Fan Baowen was very unconvinced. He thought that he was very good everywhere, not bad in shape, and very good in appearance. As for how to treat himself like this? Fan Baowen has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. He is a person who must report his flaws. And now that such a big thing has happened, she will not give up.

Think about all these things because of Nie Jingjing. It must be so. Fan Baowen plans to revenge.

Fan Baowen plans to resign. She first comes to the personnel department and asks the personnel department to remove her name from the company. Then she comes to the finance department and gets the salary of this month.

"Nie Jingjing, you wait for me." After leaving the company, fan Baowen stood in front of the company and looked at the tall building. He said angrily.

She thinks that she will become what she is today, thanks to Nie Jingjing. Otherwise, she won't be so miserable. Anyway, things have become a foregone conclusion and can't be changed.

Since then, fan Baowen has been following Nie Jingjing every day, only to discover an earth shaking secret.

Once upon a time, fan Baowen followed Nie Jingjing all the way, but found that there was another person beside her She is too familiar with that person, and that is their president, Fang Lancang. What an amazing thing it is.

Fan Baowen followed them all the way, only to find that they came to Fang Lancang's private villa. Fan Baowen hid beside the root of the tree and watched Nie Jingjing enter Fang Lancang's home. It seemed that they had lived together for a long time No wonder Fang Lancang protects Nie Jingjing so much. Originally, she thought Nie Jingjing was not a good person. Now she has discovered their secret.

And now she doubts that Nie Jingjing can get a foothold in the company by sleeping with her.

This wonderful scene can't be missed. Fan Baowen quickly took out his mobile phone and recorded a video, intending to use it to threaten Nie Jingjing. After a while, fan Baowen sent it to Nie Jingjing. Nie Jingjing was stunned for a few seconds and then looked at the next message. It was all what the person said to herself.

Nie Jingjing sits on the bed and stares at her mobile phone. When the screen turns black, it turns black again. Just like this, a message lights up the screen again.

"If you don't want to be exposed, or want to be famous, you can put a sum of money into my account."

Nie Jingjing looked at the message and hesitated, then saw the bank card number.

Of course, Nie Jingjing is very worried that the affair between her and Fang Lancang will spread out, which will affect Fang Lancang. But now she doesn't know how to tell Fang Lancang about these things. If Fang Lancang knows about them, his temper will not let go of the person opposite.

But seeing fan Baowen's rightful threat to herself, Nie Jingjing feels that she is too bullying.

But there is no way to do it. After all, I should not go in and out with Fang Lancang. I've been photographed. If someone distorts the facts and can't explain it, it's terrible.

"Where are you going?" Fang Lancang sits on the sofa and looks at Nie Jingjing who is going out.

"I'll go out for a minute." Nie Jingjing because her money is in the bank, and she needs to go to the bank to transfer it.

"What are you doing?" Fang Lancang didn't know why he just came back and wanted to go out again.

"Nothing. I'll be back in a minute." After that, Nie Jingjing left. This time, she was afraid that someone would follow her, so she made a fight and soon came to the bank.

Fang Lancang on the other side is very surprised. It seems that Nie Jingjing has something to hide from him, and it looks very mysterious. He is still not at ease, so he asks one of his men to follow Nie Jingjing.

Nie Jingjing thought she was very smart. She looked left and right, and found that no one was following her. She came to the ATM machine with ease.

But all this was seen by one person and reported to Fang Lancang.

"The bank?" Fang Lancang himself suspected that he had heard the wrong thing. Nie Jingjing had nothing to do. What did she want to go to the bank? And it looks mysterious.

"Yes, it looks like it's going to transfer money to someone else." That person continued to say to each other LAN Cang, anyway what he saw told Fang LAN Cang.

"Well, when she leaves the bank, you go to the bank and ask about it." Fang Lancang told the man that he didn't know that Nie Jingjing was doing this to keep information from being exposed.

"All right." That person and Fang Lancang have the same question, why do you want to come to the bank?

When Nie Jingjing left, he dared to take a deep breath, found the manager of the bank, explained his purpose, and also said that Fang Lancang asked him to investigate this matter. In fact, he knew what Fang Lancang meant by doing this, and Fang Lancang could find out such a small matter by himself. He didn't need to come to the bank at all, but Fang Lancang thought that the public didn't do secret things.

"I've arranged for someone to look for the record, you..." The manager knew that Fang Lancang was on the opposite side, so he was very careful.

"I'll just wait for a moment, and I'll get the data myself. Go ahead and do something." The man said to the manager.

It didn't take long for that person to get the data. He was really helpless in his heart. It was true that the rich people were different. He really couldn't figure it out."Yes, thank you." The man left when he got to the data sheet. He looked at the data in his hand, but he didn't know what to do. In case Nie Jingjing caught him, I really didn't know how to explain. The boss would surely blame him for this.

No, for the sake of safety, or take a picture to your boss. In this way, he doesn't need to meet Nie Jingjing again.

"I have sent the data sheet to your mobile phone." The man called Fang Lancang and said.

Fang Lancang knows what he means. He must be afraid of meeting Nie Jingjing when he comes back to give him the data sheet. I didn't expect that he was so smart.

Looking at the amount on the data sheet, he can't help but get a big surprise. Who will so much money be transferred to?

Take a look at the person just now. There is another one under the data sheet. However, he is familiar with the card number. He seems to have seen it somewhere before. He seems to have had it when he transferred money to an employee before. But his mind seems to be blurred. He can't remember whose it is.

He looked at the card number for a long time, and finally remembered whose it was, but after so much money, what was it to do?

It's fan Baowen. Is he going to give birth to a moth?

[fan Baowen threatens Nie Jingjing. ]