Taking advantage of the time considered by grandma Keshan, ye Jianxi actively recuperates his body. But food shortage, the surrounding environment and poor to the extreme, often the disease just a little better, soon relapse again. Ye Jianxi stayed in the hospital for three days. Looking at her waxy and yellow face in the mirror, she felt that it was not the right way. So she took some money and gave it to grandma Keshan to change some food and medicine.

Can be good grandmother listen to Ye Jianxi's words, take advantage of the night secretly to change things. However, it is disappointing that 200000 Syrian dollars were exchanged for only ten nangs and a box of medicine for fever.

Granny Keshan was afraid that she might misunderstand herself and kept explaining to her that these things were the maximum she could change.

Ye Jianxi knew that this simple old man would not cheat himself. After comforting her, he told a cha to boil water.

After eating the soft Nang soaked in hot water and drinking the medicine, ye Jianxi covered himself in the quilt for two days and finally felt better.

At this time, Granny Keshan also made up her mind to go to Fengmo city with them.

The day of departure was set for tomorrow evening. Ye Jianxi was very happy. He roasted the remaining Nang again and kept it as dry food on the road. At the same time, he took some money and asked granny Keshan to buy two daggers to prevent the harassment of those unruly people. In fact, she wants to buy guns. This is a war zone. It's as easy to buy guns as it is to buy knives, provided you have enough money.

Ye Jianxi's remaining 800000 Syrian dollars can buy a gun.

But she thought, I don't know how many days it will take to reach FengMo City, and I can't guarantee whether there will be other accidents on the road, so she planned to save the rest of the money for a rainy day.

Granny Keshan also took out the few grains in her family to dry, and made them into Nang overnight. Then, I brought everything I could use at home.

When ye Jianxi saw that she had to take a quilt, he stopped her: "grandma, don't take these. They will slow down my journey. Just bring some thick clothes. When I find my husband, I'll ask him to arrange new accommodation for you. All these will give you new ones, too. "

Grandma Keshan is reluctant to give up her belongings, but ye Jianxi is right.

So he left all the heavy things behind and only brought three people's clothes and food, as well as some spices and pots.


The blink of an eye, the next evening will come.

Ye Jianxi, grandma Keshan and a cha are anxiously waiting for others to inform them. Seeing the time getting closer and closer, someone rushed over and gasped: "no, the organization to Fengmo city is known by the people above. Now they are arresting people everywhere. You don't want to stay here. Hurry out of the city. There is a small group of people outside the city. They have gone to Fengmo city ahead of time. "

Ye Jianxi's heart sank.

Now Samba is looking for her all over the world. If those people search for her and see that she is a prominent Chinese, they will strictly investigate her.

She can't stay here waiting to die.

Ye Jianxi quickly judged the situation and said to naisun: "we have to get out of the city quickly. Grandma, you have lived here all your life. Do you know where to avoid the guard of the city gate? Or, where are the guards loose? "

Granny Keshan tightened her brows, thought for a while and said, "the wall in the north of the city was blown up before. I passed by several times, and there were only two guards."

"OK, let's go that way."

Ye Jianxi finished, the largest backpack, slung on his body, and then helped grandma Keshan, led a small tea, to the north of the city.


In half an hour——

Arriving at the north of the city, ye Jianxi carefully observed, and it was true that, as grandma Keshan said, the wall collapsed into a hole one person wide.

In front of the cave stood two Syrian men, carrying guns and cigarettes, laughing and talking.

It seems that they don't know what's going on in the city.

Ye Jianxi took out the coal, blackened his face again, and then sprinkled some dog dung on himself. In this way, she was dirty and smelly, and no one dared to approach her.

A cha stares at her in surprise.

Ye Jianxi smiles and smears some dog excrement on the little girl's face.

A cha immediately turned away.

Ye Jianxi showed a trace of smile, but soon gathered away, seriously said: "let's go."


Granny Keshan holds her granddaughter's hand tightly and keeps up with Ye Jianxi seriously.

When they got to the wall, two men took up their guns and made a gesture to the three, shouting to them to get away.

Ye Jianxi quickly took out 100000 Syrian dollars and said with a smile, "you two, we really can't live at home. We want to go to relatives. Can we accommodate ourselves?"

The man took the money without hesitation, eyes dripping on Ye Jianxi, but because of her face covered by coal, and the stinking smell of excrement, he frowned in disgust, "OK, let you go, but don't talk to others!"

"Sure, sure!" Ye Jianxi quickly lets grandma Keshan pass by, and then pulls little a-cha to prepare to pass by. Another soldier, who is full of color, suddenly reaches out his hand and touches a-cha's face“ Little girl, you are very beautiful. How about my brother playing with you A cha didn't understand him, but she could feel his malice to herself and was scared to hide behind Ye Jianxi. Ye Jianxi frowned. A Cha is really beautiful, but she is only seven or eight years old. This man has a lustful heart for a child. It's a real beast! Bearing the anger raised in his heart, ye Jianxi accompanied him with a smile, took out 100000 Syrian coins from his pocket, put them into the man's hand, and said, "brother, just let us go, I'll give you all the money I have." The man looked at the money in his hand, looked at ah Cha's face again, and finally reluctantly asked, "are you really out of money?"“ Our family can't live any longer. How can we have money? " Ye Jianxi opens his pockets. The man indecent touched to her chest next, "did not hide money in underwear?"? I have to check it myself. " Ye Jianxi was touched by him at the moment, all over the hair are erect, almost subconsciously clenched the hand of the dagger. At this time, the man who had received her money said in a deep voice: "someone is coming. Let them out quickly. Don't write any more." The soldier's face changed and waved: "let's go!" In spite of his anger, ye Jianxi picked up little a-cha and ran quickly to grandma Keshan. Can be good Grandma see them safe escape, canthus some moist, but strong did not shed tears, but hard to go forward. Not long after they left, a group of soldiers arrived at the entrance of the city wall, guarding the place where they passed, forbidding anyone to go in and out again.