"Why are you so awkward. Do we have to have two tables in a restaurant? " Maikela grabbed Xuewei's arm and said, "go, don't push away, let aunt Qiao wait."

Xuewei is "forced" to come to Qiao's mother.

Mike said, "Auntie, this is my classmate Xuewei."

Qiao's mother looked at Xue Wei and said, "please sit down."

"Excuse me, auntie."

"You're welcome. You're classmates with Mike and a Zheng. We're all our own people. Why be so polite?"

Listening to Qiao's mother's soft voice, Xuewei quietly breathes out her breath. It seems that Qiao's mother is a sensible person. She will not be difficult to be with Qiao Zheng in the future.

Thinking about it, Xuewei sits next to mark, picks up the knife and fork, and eats gracefully. Qiao's mother didn't pay much attention to Xuewei, because she had just chatted with Mike and learned about his family. She could probably guess that the exchange was not based on the students' family background. When she chooses Qiao Zheng's future wife, she first considers her family background, then her character and knowledge, and finally her appearance. So, it's very likely that Xuewei, a civilian or middle-class girl, is not in her consideration. Moreover, even if Xuewei comes from an extraordinary family, can she compare with anqing Huan? One is abroad, the other is at home, and the influence is different. Qiao's mother's calculation is to improve Qiao's family

Physical strength, naturally know which is better for Qiao family and Qiao Zheng's future development.

Qiao's mother doesn't think there's anything wrong with a girl of low birth, but if she can choose a girl of good birth, good appearance and good conduct, why let her son make do with it?

At present, she is determined to an Qinghuan as his future daughter-in-law, naturally do not want to do him.

Qiao's mother is chatting with Qiao Zheng.

Qiao Zheng responded with a smile.

The two chatted happily, and they didn't look Xuewei in the eye from the beginning to the end.

Mike is more talkative and has no barrier to communicate with Qiao's mother and son. From time to time, he pulls the silent Xuewei to join their conversation.

The smile on Xuewei's face gradually becomes a little stiff. Did she offend Qiao mu? Why isn't she so enthusiastic about herself?

Full of brain drill camp of she, naturally didn't think of, Qiao Mu isn't not not enthusiastic, just don't care.


At the end of the game, Qiao's mother gets up to pay the bill. Qiao Zheng says to Xuewei, "go home early. Girls stay out too late. It's not safe."

Xuewei's eyes brighten, Qiao Zheng still cares about her, right“ Thank you for your concern. I'll go back after I deliver the cake to my friend. "

"You're welcome."

Qiao Zheng said, no longer look at Xuewei, and Mike hook shoulder to shoulder to walk out.

Downstairs, Xuewei stops a taxi, turns around the street, turns back to the restaurant and gets the cake. As soon as she sits in the car, her mobile phone is buzzing and shaking.

Seeing the calling number, Xuewei's face suddenly becomes gloomy, but she still gets through the phone.

"Hey, why are you calling me again? Didn't I tell you? I got the money very quickly

At that point, there was a cry on the phone.

"Weiwei, help mom. Your father owes usury. Now they come to our house to chop me and your brother into pieces and throw them into the sea to feed the fish..."

"Sister, I'm in pain..." after crying on the phone for a moment, a rough man said, "Xuewei and Shirley, if you don't give us the money your father owes, I'll not only chop your mother and your brother, but also chase you to China, find your two sisters, sell you to the lowest traffic light area, and keep picking up customers

Until you pay off all your debts

Xuewei clenched her cell phone, tears in her eyes, and said, "no matter how hard you force me, I can't get so much money. Why don't you wait? Just give me a month, and I can make a lot of money. "“ Wait? I've given your family three months, but as a result, your father ran away, leaving you a group of rubbish who can't repay money. I don't believe you anymore. I'll give you three more days and give me the money, or I'll wait to see your mother and your brother die




Hearing the busy sound from the phone, Xuewei's tears collapse instantly, and she cries loudly with her face covered.

The driver looked back at her and asked, "are you ok?" Xuewei didn't answer him. She was full of what the man said and the cry of her mother and brother. If she wants to save the whole family, she can't go on like this. She has to find a way to make Qiao Zheng interested in herself as soon as possible. And now the biggest stumbling block is Qinghuan, must let Qiao Mu know as soon as possible

Qinghuan is pregnant.

Although I don't know if Qiao's mother will force Qiao Zheng to leave anqinghuan, at least she has broken the case. Her impression of Niuniu will be extremely bad. Qiao Zheng and Niuniu will be hindered if they want to be together.

In addition, I have to make a sum of money, and temporarily pay back the usury interest, the biggest part. When I'm with Qiao Zheng, I'll find a way to solve it.

Xuewei stops her tears, holds the cake box, and says to the driver, "go to Nanyuan district." Late at night - when Niu Niu was sleeping soundly, she heard something moving in the next room. She slowly opened her eyes, walked to the window with her slippers, opened a window, saw Xuewei coming back late, and asked vaguely, "how did she come back so late?"“ It's too late for my classmate's birthday. Are you bothered? " Snow Wei hoarse voice asks“ No, I'm not asleep Niuniu answers. Xuewei stood at the door, hesitated for a few seconds and said, "Qinghuan, can I have a few words with you?"“ Well, come in. " Niuniu goes to the door and opens it. Light scattered on Xuewei's face, Niuniu saw her red and swollen eyes, and the messy makeup washed by tears“ What's up? Why are you crying? Is something wrong? Are you being bullied? "“ Qinghuan... "Xuewei's tears fall down and she opens her arms and hugs her tightly. Niuniu was stunned, then raised her hand, patted Xuewei's back gently and said, "don't cry, please tell me what happened. I'll do something for you. "“ You can't help me... "Xuewei sobbed and said," my parents owe a lot of money. Now the usury is coming. They threatened that if I didn't pay back the money, they would chop up my mother and brother and put them into the sea to feed the fish. " Xuewei shivered with fear. Niu Niu panicked, "what should I do then?"“ I don't know what to do. Maybe I should buy a plane ticket and fly back right away to spend time with my family. " Xuewei shakes her head and says helplessly.