Nie Xuanyi couldn't get in touch with Luo Luo for a few days. He was very worried. How could he suddenly lose touch with Luo Luo. Nie Xuanyi went to the cafe where they used to go on a date before, but he didn't see Lolo, which made his whole heart panic. hear nothing of. What happened to Lolo?

Of course, he couldn't settle down when he didn't see Lolo one day, so he had to go to Lolo's house to ask.

"Is Lolo at home?" Nie Xuanyi summoned up the courage to ask, but he was sneered at. He knew in his heart that they looked down on themselves. But now he just wants to know what happened to Lolo.

"I'm sorry, there are some things at home that are inconvenient for him to go out. Come back when you're free. "

The servant answered him without raising his head. Want to continue to ask, but the other party has left, he helplessly shook his head, thought, since this is the case. Lolo is not in danger, so she can rest assured. But it means he won't see her for a long time.

He walked alone on the road, thinking a lot of questions, why did they suddenly become what they are now? At the beginning, he said that he would go home to see his parents, but now they can't even see each other. He can't understand why he didn't do anything, but his family hates him so much.

Suddenly, Nie Xuanyi came to realize that he was lack of ability. Only when you become strong enough can you protect Lolo better.

So he worked hard and wanted to be worthy of Lolo. He works day and night. She doesn't rest at all. Nie Jingjing is distressed to see it, but she knows that only in this way can Nie Xuanyi feel better, so she doesn't say anything more. But it's not a way to go on like this. She has to think of some other ways?

But Lolo's parents are so stubborn. It's impossible to change your mind so easily.

"Well, you've worked very hard. Go home and have a rest. You can continue to do the next thing tomorrow." I can't see it any more. Nie Xuanyi will get sick sooner or later when he works like this every day. That's not worth the loss. So Nie Jingjing said it.

"It doesn't matter. I'll finish it soon. There's a little more. You go back first. You don't have to wait for me here." Nie Xuanyi is not here at all, and he is still working all the time. Nie Jingjing shakes her head helplessly. He knows that no matter how much he says, it's no use, so he has to let him continue to work. But he doesn't leave. He makes her a cup of coffee next to him. He knows that he still needs a cup of coffee to refresh him. He doesn't want him to work, and he's afraid that he'll go home and think wildly Let him have a good vent.

Nie Xuanyi thinks that if he works so hard every day, sooner or later he will let them see him. But murolo's family still looked down on him. Even once, Mu Luo Luo's elder brother saw Nie Xuan Yi, intentionally went to humiliate him.

"You don't think that if you work so hard every day now, you can be worthy of my family, Lolo. You don't have to look at your identity? The person my family nono is looking for is someone you can match with. " The contempt in his tone let Nie Xuanyi. It's hard.

But she didn't want them to look down on her. He felt that he was capable. She worked day and night these days just to prove herself.

But his words broke his efforts these days, and he was not reconciled. Is it that all he did was meaningless?

"I've worked hard enough. Don't you want to give way and find someone who works hard for him? Do you have to find someone who has a lot of money to make Lolo happy? "

Nie Xuanyi asked aloud. He always felt that nothing could break them apart, as long as they were in love enough, but this successive setback made him have to detail the relationship between them. He wanted his brother's words to make her fall behind. He didn't know whether they had been together all the time and whether they were right or not.

"Don't make excuses for your useless. It's just because of your incompetence that you will ask Lolo to find someone who doesn't have money. But why don't Lolo find someone who matches him now, but someone who has nothing like you. Do you want Lolo to follow you all his life? "

His brother gave him a sneer first, then left without saying more, leaving Nie Xuanyi to think a lot there. He didn't know there were so many things, but these were inevitable things for him. For a long time, the relationship between them has not experienced much.

Now it's true that he can't bring anything to Luoluo as they said, but his heart to Luoluo is real. How on earth can they continue?

He went back decadent.

Muluoluo came out after being locked up for a few days.

"After a few days of reflection, do you understand? What do you want? That smelly boy can't give you anything. Now he can't support himself. How can you two be together? Now I'll take you out, and you'll be fine. Don't make me angry again. "Lolo's parents teach their daughter a lesson again. After such a long period of education, he should be able to understand his pains. Anyway, the boy has achieved nothing now, and his daughter won't have any good results with him.

"Well, well, you are explaining to me every day. I know you are doing it for my good, but don't you want to know? What is the happiness I want? I will strive for what I want, so you don't mind my business any more. "

She doesn't want to be locked up because of this, but he doesn't want to do what his parents say. Can only helplessly roar at them.

"OK, as long as you can figure it out, we don't want to say too much. The main thing is what you think. "

Lolo nodded irritably. This time, he was finally released, but he didn't have the courage to see Nie Xuanyi immediately. He didn't know what was wrong with him. When he was just locked in, she especially wanted to see Nie Xuanyi and Nie Xuanyi immediately and say what she thought. But after these days, she didn't have the courage.

Even with that interface, what can they say? Can they really break free from their parents? These are things they don't know.

It was also after this incident that the two began to be estranged from each other. When they met, they were no longer like before. As for what it was, they all knew.