danger.

Therefore, even according to the general speculation of experts from the Ministry of nuclear industry, in order to prevent Chernobyl's nuclear radiation from further spreading to a larger area through the water source, a series of dams should be built in the rivers around Chernobyl to block the polluted waters.

The rough estimate of the budget at this meeting alone is astronomical. This is a headache for the Central Bank of the Soviet Union, which is already struggling financially. This fund from the foreign trade bank really solved the urgent need. Xie liaosha is not a stingy person. He earns money and spends it. Over the past few days, Xie liaosha's investment in Japanese yen has greatly increased the capital of foreign trade bank, with a floating profit of US $700 billion so far. If this money is only used for personal luxury life, even Xie liaosha can't spend it all his life. Therefore, during the chernoberry incident, he did not intend to keep the foreign trade bank out of the business. He wanted to make a contribution to the country within his ability.

Seliosha pulled out a large number of business experts from the foreign trade bank and rushed to Ukraine. His goal was not pripyaji, but dneprpetrovsk, an important Ukrainian town thousands of miles away from pripyaji. In the current situation, even Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is also shrouded in the shadow of nuclear radiation, so there is no need for shariosha to go to risk alone. Dneprpetrovsk, now run by the Tymoshenko family, is the most easily controlled area in Ukraine. He plans to set the capital turnover location of the disaster relief committee in Dnieper petrovsk.

After spending a week in Moscow mobilizing people to raise money, Gorbachev finally confessed to the Soviet people what happened at Chernobyl. Gorbachev was surprised by the solemn protest from the Swedish government. He could not believe that Chernobyl's radioactive dust had already floated into Swedish airspace. It seems that Moscow is no longer safe.

Xie liaosha did not want to harm his health because of nuclear radiation, but as a senior official of the Soviet Union, he could not be forgiven by the Soviet people for hiding in the Far East or abroad at such a time. So seryosha quickly finished his work and went to the city of Dnieper petrovsk.