Chapter 3 - Spartan Meets Padme

Finally, the hatch of the Pelican was being removed and sparks flew everywhere, Diesel got back into position aiming his battle rifle towards the hatch. Eventually he hears voices of what seems to be humans.

"Back Up! It's about to fall!" With those words being said the hatch plummets to the ground with an extremely loud bang revealing a close to empty with a Spartan aiming towards the crowd of people surrounding the disabled Pelican.

"Are you Insurrectionist?"

"Insurrectionist? No, We are Naboo." A small girl walks forward "And who are you?"

Shortly After loud clunks were heard as a very large man walked towards the open hatch of the Pelican. "I'm Spartan-016 Diesel, I wish to get in contact with the UNSC!" Diesel noticed something was strange, all them had looks of confusion. "I wish to get in contact with the UNSC." again more looks of confusion.

"Spartan, I'm sorry to inform you but we have no idea who the UNSC is. However, I'm known as the Padme Amindala." (One year before she becomes Queen Amindala)

This was the beginning of a huge eye opener for Diesel, over the course of the next year he learns he's no longer in a place where the UNSC or the Covenant exist but a place where hundreds of different races serve under the name of the Republic. He explained where he came from and what he was dealing with in hopes of finding a possibly returning home to fight the Covenant again. For now he decided to hide on Naboo, eventually serving as a guard for the newly elected Queen Amindala.