In the middle of the night, when Fang Lancang came home, Nie Jingjing heard the sound of going upstairs and knew it was Fang Lancang. But she didn't have the courage to see him, because when she saw Fang Lancang, Nie Jingjing was afraid that she couldn't control her emotions. She told him that what she had said before was deceptive, and she cared about her in her heart. The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and finally stops at the door of Nie Jingjing's room

Nie Jingjing's heart rate suddenly accelerates for fear that Fang Lancang will knock on the door. Fang Lancang stood outside the door, thinking that Nie Jingjing must have fallen asleep. He couldn't bear to knock on the door to wake her up. He was alone outside the door and hurt himself. Fang Lancang felt dizzy and had no way to think, so he sat at Nie Jingjing's door. Nie Jingjing didn't hear the sound of walking away from the door. She knew Fang Lancang was still at the door, and her tears ran down her cheek

"what did you find?" Fang Lancang asked

"OK, I see. I'll take care of this. You go out first Fang Lancang opened the files on his desk and began to deal with things

after a while, there was another knock at the door. Fang Lancang said, please come in. The man said, "Hello, Mr. Fang. I'm Nie Jingjing sent by our company to help you with your work. "

"what else?" Fang Lancang's face was covered with black lines

"in this way, Nie Jingjing, you are responsible for investigating all the suspicious people in the company, and give me a written report after the investigation." Fang Lancang said

"OK, president." Nie Jingjing finished and went out with the director of personnel department

after a few days, Nie Jingjing reported the investigation to Fang Lancang, saying that there was no suspicious person in the company for the time being. Fang Lancang nodded to show that he knew, and said: "you are ready to take you to a bidding meeting later."

Nie Jingjing is a little confused, but she is ready to go with Fang Lancang

after arriving at the venue, Fang Lancang and Nie Jingjing sit in the middle, and the people around them slowly arrive

at the beginning of the bidding, the male owners just watched the change quietly. Later, the bidding entered the white hot stage. An enterprise competing with Fang Lancang company for a long time became a monk very high. It seems that Fang Lancang knew Fang Lancang's budget very early. Fang Lancang quietly looked at the representative of the other company, did not speak, and then increased the price. Both sides were equal

seeing the stalemate between the two sides, the land seller came out and asked two people to come to the backstage to discuss. Fang Lancang brings Nie Jingjing to the backstage, followed by the company representatives of the other side

the land seller asked, "have you brought the development plan?"<

the other company took the lead in delivering the plan. The owner of the land sales company looked at it with a smile of approval, and the representative of the other company looked at Fang Lancang with some pride. The boss said, "Mr. Fang, look at this plan. I think it's very good."<

Fang Lancang took over the plan and read it carefully. Then he said, "the plan of the other company is really exquisite. We don't want this piece of land." Finish saying to take Nie Jingjing to leave.Nie Jingjing is very puzzled. This move doesn't look like Fang Lancang's. besides, our plan hasn't been delivered yet. How can we just admit defeat?

So Nie Jingjing asked, "why did you give up like this? Our plan has not been submitted yet."

Lancang took as like as two peas of the car, and after he tied up his seat belt, Fang Lancang opened his mouth and said, "the plan of the other party is exactly the same as ours. Let's not go there and let others accuse us of plagiarism."

Nie Jingjing is a little surprised that the company's insiders are so lawless that they can steal something as confidential as the plan.

Fang Lancang said: "it seems that this ghost has great ability. I will not let you go."

Over the next few months, Fang Lancang has been suffering heavy losses. Many contracts have been broken, and many industries have no competitors. Gradually, Nie Jingjing is worried about Fang Lancang.

In the evening, Nie Jingjing watched Fang Lancang very tired recently, so she cooked a meal for Fang Lancang herself. When Fang Lancang came home from work and saw Nie Jingjing busy cooking for him, another warm current passed in her heart.

Fang Lancang thinks that if she comes home from work every day, Nie Jingjing can cook for herself, just like a husband and wife for many years? Fang Lancang had a smirk on his face.