Sherry goes to the police station to report the case, and the people in the police station ask her to wait for the news. Back to her room, Shirley looks at all the things about Fu Jing'an in the room. She is so angry that she smashes everything. Finally, he threw Fu Jing'an's clothes into the brazier, one by one


She will never let go of this heartless man. Even if she chases him to the ends of the earth, she will chase him back!

Shirley's teeth itch with hate.

In order to let Fu Jing'an go unpunished, the police let Fu Jing'an go unpunished. With all the money left, Shirley entrusts the local local local snake to help her find Fu Jing'an's whereabouts.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye——

There is no whereabouts of Fu Jing'an in the whole new york city. The police department also gave Shirley a reply, saying that it has found the last place where Fu Jing'an appeared, at the airport in New York City.

He has made a reservation to fly back to China.

As a Chinese, the New York City police are unable to control the Chinese citizens. They suggest that Sherry go to China to report to the police. At that time, New York will hand over all the case information and evidence to China.

Shirley also wants to go home immediately.

Not only to recover her own money, but also because she knew that Fu Jing'an would like to be close to an Qinghuan when she came back to China by all means!

Since he wants to take her money and go after an Qinghuan.

Then she simply exposed Fu Jing'an's true face in front of an Qinghuan, and let him lose all his plans!

Shirley made a reservation to return home that night.


On the other side.

Niu Niu's message to Qiao Zheng finally got a reply. Qiao Zheng said that Yao Yao is still in city a, and he entrusted his servant to take care of him. The servant has been following Shu Yao, so there should be no problem.

Niuniu trusts Qiao Zheng very much. He says it's OK, and she thinks it's OK.

However, it is better for children to be raised by their own side.

Niuniu found an apartment near the hospital and took the servant and Shuyao to live in the apartment. In this way, as long as ye Jianxi is away, she can find time to look at the children.

Mu Luochen did not agree with her.

Can see in Niu Niu just experienced a disturbance, to this open one eye closed one eye.

He plans to separate Qinghuan from her children when she is a little better.

At noon, ye Jianxi made hand rolled noodles and brought them to Niuniu.

Along with them came the blessing and treasure of heaven.

Niuniu saw them and said, "you two are growing so fast. You see, I was better than you before. Why are you taller than me now?"

God bless quietly smile.

Tianbao came up to him and said, "only when we grow tall can we protect sister Qinghuan! Sister Qinghuan, don't worry. I won't let you be bullied by bad people any more! "

"Good! My two knights, I'll give you my safety in the future, "Niu Niu said with a smile.

Tianbao is extremely satisfied.

You see that sister Huan believes in him and can protect her!

Niu Niu finished eating noodles. Ye Jianxi went into the bathroom and washed the dishes. Niuniu takes the opportunity to ask Tianyou and Tianbao how they are studying recently and whether they have fallen behind in other lessons.

She knew that her father was training Tianyou and Tianbao recently. When they reached the age of 16, they would be sent to the army for training.

Therefore, they are worried that they will not be able to bear it.

"All very good, Qinghuan sister, you don't have to worry about me." God's simple answer.

Niuniu is not surprised. From childhood to adulthood, Tianyou talks very little. However, he inherits his father's high intelligence and personality, and strives to be perfect in everything he does. There's really no need to worry.

As for Tianbao

Niu * * s eyes fell on Tianbao. He smiled with a false smile and said, "sister, you know I don't love learning. I like to fiddle with tanks and guns. When I am sixteen years old, I will build the newest fighter and take you to the sky."

"You guy, you like those lethal weapons all day long. After that, I will suffer in the army. You are delicate and delicate, and you are used to being so delicate at home. Can you stand it? "

"I can stand it. I'm sure I can. As long as I'm allowed to develop these, I can suffer any hardship! "

Tianbao said with a smile.

Niu Niu had no choice but to shake her head.

Ye Jianxi came out of the bathroom, brought some fresh fruits and said, "don't just talk, eat more."


The three nodded and reached for the fruit.

Ye Jianxi looks at them and smiles happily.

These kids are really grown up

In the future, to watch them get married and have children will be worth the life.


After eating, ye Jianxi, Mu Tianyou and Mu Tianbao accompany Niuniu to more than five o'clock in the evening. Jingjing and Zhenzhen are going to school. They just leave.

Niuniu came out of the ward after they left and played on the lawn outside.

In the evening, the sun is soft and the temperature is not hot or cold. Many patients came out accompanied by their families. Guess Ye Jianxi doesn't come back today, Niuniu calls the servant and asks them to bring Shuyao. The servant agreed. Hung up the phone, Niu Niu patiently waiting for their arrival. About half an hour later, there was only the last line of sunset in the sky. The servant arrived with xiaoshuyao in his arms“ Baby, who am I? " Niu Niu opens her arms and smiles to embrace Shu Yao. The little guy was scared to hide in the servant's arms. Niu Niu stood in the same place in embarrassment. The servant coaxed Shuyao and said, "don't be afraid, baby. It's mom. Where are the people closest to you But no matter what she said, Shuyao hugged her neck and refused to let Niuniu hold her. Niuniu said, "don't embarrass her. When I give birth to her, I can count the time I take care of her. " Most of the time, Qiao Zheng is taking care of the children. The rest of the time, she has no servant to take care of Shu Yao, Shu Yao and her share is really normal. The servant put Shuyao on the lawn. Little guy in diapers, hobbling, clumsy crawling on the lawn, from time to time issued a giggle. Niu Niu sits by her side, looking at how good the little girl looks, missing Qiao Zheng even more. That guy has seldom contacted her since he returned to the imperial capital. Even if you send a video invitation, he'll hang up. After a while, give her voice again. It's not like we can contact each other from time to time. Her father also told her that it was Qiao's father who came to a city to take Qiao Zheng, grandma Qiao and grandfather Qiao back to a city. Then why is she suddenly so cold to her? Niu Niu can't understand it. She thinks that when she is fully recovered, she must fly to the imperial capital to see what happened to Qiao Zheng. In the distance Niu Niu not far place, a dark eyes, blazing staring at her—— Qinghuan. He finally saw her. I didn't expect to see her for a period of time. Her health is so bad. It must be Qiao Zheng who didn't take good care of her that she got sick. He said, Qiao Zheng is not reliable. It doesn't matter. When I come back, I can take good care of Qinghuan.