The news spread very fast. Although he was abroad, Nie Xuanyi still heard the news. At the beginning, he was still worried about how to go back to save his sister

"what are you doing? I've seen you giggle all morning. Is there something funny going on? "

"Hey, what's the matter? You're behaving abnormally now." The good friend looked at him so more strange, shook his hand in front of him

"there's nothing more. I just want to go back home as soon as possible. I'll book the air ticket in the afternoon and go back tomorrow."

he said he was in high spirits, which surprised his friend, even though he knew he would go back soon. But I didn't expect it to be so soon. There are still some people who are reluctant to give up

"Why are you so anxious? Didn't you say you were going back after a while?"

friends have been together for a long time. They have a good relationship. Now he has to go back, of course, there are a lot of reluctant. But he also knew that Nie Xuanyi had to go back sooner or later. It's a matter of reluctance

"it's not my sister. She has just had such a big event. Of course, I have to go back and comfort her. Besides, I admire my brother-in-law, so I want to go back and surprise them."

"OK, OK, I see. You just want to go back. Although you are abroad now? But I know you've been thinking about going back. Now you can finally go back. I'm happy for you, too. "

he was very moved by his friend's understanding, and he knew that it would take him some time to go back this time

he wanted to have a good meal with his good friend before he left

"come on, what would you like to eat? I'll treat you to a big meal. " Nie Xuanyi went out happily with his friends

soon Nie Xuanyi has dealt with the affairs here, and he wants to go back as soon as possible. So I can't wait to get everything ready. I'm going to come back as soon as I can

before the plane takes off. The mood is very happy. At the thought of meeting my sister and brother-in-law soon. He was full of expectations. Anyway, he would like to thank his brother-in-law

although they had some misunderstandings before. But after this. He has been changed. So go back this time. Get along with him

"what do you do here? I want to drink hot coffee. Why do you warm it for me? Can't you understand people?"

all of a sudden, Nie Xuanyi hears a noise on the plane. It's getting worse. He looked in the past, it turned out that there was a quarrel between the stewardess and the passengers

"I'm sorry, I'll give you a new one right now. I hope you don't get angry. "

the attitude of the stewardess is very good, but the passenger is reluctant

"now that you're going to change it for me, why don't you give me hot coffee? Is that how inefficient you are now? "

the whole plane was noisy. It's very annoying. Nie Xuanyi is the same, but he doesn't want to meddle, so he closes his eyes and doesn't listen. But their noise is too loud

the whole space is full of the unreasonable voice of a female passenger

"I'm so sorry. I'll give you a new one. I hope you don't get angry any more. " The stewardess should not have thought of it. Passengers can be so difficult. It's no use apologizing all the time

I'm about to cry. But the girl didn't mean to stop talking at all

even the steward came to solve the problem, but the female passenger was unwilling to compromise and had to fight

he couldn't stand it any more, so he walked over directly, because he thought the girl was a little unreasonable, so he dissuaded her

"well, miss, it's no big deal. Don't quarrel. It's affecting the rest of our passengers. "

this is why Nie Xuanyi can't stand it, but she didn't expect that the girl would quarrel with her brother

"there's a meddler here, and I didn't talk to you. What are you doing here? It's boring. "

"I'm not meddling. It's just that you affect our normal rest. ""I want you to look for it, and it's my right. Don't talk nonsense here."

Nie Xuanyi knows that it's useless to say anything to her at this time, so he doesn't want to dispute anything with her.

"It's our fault. I hope you don't mind. I'll have someone pour you new coffee."

The stewardess didn't want to be too chaotic now. The whole cabin became more chaotic because of this. In order to calm down the scene, they had to follow her all the time.

Nie Xuanyi looked at their situation, in the heart very disdain. But I don't want to keep pestering with her. Maybe a little patience can let this thing go, and it's good.

The female passenger is no longer talking about anything, but she still looks at Nie Xuanyi haughtily. Nie Xuanyi is angry.

"I really think I'm someone. I'm really a cat crying and a mouse crying and a fake mercy." The girl even laughed at Nie xuanyifei when she left, which made Nie Xuanyi angry even more.

He didn't want to go on talking with this woman, so he closed his eyes and didn't say anything more, but he always thought about it in his heart, and he always felt very depressed.

In this way, time has slowed down. It's not easy to get off the plane when the location arrives. He didn't want to spend a little time here, especially when he saw the woman who just made a fuss, he didn't want to stay here for another minute.

I think I'll see my sister soon. I feel much more comfortable. Don't think about the trouble just now.