Seeing the shocked expression of the driver's uncle, Qin Zhao came out with a bitter smile and said helplessly: "uncle, you should think I came out from the army."

Looking at Qin Zhao, the driver's uncle didn't seem to be lying. Moreover, he was trying to save the girl, and he certainly wasn't a bad person. Seeing that Tang Xiaomi fainted, Qin Zhao said directly, "Uncle driver, please call the police. I'll go first. I'll pay for your car."

"Well, isn't this girl your girlfriend? You don't care about her? "

"Uncle driver, I lied. I don't know her."

Qin Zhao waved his hand and ran away. He had already remembered the license plate and name of the driver's uncle, so he could find compensation. Now his task has been completed. As for why Tang Xiaomi was missed by these spies, Qin Zhao was not interested, so he left directly.

After going out for a long time, Qin Zhao directly got into a taxi, but this time the driver was not as good as the last driver's uncle. Seeing Qin Zhao's dress, he almost didn't pull him. After getting into the car, he always looked at Qin Zhao in the rearview mirror, as if he would suddenly take a knife out of his pocket and rob him.

"Master, go to Boyang district police station."

Qin Zhao is going to go back to the dormitory directly, but the driver is even more scared when he hears that Qin Zhao is going to the police station. So late at night, he has to go to the police station and dress like this. Is it murder and turn himself in?

The driver anxiously took Qin Zhao to the gate of the Management Bureau. After getting the fare, he stepped on the accelerator and disappeared in front of Qin Zhao.

Qin Zhao doesn't know what the driver is thinking. He is looking at his reward for this task.

"When the power task is completed, the host catches four spies, kills three ordinary spies, and kills one e-level psionic."

"There are other participants in the process of performing the task. Since the participants are ordinary people, the reward is reduced by 10 percent."

"The host task has been completed, and the level is level B. the reward knife technique is being extracted."

"Congratulations to the host. The reward method is" pig killing sword. "

Hearing this reward in the taxi, Qin Zhao almost jumped directly. Pig knife? Is this the knife technique? Isn't that the name of the knife? And even if it's knife technique, pig killing knife! It's for killing pigs! How can this be worthy of his power status!

"Xiao 1, I need you to give me an explanation. Is this a B-level reward? Are you kidding me? "

"I'm sorry, I don't know what it means to fool you, but I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the system. The" pig knife "is really a sword technique in the B-level reward, and it's very powerful. Finally, I want to remind the host not to swear to me, or I will punish the host. "

heard a piece of junk speechless, and Qin Zhao was also speechless. He had caught the toy. He could not even talk about Tucao. He was also threatened. Originally Qin Zhao wanted to make complaints about it, but he still closed his mouth when he thought of the electric shock punishment of 1. 1.

After returning to the dormitory and taking a bath, Qin Zhao chose to receive the reward. In the past, when Qin Zhao accepted the reward, he would faint directly. But this time, he just felt a little confused. In about five or six minutes, Qin Zhao recovered.

"Xiao 1, how can it be so fast this time? And why didn't I faint? "

"Because the mental power of the host is improved, so the ability to accept and learn is strong, so it will not faint as before."

When Qin Zhao knew the reason, he didn't talk about it any more. He carefully studied the pig killing knife.

Although the name is not particularly pleasing, Qin Zhao discovered that this Dao technique is not simple after studying it. This Dao technique is more suitable for Qin Zhao. What he pays attention to is one knife to defeat the enemy. If he can solve the enemy with one knife, he will never make a second knife. What's more, this knife is aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the human body, such as joints, or throat, which are fatal. Moreover, Qin Zhao knows the art of silver needle. He knows all about the joints and acupoints of the human body, as well as these relatively vulnerable parts.

"The sword technique is good, but the name is too bad. I'd better change his name. What's his name?"

"Remind the host that if you change the name of the sword technique privately, it is likely to change the power of the sword technique."


After hearing this news, Qin Zhao didn't know what to say. The system was to force him to learn this Sabre technique.

"Xiao 1, I'm a star, and I'm also a genius who has been promoted to one level in a month. I also have the burden of idols. If you force me like this again, I won't want this sword technique!"

"The reward has been issued, please check it."

With these words, Xiao 1 didn't move. Qin Zhao was speechless for a while. He wanted to threaten him, but he was ignored and didn't like to learn the sabre technique.

"Yes! You are cruel! No change, no change! "

It doesn't matter to Qin Zhao. Anyway, he has to improve his own strength. Besides, no one knows the name of this Sabre technique, as long as it can be used.

After thinking about this, Qin Zhao also began to practice. He used dark matter energy to condense a short knife as long as his forearm. He grasped it in his hand and practiced it. Because this method requires a special understanding of the knife, and his opponent's flexibility is particularly high, so Qin Zhao will practice it all the time.Qin Zhao played for most of the night, and then he lay down in bed and fell asleep. After all, he had to go to "be beaten" tomorrow. But there was one person who couldn't sleep. This person was Tang Xiaomi. After she was rescued by Qin Zhao, the driver's uncle pulled her out of the car. Seeing that she just fainted, the driver's uncle was also relieved. Then he called the police again, and Gao Fei went there again.

After taking away several entities, arresting several people and clearing the traces on the road, the matter passed directly. The driver's uncle and Tang Xiaomi also went back to the police station to record their statements. The driver's uncle signed a confidentiality agreement, told the story once again, and then left directly. After Tang Xiaomi woke up, he was afraid for a while, and then he was told by the police You can leave now.

"Police sister. So I can go? " Tang Xiaomi looked at Gao Fei and said in disbelief.

"What? Do you want to stay here for another night? After a while, your family will come and you can go home. " Gao Fei arranges the document, the head also didn't lift of say.

It's a matter of the Management Bureau. Ordinary policemen like them can't manage it at all. Qin Zhao only let her take charge of the spies. As for the identity of Tang Xiaomi and the reason for the attack, it has nothing to do with her.

"No! Police sister, I was attacked. I have to know who did it? What if I'm still in danger? And I also want to say an important clue. I was attacked in the company around 11 o'clock last night. The man was wearing a black cap, sunglasses and a black mask

Hearing Tang Xiaomi's description, Gao Fei also frowned, and then thought that this person was Qin Zhao, because when she saw Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao was also dressed like this.

"He attacked you? Then why are you ok? How can I get out of the company? " Gao Fei squints at Tang Xiaomi, and Tang Xiaomi doesn't know what to say when he hears her. What Gao Fei says is true. If the man really wants to attack her, she can't run away. In her office, no one will find out what the man wants to do, but he lets himself go, and he says it's tonight before he leaves There's going to be a big thing on the road. Let her go home early.

"No! It was the man who asked me to go home, so I wanted to go home. On the way, I met the man who attacked me, so it must be the man who did it! "

Tang Xiaomi firmly believes that Qin Zhao is the mastermind of this group, but Gao Fei can't help laughing. If Qin Zhao is the mastermind of this group, how can he make such great efforts to catch you.

"Miss Tang, take a rest first. I have work to do. We have contacted your family. They will come to pick you up later."

Gao Fei said, directly took the folder to leave, Tang Xiaomi called Gao Fei twice, Gao Fei also directly as did not hear, see Gao Fei left, Tang Xiaomi is also helpless to sit down. In fact, it's not her fault. When Qin Zhao caught up with her, she fainted, and when Qin Zhao left, she didn't wake up, so she didn't know it was Qin Zhao who saved her.

The next morning, Qin Zhao arrived at the Management Bureau, and then he remembered that the underwear he had stolen from Tang Xiaomi was still in the hotel, and the room had not been returned. When the task was completed last night, he just wanted to reward, so he forgot about the room and underwear.

After taking a morning off with Gu Lin, Qin Zhao not only has to go to pick up things and check out, but also has to settle the compensation of the driver's uncle. It's nothing for him to delay for a day, but the driver's uncle can't do it. He drives a company car, and he still takes the initiative to crash into someone else's car, or he has to take the compensation himself, so Qin Zhao is also a little worried.

Qin Zhao was still wearing a mask and sunglasses. Because it was still early, Qin Zhao first went to the hotel, took out his things and returned to his room. Then he took a taxi to the taxi company of the driver's uncle.

Now the driver's uncle is upstairs discussing the matter with the manager. Although he hit the company's car this time, he doesn't regret it at all. After all, he helped Qin Zhao save a girl. It's the responsibility of being a people's soldier. Even if the company had to pay a fine, he would admit it.

"Sue, what's the matter with you! How can you still crash the company's car like this! You have to explain it to me clearly. If you can't explain it clearly, go straight home! "